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Good morning, everyone. Thank you for the opportunity to be one of the speakers today
as we celebrate International Women's Day.

As we gather today, we are reminded of the powerful legacy of resilience, courage, and
liberation that women have carried throughout history. Prophetess Miriam of the Old
Testament is an inspiration of hope and defiance in the face of oppression. Miriam, with
her tambourine in hand, led the women of Israel in a triumphant dance of freedom after
their liberation from bondage in Egypt. Her spirit embodies the essence of resistance
and empowerment, serving as a guiding light for women across generations.

Today, as we celebrate the progress we've made, we also recognize the ongoing
struggles for freedom and equality that persist in our world. We stand united in our call
for justice, equality, and freedom for all, advocating for political freedom, gender
equality, social justice, environmental sustainability, economic empowerment, and
cultural and religious freedom.

In this spirit, we must also heed the call for "No to ChaCha." As women, we understand
the importance of safeguarding our rights and freedoms, and we refuse to allow any
changes to our constitution that would dent the progress we have fought so hard to

Through the dance for freedom, we express our resistance and our firm commitment to
protecting the rights of all people, especially women and marginalized communities. So
we call to raise our voices and join in the dance for freedom, celebrating the resilience
and strength of women everywhere, while also standing firm in our call for "No to

Now, I would like to share with you the poem "Dance for Freedom," inspired by the
prophetic spirit of Miriam and fueled by our collective commitment to justice, equality,
and freedom for all.

In the spirit of Miriam, bold and free,

We dance for freedom, by the sea,
With tambourines in hand, we sway,
Like her, we'll dance our fears away.

In the rhythm of liberation's fire,

Let's dance with fervor, never to tire,
In solidarity, our voices raised,
No to ChaCha, loudly we're phased.

In the wilderness, we find our song,

With every step, we march along,
No chains can bind our souls so tight,
In the dance for freedom, we take flight.

Together, we break the chains,

Defying norms, rewriting the lanes,
For in the dance, we claim our right,
To shine our truth, in freedom's light.

Miriam's courage, in us, lives on,

As we dance all the time along,
For like her, we'll lead the way,
Guiding to brighter and freer days.

We refuse to sway to the Chacha's beat,

Our rhythm is freedom, strong and sweet,
With every step, we declare our stance,
In the dance for freedom, we advance.

So let's dance for freedom, let it be known,

In every movement, our strength is shown,
For in the dance for freedom, we find our way,
Dancing towards the promised land, where love holds sway.

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