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3/2/24, 4:51 PM Mayu chapter 3 - Jupyter Notebook

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Chapter 3

3.1) Solve the following LLP:

Max Z = 150x+75y
subject to,
4x+6y <= 24
5x+3y <= 15
x>=0, y>=0

In [1]: 1 from pulp import *

2 model = LpProblem(name="small-problem", sense=LpMaximize)
3 x = LpVariable(name="x", lowBound=0)
4 y = LpVariable(name="y", lowBound=0)
5 model += (4 * x + 6 * y <= 24)
6 model += (5 * x + 3 * y <= 15)
7 model += 150 * x + 75 * y
8 model

Out[1]: small-problem:
150*x + 75*y + 0
_C1: 4 x + 6 y <= 24

_C2: 5 x + 3 y <= 15

x Continuous
y Continuous

In [2]: 1 model.solve()

Out[2]: 1

In [4]: 1 model.objective.value()

Out[4]: 450.0

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In [5]: 1 x.value()

Out[5]: 3.0

In [7]: 1 y.value()

Out[7]: 0.0

3.2) Solve the following LLP:

Max Z = 3.5x+2y
subject to,
x+y >= 5
x >= 4
y <= 2
x>=0, y>=0

In [8]: 1 from pulp import *

2 model = LpProblem(sense= LpMinimize)
3 x = LpVariable(name="x", lowBound=0)
4 y = LpVariable(name="y", lowBound=0)
5 model += (x+y >= 5)
6 model += (x >= 4)
7 model += (y <= 2)
8 model += (3.5*x)+(2*y)
9 model

Out[8]: NoName:
3.5*x + 2*y + 0.0
_C1: x + y >= 5

_C2: x >= 4

_C3: y <= 2

x Continuous
y Continuous

In [9]: 1 model.solve()

Out[9]: 1

In [10]: 1 model.objective.value()

Out[10]: 16.0

In [11]: 1 x.value()

Out[11]: 4.0

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In [12]: 1 y.value()

Out[12]: 1.0

3.3) Solve the following LLP:

Max Z = 3x + 5y + 4z
subject to,
2x+3y <= 8
2y+5z <= 10
3x+2y+4z <= 15
x>=0, y>=0, z>=0

In [3]: 1 from pulp import *

2 model=LpProblem(sense= LpMaximize)
3 x=LpVariable(name="x", lowBound=0)
4 y=LpVariable(name="y", lowBound=0)
5 z=LpVariable(name="z", lowBound=0)
6 model += (2*x+3*y <= 8)
7 model += (2*y+5*z <= 10)
8 model += (3*x+2*y+4*z <= 15)
9 model += (3*x + 5*y + 4*z)
10 model

Out[3]: NoName:
3*x + 5*y + 4*z + 0
_C1: 2 x + 3 y <= 8

_C2: 2 y + 5 z <= 10

_C3: 3 x + 2 y + 4 z <= 15

x Continuous
y Continuous
z Continuous

In [4]: 1 model.solve()

Out[4]: 1

In [5]: 1 model.objective.value()

Out[5]: 18.658536500000004

In [6]: 1 x.value()

Out[6]: 2.1707317

In [7]: 1 y.value()

Out[7]: 1.2195122

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In [8]: 1 z.value()

Out[8]: 1.5121951

3.4) Solve the following LLP:

Min Z = x + 2*y + z
subject to,
x + 1/2y + 1/2z <= 1
3/2x+2y+z >= 8
x>=0, y>=0, z >=0

In [9]: 1 from pulp import *

2 model=LpProblem(sense= LpMinimize)
3 x=LpVariable(name="x", lowBound=0)
4 y=LpVariable(name="y", lowBound=0)
5 z=LpVariable(name="z", lowBound=0)
6 model += ((x)+(0.5*y)+(0.5*z) <= 1)
7 model += ((1.5*x)+(2*y)+(z) >= 8)
8 model += x+2*y+z
9 model

Out[9]: NoName:
1*x + 2*y + 1*z + 0
_C1: x + 0.5 y + 0.5 z <= 1

_C2: 1.5 x + 2 y + z >= 8

x Continuous
y Continuous
z Continuous

In [10]: 1 model.solve()

Out[10]: -1

1 solve() returns the integer status of the solution, which is -1,

2 i.e. solution is infeasible or unbounded.

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3.5) Solve the following LLP:

Min Z = x + y
subject to,
x >= 6
y >= 6
x+y <= 11
x>=0, y>=0

In [13]: 1 from pulp import *

2 model=LpProblem(sense= LpMinimize)
3 x=LpVariable(name="x", lowBound=0)
4 y=LpVariable(name="y", lowBound=0)
5 model += (x >= 6)
6 model += (y >= 6)
7 model += (x+y <= 11)
8 model += x+y
9 model

Out[13]: NoName:
1*x + 1*y + 0
_C1: x >= 6

_C2: y >= 6

_C3: x + y <= 11

x Continuous
y Continuous

In [14]: 1 model.solve()

Out[14]: -1

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3.6) Solve the following LLP:

Max Z = x + y
subject to,
x-1 >= 1
x+y >= 2

In [16]: 1 from pulp import *

2 model=LpProblem(sense= LpMaximize)
3 x=LpVariable(name="x", lowBound=0)
4 y=LpVariable(name="y", lowBound=0)
5 model += (x-y >= 1)
6 model += (x+y >= 2)
7 model += x+y
8 model

Out[16]: NoName:
1*x + 1*y + 0
_C1: x - y >= 1

_C2: x + y >= 2

x Continuous
y Continuous

In [17]: 1 model.solve()

Out[17]: -2

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