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Project Title: Understanding Environmental Issues: Causes, Effects, and Solutions

Objective: The objective of this project is to deepen your understanding of various environmental issues, their causes, effects, and potential solutions.
Through research, report writing, and presentation, you will explore a specific environmental issue and share your findings with your peers.

Description: In this project, you will work in groups of three and you will talk about causes and effects of one environmental issue from the provided list.


● Deforestation

● Pollution (Air/Water)

● Extreme Weather Conditions

● Waste

● Erosion

● Habitat Destruction

● Endangered animals

● Carbon Footprint

● Loss of Biodiversity

● World Hunger

!!! Each group’s presentation should be based on a different topic.

Overall Goal: You will be able to do research, collect data, write a report, give a presentation based on your findings by using visual aids and digital skills.

Process: The project includes TWO parts:

Step 1: Report (not to be graded, only prerequisite)

Step 2: Presentation (10 points/%2)

Project Step 1: Report (no points/prerequisite)

Goal: You will develop your written production and the skills and confidence in the appropriate and effective use of digital technology

Mode: Group work (3 students)

Word count: 400-450 words

Assignment date: Week 2/ 27.02.2024 (Tuesday)

Submission date: Week 3 / 08.03.2024 (Friday)

Description: At this step of the project, you are going to research and write a detailed report about causes and effects of one environmental issue.

First, do a detailed research on your chosen environmental issue using credible sources such as academic journals, credible websites and reputable
environmental organizations.

Take notes on the following aspects:

● Causes: Identify the main causes of the environmental issue.

● Effects: Analyze the impacts of the issue on ecosystems, human health, and economy.

● Current Situation: Provide statistics and examples to illustrate the severity and prevalence of the issue.

● Potential Solutions: Explore existing and proposed solutions to address the environmental issue.
After your detailed research, organize your research findings into a well-structured report with the following sections:

● Title Page: Include the project title, your name, and the date.

● Introduction: Briefly introduce the environmental issue and its significance.

● Causes: State the main causes of the environmental issue

● Effects: Describe the environmental, social, and economic impacts of the issue.

● Current Situation: Present relevant statistics, and examples to illustrate the severity of the problem.

● Potential Solutions: Propose solutions to reduce the environmental issue.

● Conclusion: Summarize key findings and emphasize the importance of addressing the issue.

The Report Chart

Partners Student 1:

Student 2:

Student 3 :


(Introduce the environmental issue

and its significance)


What are the main reasons? (give at

least 3 causes in detail)


What are the environmental, social

and/or economic impacts? (give at
least 3 effects in detail)

Current Situation

Present relevant statistics

Potential Solutions

How can the problem be

solved/prevented or reduced?


Give a summary of your report in a

few sentences and reflect on the
topic with your own ideas


Please write the websites and

sources you benefited from.

Things to Consider
1. You can search for information on the Internet or in magazines etc., but make sure that you do not directly copy the sentences from the sources.
You should express the information clearly using the grammatical and lexical points studied in class. You should NOT get any help from anybody and
should NOT use websites such as Google Translation.
2. You should complete the report chart above (You can fill in the report chart with bullet point notes).
3. You should upload the document onto Turnitin so that the teachers can check them in terms of originality. Those having over 30% of similarity will
not be accepted. (The link for Turnitin will be shared on MOODLE by the teachers).
4. Unless you complete this step, you won’t be able to move on to the second step of the project (presentation).

Project Step 2: Presentation (10 Points/2%)

Goal: You will develop your presentation skills.

Mode: Group work (3 students)

Duration: 10-12 min.

Date: Week 6 /29.03.2024 (Friday)

Description: This is the second step of the project. At this step, you are going to give a presentation about the details you have provided about your chosen
environmental issue.

● Begin by introducing yourself and providing an overview of your chosen environmental issue.

● Clearly state the causes, effects, and potential solutions of the issue.

● Use visuals and examples to support your points and take attention of the audience.

● Encourage questions and discussion from your classmates at the end of your presentation.
● You can use this checklist below for your presentation:

Content: Accuracy and depth of research, clarity of presentation of causes, effects, and solutions.
Organization: Logical structure of the report and presentation, coherence of arguments.
Presentation Skills: Clarity of speech, engagement with the audience, use of visuals.
Critical Thinking: Analysis of the issue, evaluation of potential solutions, originality of ideas.
Overall Impact: Effectiveness in conveying the importance of the environmental issue and motivating action.
Submission and Presentation Schedule

Things to Consider

In the presentation,
● After editing the report in line with your teacher’s feedback, you will prepare a Power Point Presentation (PPT) or a Prezi presentation etc.
While preparing the presentation, you need to
✔ simplify and limit the number of words on each screen,
✔ use key phrases and include only essential information (not full sentences),
✔ use contrasting colors for text and background,
✔ use well-prepared, relevant, informative, effective visual aids.
✔ avoid using distracting visuals, inappropriate content or irrelevant information.

● You are expected to give a natural presentation in class. Hence, it is of utmost importance that you rehearse and get ready for the presentation. You
can refer to your notes occasionally but you SHOULD’T READ FROM THE NOTES.
● Each student’s performance will be scored separately using the rubric below.

3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0

Content & ● The response meets the ● The response meets the purpose ● The response has some
Relevance purpose of the task clearly. of the task despite some discrepancies regarding the
● The content is completely misunderstanding. purpose of the task.
relevant. ● The content is mostly relevant. ● The content is not very relevant.
● There are a lot of ● There are enough details ● There are not enough details
details and and explanations. and explanations.
Fluency & ● The student speaks ● The student speaks with some ● The student hesitates too
Pronunciation smoothly with little hesitation, but this does not often when speaking, which
hesitation that does not usually interfere with often interferes with
interfere with communication. communication.
communication. ● Pronunciation and intonation ● Frequent problems occur in
● Pronunciation and are usually clear/ accurate with pronunciation and
intonation are almost always a few problems. intonation.
very clear/ accurate.
Grammar & ● There is good control of ● There is good control of ● There is inadequate control even
Vocabulary basic structures and basic structures with no in basic structures.
some attempt to complex attempt to complex ● There is use of only
structures. structures. basic vocabulary.
● There is a wide range of ● There is an adequate range
vocabulary in speech. of vocabulary.

1 0.5 0.25

Visual Aids ● The visual aids are creative, ● The visual aids are mostly creative, ● The visual aids are mostly not
neat and organized in a logical neat and organized in a logical creative, neat or organized in
flow. flow. a logical flow.
● Only key phrases and ● Key phrases and essential ● Mostly full sentences are used.
essential information information are usually (Lack of key phrases and
are used. used. essential information)

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