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1. Risk Assessment: Conduct a comprehensive risk assessment prior to the off-campus activity to
identify potential hazards and concerns associated with the location, transportation, and
activities involved.

2. Emergency Contact Information: Collect and maintain updated emergency contact information
for all participants, including students, teachers, volunteers, and emergency services.

3. Communication Protocol: Establish a clear communication protocol outlining how information

will be disseminated in case of emergencies or changes in plans. Ensure all participants are
aware of the communication channels and procedures.

4. Medical Preparedness: Require participants to disclose any medical conditions or allergies

beforehand. Ensure that first aid kits and necessary medications are readily available and that
designated personnel are trained in basic first aid and CPR.

5. Transportation Safety: Verify the safety and reliability of transportation vehicles, whether
buses, vans, or other modes of transport. Ensure drivers are licensed, experienced, and briefed
on safety protocols.

6. Weather Monitoring: Monitor weather forecasts leading up to the off-campus activity and have
contingency plans in place for inclement weather, such as rain, snow, or extreme temperatures.

7. Emergency Response Plan: Develop a detailed emergency response plan outlining procedures
for evacuations, medical emergencies, natural disasters, and other unforeseen events. Conduct
drills to ensure all participants understand their roles and responsibilities.

8. Parental Consent and Communication: Require parental consent for students to participate in
off-campus activities. Communicate the purpose, itinerary, and safety measures of the activity
clearly to parents/guardians in advance.

9. Supervision and Ratio: Maintain appropriate supervision ratios to ensure the safety and well-
being of all participants. Assign responsible adults to supervise small groups of students and
ensure they remain together throughout the activity.

10. Identification and Accountability: Implement a system for identifying and tracking participants
throughout the off-campus activity. Use badges, wristbands, or other forms of identification to
ensure accountability and facilitate easy identification in case of emergencies.

11. Secure Meeting Points: Designate secure meeting points and rendezvous locations in case
participants become separated from the group. Provide maps and instructions on how to reach
these locations in case of emergencies.

12. Food and Hydration: Ensure access to safe drinking water and nutritious snacks throughout the
off-campus activity. Consider dietary restrictions and allergies when planning meals and snacks.

13. Communication with Authorities: Establish communication channels with local authorities, such
as law enforcement and emergency services, to coordinate responses to emergencies and
ensure timely assistance if needed.

14. Documentation and Reporting: Maintain detailed records of the off-campus activity, including
attendance, incidents, and any deviations from the planned itinerary. Report any accidents,
injuries, or incidents to school administration and relevant authorities promptly.

15. Post-Activity Evaluation: Conduct a post-activity evaluation to assess the effectiveness of the
contingency plan and identify areas for improvement. Solicit feedback from participants, staff,
and volunteers to inform future off-campus activities and enhance safety protocols.

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