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nor a fixed volume, as their particles are widely spaced


In addition to these three phases, there are other states
Matter is anything that has mass and occupies of matter that are less commonly found on Earth. These
space.The space occupied by matter is its volume. Mass include plasma and Bose-Einstein
is the amount of matter in an object. condensate. Plasma is an ionized gas that is often
found in stars and lightning bolts. Bose-Einstein
When matter underwent change and there is no change
condensate is a state of matter that occurs at
in the composition, we say that physical change
extremely low temperatures, close to absolute zero.
happened. On the other hand, chemical change
happened if there is/are new product(s) that was/were ATOMIC STRUCTURE AND PERIODIC TABLE OF
formed. ELEMENTS
Here are some processes that bring physical change: Atom is the basic unit of an element. It is the building
block of matter.
Melting, freezing, evaporation, condensation,
sublimation, deposition, tearing, cutting and others. Atomic Number (Z) - is the number of protons in the
There may be a change of phase or in size and shape, nucleus of an atom.
but as long as there is no new compound form, then
Mass Number (A) - is the sum of the number of protons
the process is only a physical change.
and neutrons in the nucleus.
Here are some processes that bring chemical change:
Consider the isotopic symbol:
Corrosion, rusting, tarnishing, digestion, photosynthesis,
fermentation, polymerization, combustion or burning,
cooking and others. As long as there is a new
compound form, then a chemical change has occurred.
Some manifestations that a chemical change has
where: A – mass number; Z – atomic number; X –
occurred includes, change in color, formation of
symbol of any element
bubbles or gas, spark, change in smell or taste, change
in temperature. For neutral atoms: no. of protons (p) = no. of electrons
Oxidation is a chemical process where oxygen is a
participant or reactant. *the number of neutrons (n) is calculated using: n = A –
Classification of Matter
For ions: no. of protons (p) is NOT EQUAL to the no. of
Matter is classified into two: Pure Substance and
electrons (e)
Pure substance could be element, the simplest form of
matter; or compound which is composed of two or
more elements in definite proportion.
Mixture is composed of two or more different
compounds. Mixture can be homogeneous or
heterogeneous. Cation replacement reactions usually involve metals
A homogeneous mixture has only one phase – you since metals form cations (positively charged ions). For
cannot see the individual components. A solution of salt example, zinc (Zn) is a metal whose ion has a positive
in water (we call that brine), is an example of charge of +2.
homogeneous mixture. Anion replacement reactions usually involve non-
On the contrary, in heterogeneous mixture, you can metals since non-metals usually form anions (negatively
see the individual components. Some examples are fruit charged ions).
salad, aquarium, sand and pebbles, salt and pepper. An element is composed of several atoms of the same
Properties of Matter type. For example, the element carbon is made up of
carbon atoms only. There are 118 elements that were
Extrinsic (or extensive) properties of matter are those discovered. Some are man-made or synthetic.
properties that changes as the size of matter change.
They depend on the amount of matter. Examples are Three types of elements
length, volume, mass. Metals, which are elements on the left side of the
Intrinsic (or intensive) properties of matter are those periodic table that have high conductivity, luster, and
that do not depend on the amount of matter. Whatever malleability. Examples are sodium, calcium, and iron.
the amount is these properties remain the same. Nonmetals, which are elements on the right side of the
Examples are density, temperature, specific gravity, periodic table that have low conductivity, dullness, and
color. brittleness. Examples are carbon, chlorine, and oxygen.
Phases of Matter Metalloids, which are elements that have properties of
The three most common phases of matter on Earth both metals and nonmetals. They are usually found
are solids, liquids, and gases. Solids have a fixed along the zigzag line in the periodic table. Examples are
shape and volume, with particles packed closely silicon, boron, and arsenic.
together. Liquids, on the other hand, have a fixed Periodic Law states that the properties of the elements
volume but not a fixed shape, as their particles are are periodic functions of their atomic numbers. When
more loosely packed. Gases have neither a fixed shape the elements are arranged according to increasing
atomic mass, the chemical and physical properties of Covalent bonding occurs when two atoms share
the elements occur periodically. electrons. A more electronegative element will attract
electron(s) from a lesser electronegative element.
Trends on Periodic Table of Elements
Metallic bonding occurs when metal atoms share
Atomic radius decreases as you move from left to right
electrons in a sea of electrons.
across a period (row) of the periodic table.
Ionization energy: Ionization energy increases as you
move from left to right across a period of the periodic Chemical reactions happen all around us, naturally or
table. induced. It is represented in a chemical equation.
Electronegativity: Electronegativity increases as you Reactant(s) ----------→ Product(s)
move from left to right across a period of the periodic
Chemical Equations
Combination Reaction (Synthesis)
Melting and boiling points: Melting and boiling points
generally increase as you move from top to bottom of a A + B → AB
group (column) of the periodic table. Decomposition
Metallic character increases as you move from top to AB → A + B
bottom of a group of the periodic table.
Single Replacement
Density: Density generally increases as you move from
top to bottom of a group and from left to right across a AB + C →CB + A
period. Double Decomposition
Reactivity: Reactivity generally increases as you move AB + CD →AD + BC
from left to right across a period and from top to
bottom of a group. HYDROCARBONS

Color: The color of an element's compounds can vary Hydrocarbons are molecules that contain only carbon
depending on the element's electron configuration. and hydrogen. They are organic compounds. All organic
compounds contain carbon. Other elements are
In chemical bonding, it is the electron in the outermost hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur.
shell, or the valence electron that participates. The
electronic configuration of the atom tells how Hydrocarbons can be saturated (single bond, alkane,
electrons are arranged in shells, subshells and orbitals. between carbon atoms) or unsaturated (double bonds,
alkene, or triple bonds, alkyne). They can be aliphatic
(straight chain) or cyclic (like benzene).
Here are some aliphatic, saturated hydrocarbons:

Organic vs Inorganic Compounds

Solution is a homogeneous mixture of two or more
components. Being homogeneous, you can observe
only 1 phase in a system. A solution is composed of the
solvent and the solute.
A solute is the substance that is dissolved in a
CHEMICAL BONDING solution. A solvent is the substance that dissolves the
Chemical bonding is the process by which atoms solute particles in a solution.
combine to form molecules. Alloy, mixture of metals, could also be a solution. In
Three main types of chemical bonding most cases, we can refer those mixtures as colloid.
Colloid has dispersing medium (larger amount) and
Ionic bonding occurs when one atom donates electrons dispersed phase.
to another atom. A more electronegative element will
attract electron(s) from a lesser electronegative
A suspension is also a mixture, but the solute is not System – any part of the universe that you want to
dissolved in the solvent. The solute settles to the study. The system is separated from its
bottom. surroundings or environment by a boundary.
Three types of solution Three (3) types of system
A saturated solution contains the maximum amount of 1. Open system - there is an exchange of mass and
solute that a solvent can normally dissolve.
On the other hand, unsaturated solution contains less
2. Closed system – there is an exchange of energy
than the maximum amount of solute that the solvent
can normally dissolve. Supersaturated solution 3. Isolated system – there is no exchange of energy
contains more than the maximum amount of solute nor mass
that the solvent can normally dissolve.
Heat - energy in transit to or from a
Slow-cooling creates a crystalline structure, while thermodynamic system due to temperature
fast cooling creates an amorphous structure.
difference between the system and its
The molecules of crystalline structure are neatly surroundings. There is a flow of energy from hot to
arranged, with regular, repeating pattern. Solids with cold system or body. Until the temperature
crystalline structures have sharp, definite melting point between the system and the surroundings become
and diffracts x-rays. Examples of solids with crystalline equal. In other words, until thermal equilibrium is
structure are ionic compounds, diamond, graphite.
On the other hand, the molecules of amorphous solid
Heat Energy (also thermal energy) – the result of
are randomly arranged. Their melting point has wide
range. Examples of amorphous solids are plastics, glass, movement of atoms, molecules or ions in solids
rubbers. This crystalline and amorphous structure plays liquid or gases.
a great role in the physical property of materials. There are 3 ways by which heat energy is
Viscosity is the resistance of fluids to flow. A viscous transferred
liquid has a stronger intermolecular force than
1. Conduction – transfer of heat energy in solids;
non viscous liquid. Temperature has an effect on
there is a direct contact between 2 or more objects
Surface tension allows the surface of a liquid to resist 2. Convection – transfer of heat energy by a bulk
external force due to cohesive nature of the molecules, movement of molecules within liquid and gases.
allowing the liquid to shrink into minimum surface area. 3. Radiation - transfer of energy via
Phase Change Processes electromagnetic waves. Night visions uses this
principle of heat transfer. Thermal scanners also
Freezing – liquid turns to solid by removing heat energy
(cooling) transfer heat by radiation.

Melting – solid turns to liquid by adding heat energy Temperature – a parameter that describes the
coldness or hotness of a system or object
Vaporization or Evaporation – liquid turns to gas
Thermometer – a device that measures
Condensation – gas turns to liquid
Sublimation – solid turns to gas without passing the
liquid phase Internal energy – the energy associated with the
random motion of molecules. The greater the
Deposition – gas turns to solid without passing the amount of substance, the greater is its internal
liquid phase
Boiling point of a liquid is that temperature where
Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics states that if two
the atmospheric pressure is equal to the pressure
bodies are each in thermal equilibrium with some
of the vapor the liquid.
third body, then they are also in equilibrium with
At boiling point, liquid is being turned into its vapor each other.
state. The vapor can be readily turn into liquid
First Law of Thermodynamics states that energy
once heat energy is reduced. But there is a point
cannot be created or destroyed; it can only be
that substances in its gaseous form will no longer
converted from one form to another. In an isolated
be liquid again. You call that as the critical point of
system, energy is conserved.
the substance.
Second Law of Thermodynamics states that the
total entropy of a system either increases or
Thermochemistry deals with the heat energy remains constant in any spontaneous process; it
involved in a chemical reaction. Chemical reactions never decreases.
often involve changes in energy due to the
Units for Energy
breaking and formation of bonds.
Joule (J) is equal to the work done by a force of 1
Reactions in which energy is released are
Newton acting through 1 meter.
exothermic reactions, while those that take in heat
energy are endothermic. Calorie is defined as the amount of energy
required to raise the temperature of 1 g water by
N·m or Kg·m2/s2 = Joule 8. Eating and drinking are not allowed while inside
1 calorie = 4.184 J the laboratory.

BTU (British Thermal Unit) is the amount of energy 9. Be able to know the location of safety apparatus
required to raise the temperature of 1 lb water by like the emergency shower, eyewash station and
1oF. fire extinguisher and be able to know their
Specific heat is the amount of energy needed to
raise 1 g of substance or material by 1oC. If that 10. Read labels carefully
particular substance is water, then, we call that 11. Never pipette anything by mouth. Even if it is
heat energy as calorie. just water, one is not sure how clean the pipette is.
12. Check glasswares for cracks and chips before
using them. Cracks could cause the glassware to
fail during use and cause serious injury to anybody.
13. Keep the work area clear of all materials except
those needed for working.
14. For any equipment failure, report immediately
to the teacher and do not try to fix it yourself.
15. Treat all chemicals as if they were hazardous.
Do not taste or sniff chemicals.
16. Fuming and volatile chemicals should be
Molar heat capacity is the amount of heat energy handled inside the fume hood to prevent
required to raise the temperature of the substance inhalations of the chemicals.
by 1oC.
17. Do not haphazardly mix chemicals. Pay
The amount of heat energy released or absorbed in attention to the order in which chemicals are to be
a chemical reaction or physical change is called added to each other and do not deviate from the
calorimetry. procedures.
A chemical laboratory is a place where you carry PRECAUTIONS” in the written procedure.
out experiments for proving hypotheses and for 19. Do not leave an on-going experiment
researches. unattended.
Given below are safety guidelines while working 20. Wipe spills at once. For large chemical spills,
in the laboratory call at once the attention of the teacher and keep
1. All experiments must be done in a room where away from the area.
air is flowing freely and with proper ventilation. 21. Follow the procedure for disposing chemicals
2. Read and follow laboratory procedures as stated and solids.
in the manual. 22. Clean up your work area before leaving.
3. Always have someone with you in the laboratory. 23. Wash hands after performing experiments.
Avoid working alone in the laboratory. Here are some common symbols in the laboratory
4. Always wear personal protective
a. Laboratory gown – to protect oneself from any
chemical spill.
b. Mouth mask – to avoid sniffing obnoxious odors
that will be generated from mixing chemicals or
the chemical itself
c. Eye goggles or face shields - to protect the face
and eyes from any chemicals that might spatter.
d. Gloves, chemical resistant – to protect hands
from chemicals.
5. If one has long hair, it must be tied back or
Energy is often defined as the capacity to do work.
Work is the product of force and displacement.
6. Open-toed footwear (sandals) are not allowed.
Heat is the transfer of energy from hot to cold
7. Proper behavior must always be observed while
environment until thermal equilibrium is achieved.
inside the laboratory. Horse-playing is strictly
prohibited while inside the laboratory. Kinetic Energy (KE) is the energy of motion.
KE = ½ mv2 where m is the mass of an object and v Nuclear reaction a process in which the nucleus of
is its velocity. an atom is changed by being split apart or joined
Potential Energy (PE) is the energy of position. with the nucleus of another atom.

PE = mgh where m is the mass of an object, g is the 2 Notable Types of Nuclear Reaction
acceleration due to gravity constant equal to 9.8 1. Nuclear Fission is the splitting of a heavy atom
m/s2, and h is the height. into two lighter ones, releasing huge amounts of
Activation energy is the energy needed in order energy and neutrons.
for a chemical reaction to proceed. The lower the * A nuclear chain reaction is a series of nuclear
activation energy, the faster the reaction can occur. fissions, each initiated by a neutron produced in a
In exothermic reaction, the energy is released to preceding fission. A nuclear chain reaction can lead
the surroundings, that’s why the environment gets to a nuclear explosion if not controlled.
hot, as in the case of combustion or burning. * Critical mass is the minimum amount of
In endothermic reaction, the energy from the fissionable material that is needed to maintain a
surroundings is absorbed by the reactants – the nuclear chain reaction. The critical mass depends
surroundings become cooler. upon the material’s nuclear properties, density,
shape, purity, enrichment, temperature and
An electrochemical cell is a device that generates 2. Nuclear Fusion a nuclear reaction in which
electricity by chemical reaction. atomic nuclei of low atomic number fuse to form a
A galvanic (or voltaic) cell converts chemical heavier nucleus with the release of energy.
reaction to electricity. A collection of galvanic cells Other Important Types of Nuclear Reactions
wired together is called battery.
ALPHA DECAY - Nuclei with mass numbers greater
On the other hand, an electrolytic cell converts than 200 tend to undergo alpha decay – a process
electrical energy to chemical energy. Both operates in which a 4He nucleus, commonly referred to as
on the principle of electron transfer. Electrolytic an alpha particle (42α) is liberated from the parent
cell is the opposite of galvanic cell. nucleus.
Here are some examples of galvanic cells, their BETA DECAY - occurs when a neutron is converted
uses and whether they are rechargeable or not: into a proton, which is accompanied by the
• Alkaline: Flashlights, small appliances. Not emission of a beta particle (high-energy electron).
rechargeable GAMMA DECAY/EMISSION - occurs when an
• Lithium ion: Laptop computers, cell phones, excited nucleus (often produced from the
digital music players. Rechargeable radioactive decay of another nucleus) returns to its
ground state, which is accompanied by the
• Lead-acid: Automobiles. Rechargeable emission of a high energy photon.
• NiCad: Portable consumer electronics.
• Nickel metal hydride (NiMH): Hybrid vehicles.
A fuel cell is galvanic cell that produces electricity
by converting the chemical energy of a fuel directly
into electricity without burning the fuel.
Other types of battery and fuel cells produce
electricity through chemical reactions that are very
similar. However, the source of energy used for the
chemical reaction is different. In simple terms,
batteries produce electricity using stored energy
while fuel cells generate power with hydrogen-rich
Photovoltaic cell or solar cell is an electrical device
that converts light energy into electricity by
photovoltaic effect.
Nuclear Chemistry is a branch of Chemistry dealing
with the reactions involving the change in the
nucleus of an atom.
In the Philippines, we have our one and only
nuclear power plant, The Bataan Nuclear Power
Plant (BNPP). The construction began in 1976, with
a cost of about US$2.3 billion. It was about to be
operated in 1986 when the accident in Ukraine
happen. There was a fear that the same thing will
happen in BNPP, so the President, Ma. Corazon
Aquino, did not allow its operation. Presently, the
BNPP is being maintained by the National Power
Corporation and there are recommendations to
put it in operation.
Ukraine nuclear plant accident, world’s worst
nuclear accident: The Chernobyl disaster began on
26 April 1986 with the explosion of the No. 4
reactor of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, near
the city of Pripyat in the north of the Ukrainian SSR,
close to the border with the Byelorussian SSR, in
the Soviet Union.
Fukushima nuclear disaster: The March 11, 2011,
Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami sparked
a humanitarian disaster in northeastern Japan and
initiated a severe nuclear accident at the
Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. Three of the six
reactors at the plant sustained severe core damage
and released hydrogen and radioactive materials

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