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The vehicles we use to transport ourselves and
our goods, such as cars, trucks, ships, and
planes, contribute significantly to global
greenhouse gas emissions. Burning petroleum-
based fuel in combustion engines emits large
amounts of CO2 into the environment. These
greenhouse gas emissions are major
contributors of climate change and global
warming as they trap the sun’s heat.

Deforestation greatly impacts our environment
today, in a negative way. We are all aware that
trees are responsible for providing oxygen,
improving air quality, climate amelioration,
preserving soil, and supporting wildlife. Loss of
trees leads to climate change, soil erosion,
flooding, and increased greenhouse gases in
the atmosphere.

Burning of any substances such as trash or
coal leads to contamination of soil and
groundwater which can enter the human food
chain through crops and livestock. The smoke it
produces pollutes that air we breathe. In
conclusion, burning poses risks to the
environment and public health.

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