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For: NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety

Open Book Examination


Available for 24 hours

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GMMTA International will name their submission:
Towlson Dominic, 12345678, GMMTA International

Answer sheet IG1-0032-ENG-OBE-V1 Nov23 © NEBOSH 2023

Task 1: Poor health and safety leadership

Question 1
Negative aspects of MD’s Health and Safety Leadership could be understand effectively
by comparing them to general Positive As[ects of good leadership within any
organistaion. Positive aspects of good leadership are as follows,

Health and Safety Policy:- A good leader develop and introduce open end H&S oliy within
their organistaion and all aspects of this policy is well informed to all employees within
organistion and afterwards it is posted in organsitaio where anyone can easily read and
understood it, but as seen in scenario, MD has not taken that responsibility of developing
their organistaion policy by themselves instead they had printed and vaguely edited other
organsitaions H&S Policy.

Mnagement Visibility:- Manageemnt visvibilty is very important in any organsitaion as

they being visible at site or in organsitaion motivates other employees as well. Being
seen and getting involved in works and correcting defieciencies as and when required.
But as seen in scenario MD is always busy on their mobile phone and has never been
seen out of their office.

Reporting Issues:- Having an open door policy regarding H&S isues will help workers to
raise concerns and report it to higher management accordingly. As seen in scenario, MD
never introduced such system within their organsitaion nor personnely get involved to get
workers feedback about H&S inside VAULT.

Promoting Changes to Improve H&S:- Several aspects can be used to promote changes
within any organsitaion to improve its H&S such as reviwieing H&S Documents as and
when required, hiring a robust H&S Team and encouagig them a high visilbilty to identify
potential hazards and risk and implement mitigation measures. But as seen in scenario,
MD;s approach towards H&S was negative and was never found doing any attempt to
implement above mentioned changes.

H&S daily reports:- It is routine job for H&S team to observ and identify deficiencies within
organsitaion which will help to reduce risk.

Task 2: Making first-aid recommendations

Question 2

Task 3: International Labour Organisation’s (ILO’s) Recommendation R164

Question 3 (a)

Question 3 (b)

Task 4: Assessing the auditing approach

Question 4

Answer sheet IG1-0032-ENG-OBE-V1 Nov23 © NEBOSH 2023

Task 5: Evaluating safe systems of work

Question 5 (a)

Question 5 (b)

Task 6: Identify job factors

Question 6

Task 7: Understanding emergency procedures

Question 7

Task 8: Investigating near misses

Question 8

Your total
word count*
* please note that this form already has 0 words (excluding text boxes and footers), which
you can deduct from your total amount if you are using your word processor’s word count

Documents and sources For example: course notes, HSG245

of information you used
in your examination

End of examination

Now follow the instructions on submitting your answers in the NEBOSH Certificate Digital
Assessment - Technical Learner Guide, English. All Open Book Examination guidance
documents can be found on the NEBOSH website:

Answer sheet IG1-0032-ENG-OBE-V1 Nov23 © NEBOSH 2023

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