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V-ing To V V-bare

adore = fancy = enjoy = love = like>< would like = want to: muèn should = had better+ V

hate = dislike = detest : c¸c §T chØ sù

yªu ghÐt

don’t/doesn’t mind : refuse >< agree: tõ chèi >< ®ång ý make sth/sb + adj/ V

start = begin >< finish = complete = decide : quyÕt ®Þnh see sb: nh×n thÊy ai lµm g× tõ

quit : c¸c DDT chØ sù b¾t ®Çu kÕt ®Çu → cuèi, hoÆc hµnh ®éng

thóc ng¾n

delay = postpone = put off : tr× ho·n expect: tr«ng ®îi help sb

keep = continue = go on: tiÕp tôc promise: høa

consider: c©n nh¾c,xem xÐt arrange: s¾p xÕp

miss: bá lì deserve: ®¸ng lµm j

recall: gîi nhí try: cè g¾ng

≈ manage: cè g¾ng xoay së

≈ attemp: nç lùc

worth: ®¸ng lµm g× how





prefer V-ing to V-ing: thÝch lµm g× can + V

h¬n lµm g× ≈ be able+ to V

≈ capable of+ V_ing

avoid: tr¸nh nothing/ everything….+ but+ to do

deny >< admit: phñ nhËn >< thõa tend

allow permit sb

permit force sb: Ðp ai lµm g×

keep sb: liªn tôc lµm g× advise sb

advise have st to V: cã c¸i g× ®Êy ®Ó lµm

catch sb: b¾t qu¶ tang ai ®ã ®©ng re mind st to V: nh¾c nhë ai lµm g×

lµm g×

risk: rñi ro lµm g×, nguy hiÓm trong manage: lµm ®îc viÖc g× sau khi ph¶I

viÖc g× cè g¾ng

imagine: tëng tîng lµm g× warn sb: c¶nh b¸o ai lµm g×

see sb: nh×n thÊy ai ®ang lµm g× afford: ®ñ tiÒn ®Ó lµm g×

get/ be accustomed to V_ing: quªn víi choose: lùa chän lµm g×

viÖc lµm g×

object to: ph¶n ®èi, chèng ®èi viÖc fail: kh«ng lµm ®îc g×, thÊt b¹i viÖc g×

lµm g×

can’t stand/bear: kh«ng thÓ chÞu offer: ngá lêi lµm g×

®ùng ®îc viÖc lµm g×

persuade sb: thuyÕt phôc ai lµm g×

pretend: gi¶ vê lµm g×

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