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99.9% of people are idiots.

Fortunately, I belong in the 1%
of intelligent people

Topics Functions Structures

- Multiple intelligences - Making hypothesis - Second Type
- Weird interview - Talking about past Conditional
questions actions - Grammar stop:
- Agreeing and
Past Simple
disagreeing politely
Fiction revisited, Past
The Exam Continuous
- Expressions to
sound polite

68 / 129
Section 1

In groups, answer the following questions. The first to finish, wins.
Intelligence test

1. Two lawyers were fighting against each other in a case in a courtroom.

One of them is the father of the other's son. How are they related?

2. If six thousand six hundred and six dollar is written as $6,606. How do
you write eleven thousand eleven hundred and eleven dollars?

3. Someone gave a gift to Sam. While telling this to his friends, he said
that the gift was given by his mother's brother's only brother-in-law.
Who gave the gift to Sam?

Is this a good test to measure intelligence? In your opinion, what

does it mean to be intelligent?

Is your future profession mentioned in the text below? If so, in
which type of intelligence? If not, where would you include it? Why?

How to Find a Career Path Using the Theory of Multiple Intelligences

By Joe Wilner Last updated: 21 Jan 2017

People still maintain the incomplete sentiment that “success” depends on a high IQ.
This can really limit someone’s perspective for career possibilities if they don’t
relate to this standard definition of success. One way to expand on career
possibilities is to use the theory of multiple intelligences.
The term “multiple intelligences” was coined by developmental psychologist, Dr.
Howard Gardner in 1983, as a way to describe peoples’ natural inclination for
learning and engaging in the world.

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You may be more intelligent than you think. Read on to find a career that fits your
essential intelligence.
1. Naturalist Intelligence (“Nature Smart”)
This is the human ability to discriminate among living things (plants, animals) as
well as sensitivity to other features of the natural world (clouds, rock
configurations). Possible jobs include: astronomer, botanist, conservationist,
marine biologist, ecologist, veterinarian, and meteorologist.
2. Musical Intelligence (“Music Smart”)
Musical intelligence is the capacity to discern pitch, rhythm, timbre, and tone. This
intelligence enables us to recognize, create, reproduce, and reflect on music.
Possible jobs include: audiologist, choir director, music critic, music promoter,
music teacher, music therapist, recording engineer, sound editor, and speech
3. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence (“Number/Reasoning Smart”)
Logical-mathematical intelligence is the ability to calculate, quantify, consider
propositions and hypotheses, and carry out complete mathematical operations. This
fits the traditional view of intelligence and encompasses the stereotypical
prestigious career. Possible jobs include: accountant, computer analyst or
technician, computer programmer, database designer, economist, engineer, lawyer,
mathematician, physician, and researcher.
4. Interpersonal Intelligence (“People Smart”)
Social intelligence involves effective verbal and nonverbal communication, the
ability to note distinctions among others, and sensitivity to the moods and
temperaments of others. Possible jobs include: diplomat, leader, manager,
politician, social worker, receptionist, sales representative, counselor, and coach.
5. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence (“Body Smart”)
Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence is the capacity to manipulate objects and use a
variety of physical skills. There is a body-mind coordination that replaces
articulating verbal or mathematical reasoning. Possible jobs include: athlete,
dancer, mechanic, actor/actress, physical education instructor, physical therapist,
firefighter, and paramedic.
6. Linguistic Intelligence (“Word Smart”)
Linguistic intelligence is the ability to think in words and to use language to express
and appreciate complex meanings. Possible jobs include: editor, public speaker,
politician, historian, journalist, teacher, writing tutor, language teacher, and
7. Intrapersonal Intelligence (“Self-Smart”)
Intrapersonal intelligence is the capacity to understand oneself and one’s thoughts
and feelings, and to use such knowledge in planning and directing one’s life.
Possible jobs include: psychologist, philosopher, writer, career counselor,
consultant, criminologist, personal counselor, and program planner.
8. Spatial Intelligence (“Picture Smart”)
Spatial intelligence is the ability to think in three dimensions. Core capacities
include mental imagery, spatial reasoning, image manipulation, graphic and artistic
skills, and an active imagination. Possible jobs include: artist, architect, graphic
designer, engineer, fashion designer, interior decorator, strategic planner,
surveyor, and urban planner.
You’ll probably find proficiency in several of these categories, so a helpful exercise
is to select your top three areas of aptitude and create a Venn-diagram. From here
you can explore careers that overlap between your different capacities.
Adapted from:

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Have a look at these people’s answers to an online test on multiple
intelligences. They’ve chosen the fifth button, which indicates that
they feel totally identified with the given statements. According to
their answers, what kind of intelligence is dominant in them?

1. Pat’s answer

She seems to be __________ smart.

2. Michael’s answer

He seems to have __________ intelligence.

3. Susan’s answer

She tends to be __________ smart.

4. Jason’s answer

He is apparently _________ smart.

5. Jack’s answer

He tends to have _________ intelligence.

6. May’s answer

She apparently has _________ intelligence.

7. Leo’s answer

He seems to be _________ smart.

8. Pat’s answer

She tends to have _________ intelligence.

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Now, it’s your turn. If you want to learn about your type/s of
intelligence/s, you can take a test on the following link:

Do you agree with the result of the quiz? Why? Why not? Be ready
to share your viewpoint with your classmates.


University professions revisited

Accountant / Economy Consultant / International Business Consultant or Expert

Administrative Services Manager
Physical Education Teacher / Trainer
Labour Relations Manager / Public Relations Manager / Social Worker
Media Expert / Journalist
Protocol and Ceremonial Consultant
Lawyer / Political Analyst or Expert
Physician / Nutritionist / Nurse / Kinesiologist
Civil / Computing/ Electronic / Industrial / Mechanical Engineer

a) Match columns A and B and then write a definition for a

professional as in the example on the following page. You can
add all the information you consider necessary.

a. use, improve 1. financial documents
b. prepare, analyze, and verify 2. people relationships, personal and family problems
c. represent 3. management and employees
d. design, develop, and test 4. a party in a trial
e. deal with, solve 5. services in private industries or government
f. coordinate and direct 6. operating system-level software
g. establish contact, provide link 7. medicine, patients’ health

72 / 129
1. A physician is a professional WHO uses medicine to improve his/her
patients’ health.
2. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

3. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

4. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

5. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

6. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

7. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

b) Which type/s of intelligence/s is/are necessary for the

professions defined above?






Choose two of the following questions and give your opinions

illustrating your point. Be ready to share them with the rest of the

1. Which type/s of intelligence/s do you consider useful for your future

profession? Which ones, in your opinion, are not relevant enough?
2. Do people have only one type of intelligence?
3. When it is said that somebody is very intelligent, which type of
intelligence do people commonly refer to?
4. What type/s of intelligences is/are necessary for your area?


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Section 2

Look at this image, what is going on?

Answer the question you will find half-way through the text.


By asking something weird —say, "Cats or dogs?" or "What's your go-to

karaoke song and why?"— job interviewers will catch you off guard, which
can provide an opportunity to see how you perform under stress. Your
response will also offer a peek at your thought process, type of intelligence
and personality traits.

These questions are typically designed not to have a right or wrong answer.
Weird interview questions are designed to be unexpected and not fit the
mold of typical interview questions.

Not long ago, in a job interview applicants were asked for a solution to this

Imagine it is raining heavily and freezing cold. You are

driving your sports car to work. At the bus stop, you see
an elderly woman with a walking stick without an
umbrella; an old friend, who has had a heart transplant;
and the person of your dreams.

As you have a sports car, you can pick up only one. If you
were in this situation, who would you pick up?

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Let’s stop reading and answer the question! What would you
answer? ……………………………………………………..……………………………

This was the answer given by one of the candidates:

“I would stop the car, get out of it, give the keys to my old friend and tell
him to drive the old lady to her place and I would wait for the bus with the
person of my dreams under the rain.”

He was hired immediately.

Adapted from:


1. Why do you think he was hired?

2. What personality traits and types of intelligence are reflected in
his answer?
3. Taking into account your own answer, would you be hired? Why?

Second type conditional

The Second Conditional is used to make suppositions about

present imaginary situations. We use it when we imagine a
different present context.

Have a look at the following examples and work out the structure:

If the interviewer asked a weird question, I would feel irritated.

I would feel irritated if the interviewer asked me a weird question.


……… + ……………………………… , …… + …… + ……… + ……………………

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…… + …… + ……… +…………………… IF ……… + ………………………………

The “Result Clause” may appear before the “If Clause”. Is there any
difference between the two Second Conditional sentences above?

Note the use of the verb “to be” in the “if” clause:

If + I/you/he/she/it/we/you/they + were/weren’t, …

This structure is frequently used to give advice:


If I were you, I would rehearse my answers to some weird questions before

the interview.


a) Underline the correct verb option.
1. You would feel/will feel frustrated if you did not
answer/answered all the interviewer’s questions.
2. If you did not explain/explained your reasoning out loud, you
would show/will not show your thought process.
3. If you learnt/learn how to listen to others, you would
become/became a more empathic interviewer.
4. You would have/will have better results in your job interviews if you
imposed/did not impose your views on others.
5. If your body language improved/would improve, you had/would
have more chances in job interviews.

b) Now complete the following sentences.

1. If you ………………………(try) to answer in such a way that demonstrated a
skill or quality you have that qualifies you for the job, you
………………………… (probably/get) the job.
2. You ……………………..……… (reveal) your positive personality traits if you
…………….…… (use) problem-solving skills when answering weird
3. If I ……………………... (be) the interviewer, I……………..…… (not ask) any
weird questions.

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4. If I …………………………(feel) lost , I …………………………(do) my best to avoid
seeming totally taken aback or annoyed by a weird question: I ……………..
(try) to have fun with it as best as I could.
5. You……………………………… (cause) a better impact on interviewers if you
……………………………………(be) true to yourself in responding.

c) Below there are some weird questions that could be asked in a

job interview. Think of a creative answer because when
correcting the activity, the class will play the employer’s role and
they will decide if you are hired or not. You can use a dictionary
or ask your instructor.

Let’s imagine!

1. If you were delivering a speech and you were interrupted all the time,
what would you do?

2. If you were told to describe yourself, what would you say?


3. If you were an object, what would you be and why?


4. If someone criticized you in front of other people, how would you


5. If you tripped and fell over in front of a lot of people, what would you

6. If you had a job interview for your dream job, would you exaggerate
your experience to have a better chance of success? Why? Why not?

77 / 129


The story we are going to read has a film version. Look at the film
poster and watch the trailer.

What is the story about? What do you think will happen next?


a) Check if your predictions were right. If not, tell the class what
the story is actually about.

78 / 129
The Exam

Once, there were three applicants in an exam hall. It was a freezing cold
morning and it was raining heavily. They were sitting in a room,
feeling colder than the day because the company had called the three of
them and they knew there was only one vacancy.

They were waiting impatiently to be called for an exam to be employed in

one of the most prestigious multinational companies in the world when the
human resource manager entered and told them the exam conditions:
“There is a pen and a sheet of paper in front of you. There is only one
question and if you answer it, you will get the job. You cannot crumple the
paper and you cannot leave the room before three hours. The paper should
not be spoiled in anyway. There will be a guard in the room, to whom you
cannot talk. Moreover, he will throw you out if you don’t follow the rules.”
After a pause, he asked: “Have you understood?”

No one replied to him and he left. To the candidates’ surprise, the paper
sheets were blank.

When the exam started, Candidate 1 wrote something on the paper and the
guard threw him out. He was considered the most intelligent.

Candidate 2 and Candidate 3 were confused. After three hours, the

manager came back and said, “Does anyone know the question and the
answer?” Candidate 3 replied, “The question is ‘Have you understood?’ and
the answer is ‘Yes’”. Of course, he got the job! Candidate 2 left the room
angrily, feeling the most stupid person in the world.

Adapted from:

79 / 129
b) Find at least 3 similarities and 3 differences between the video
trailer and the short story.

Similarities Differences


a) Answer these questions:

1. What is “The exam” about?

2. Why is the ending unexpected?
3. How would you feel in that situation?
4. Would you be hired? Why?

b) First, complete these ideas from the story. Then, order them out
in the chart below. You can follow this link to do the activity

 The candidates received a ……………………….. , which …………..………….

 The human resource manager asked the candidates if they had
understood ………………........................
 The ……………………………….. was the one who told them the exam
 The company had called three candidates, who knew there was
only ……………………………..
 Finally, ………………………………………………………………………..

80 / 129
The exam

5 Finally, …

Multiple intelligences & Expressions to describe strengths and
skills… revisited!

a) Taking into account the characters’ decisions in the story “The

exam”, which type/s of intelligence/s do they have?


b) In the chart below, complete the information about multiple

intelligences in columns 1 and 3. Then, consider these

Candidate 1 Candidate 2 Candidate 3 The HR manager

c) Use different expressions to make sentences about the

characters’ intelligence/s as in this example:

Candidate 1 has logical-mathematical intelligence so he finds it easy

to consider hypotheses. Besides, he can use logic to analyse problems
as he is number smart.

81 / 129
Candidate 1
✓ good with numbers
______-_________ ✓ reasoning _____________
intelligence ✓ use logic to analyse smart
✓ consider hypotheses
✓ Problem solving

✓ use words well in writing

and speaking
________________ ✓ remember information _____________
intelligence ✓ persuasive smart
✓ explain things well
✓ good at languages

✓ understand own feelings

and motivations
✓ know what you enjoy and
________________ _____________
do best in
intelligence smart
✓ aware of personal values
✓ reflect on experiences and
set personal goals

✓ co-operative
✓ positive relationships with
________________ ✓ solve conflicts _____________
intelligence ✓ see things from other smart
people’s perspective
✓ never interrupt
✓ respect opinions of others

1. ……………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………

2. ……………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………

3. ……………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………

4. ……………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………

82 / 129
Question making revisited

First, you can follow this link to play a game online:

a) Let’s complete the charts with questions about the story to revise
how to make questions.


SIMPLE WORD Infinitive

Wh- What kind/s of

questions intelligence

Yes/No ______




Yes/No ______


Wh- if you were
questions asked a weird
question in a
job interview?

Yes/No ________ comfortable in

questions this kind of

83 / 129


Yes/No ________

Subject questions
WORD Conjugated
the job?


b) Now, let’s ask and answer more questions about “The exam” and
“Multiple intelligences.”

1. …………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………?
2. …………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………?
3. …………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………?
4. …………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………?

c) Imagine this situation and complete the dialogue.

After the exam, Candidate 1 is talking to his wife about his terrible
experience in the exam hall.

84 / 129
Wife: How was your day, love?
Candidate 1: No, I didn’t get the job although I was congratulated by the
Human Resource manager.
Wife: …………………………………………………………………..……………………………?
Candidate 1: Because I wrote a lot… but it was a tricky exam. Moreover,
the guard threw me out! It was so unfair!!!
Wife: ………………………………………………………………………………..………………?
Candidate 1: Candidate 3 ! I can´t believe it! I met him before the exam,
he wasn´t so well prepared as I was… I had studied so
Wife: ……………………………………………………………………………..…………………?
Candidate 1: They asked no questions… Well, in fact, now that I
remember… the Human Resource manager had actually
asked us something before we received the paper… OMG!
Well, now that I see it… I wrote a lot about the company. I
am very intelligent. Ha ha ha!
Wife: Well, you see? Take it easy... I’m sure you deserve better
than that. If I were you,

d) In pairs, think of another imaginary situation related to this story

and prepare a dialogue to role-play.










85 / 129

Agreeing or disagreeing politely

Useful expressions:

You’re right You may be right but…
I totally agree with you. Well, I partially agree with you because…
That’s so true. I don’t think so. I would say that…
That’s a good point. You have a good point but…

Give your opinion about the following. Then, agree or disagree with
your classmates using the expressions above.


1. If someone decided to start a new programme at university, he/she

would find it useful to do a test on multiple intelligences first.

2. If someone without spatial intelligence attempted to study architecture,

he/she would probably feel frustrated and drop out.


1. If I were one of the three candidates in “The exam”, I would feel

comfortable with this kind of exam.

2. Tricky exams are not effective to select the right candidate for a job.


86 / 129

a) Look at the following list of verbs from “The exam” and group
them according to their form. Write a heading for each group.

was raining - came - were waiting - told - asked

had - were sitting - entered - wrote - got - began - was


Past Tenses Revisited

Complete the rules and provide an example from “The Exam”

The ………………………………….. is used to express an activity or situation that

began and ended in the past. It is usually used with past time expressions
such as “yesterday, last month/year, a few days ago” and dates like “in
1990, in 300 BCE, etc.”

There are both regular and irregular verbs. Regular verbs add –ed to the
base form whereas irregular verbs form the Simple Past in a variety of

Example: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

The ………………………………………….. is used to describe an action in progress

at a specific time in the past. It is usually used to describe the situation at
the beginning of a story.

Example: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

87 / 129

We use the PAST CONTINUOUS to say that someboby was in the middle
of doing something at a certain time. The action had started before this
time but had not finished:

I started doing I was doing I finished doing


This time last year I was attending the admission course at UNLaM.
What were you doing at 8 a.m. last Saturday?

Now, provide an example from “The Exam”:


Compare the Past Continuous and the Past Simple:

PAST CONTINUOUS= in the middle of the action

I was cycling to university when it started to rain.
(in the middle of cycling to university)

PAST SIMPLE= the complete action

I took a taxi home after my class yesterday.
(all the way, completely)

Note: There are some verbs (like, want, believe, etc.) that are not normally
used in the continuous. Example:
I was enjoying the class but I wanted to go home because I was wet.


a) Underline the correct verb option in each passage.

Weird job interview stories that’ll leave you confused for a long

1. STORY 1
I was at a job interview for a position as an administrator at a tattoo salon.
The HR manager asked/was asking me to show him my Instagram
nickname on my phone so I 2stretched/was stretching the phone out to

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him. He 3took/was taking the phone and started to scroll through my
posts. He even took note of what I liked/was liking. He also
asked/was asking me why some of the photos had fewer likes than
others. While he did/was doing all this from my personal phone, I
felt/was feeling like a ready-to-be-sold product on the market.

2. STORY 2
I went/was going to a job interview at one company. They
asked/were asking me to wait a bit in the hall on a couch. As I 3waited/
was waiting, a dog 4approached/was approaching me. I greeted it,
stretched my hand out to him, and he licked/was licking it. While I
petted/was petting him, the director 7came in/was coming in. Turned
out, it was the director’s dog and one of the questions at the job interview
was, “Are you afraid of dogs?”

3. STORY 3
My best friend failed a job interview. She 1found out/was finding out
why when she accidentally 2saw/was seeing a piece of paper where the
HR manager 3made/was making notes about candidates. He 4wrote/was
writing about her, “I can see by her hands that she washes the dishes
herself.” Oh gosh, she has normal hands —well-groomed with a neat
manicure. Yes, she does wash the dishes herself. She also cleans the house,
makes the bed, and combs her hair herself. I still have a question about
what kind of person they looked for/were looking for if they
wanted/were wanting a princess who doesn’t participate in routine
Adapted for pedagogical purposes form: 20+ Weird Job Interview Stories That’ll Leave You Confused for a Long Time

b) One of the candidates in the story “The Exam” is speaking. Write

the verbs between parentheses in the correct past form: Past
Simple or Past Continuous.

It was the strangest day in my professional life. That day, while I

……………………………(travel) in a taxi to go to the company’s
headquarters, I ………………………(get) very nervous as I

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……….……………(know) the company’s hiring practices
……………………(be) somewhat particular. Besides, it was said there were
three candidates for only one vacancy.

When I 5………………………(arrive) at the company, I was accompanied to

an exam hall. Two other candidates 6…………………………………(sit) there.
While I 7……………………(think) about the type of questions the exam may
include, the Human Resource Manager 8……………………(come) into the
room and 9…………………(explain) to us that we 10
three hours to answer one question. However, to our surprise, the sheets
he ………………………(give) us were totally blank. I
12 13
…………………(have) to sit back and breath because I …………………
(panic) as I had never panicked in my whole life. What kind of game was

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