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Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,

Good Evening Everyone,

 I'm Agus Sulaeman, standing in for Mr. Herry Trisaputra

Zuna, Director General for Public Works and Housing
Infrastructure Financing. Im very honoured to be here,
thank you, Mr. Jeffery P. Cohen, Mission Director of
USAID, for the warm invitation.

 Today, we celebrate the appointment of Mrs. Jenner M.

Edelman as the new director of the Millennium
Corporate Challenge. This marks a significant moment
in our partnership between our governments, reflecting
our shared commitment to sustainable development.

 Collaboration is key to addressing today's challenges.

Through partnerships between our governments, we
can find innovative solutions. As we welcome Mrs.
Edelman, let's continue working together to make a
lasting impact on the communities we serve.

 In conclusion, I express my optimism for the future.

Once again, congratulation Mrs. Edelman, May this
occasion mark the beginning of even greater
achievements and collaborative endeavors.

 Thank you, and I look forward to the continued success

of our partnership.

Wassalamu’alaikum Warrakhmatullah

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