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Franca S. Jando PhD

Department of Religion and Cultural Studies,
Benue State University, Makurdi


John Agada
Department of Religion and Cultural Studies,
Faculty of Arts, Benue State University, Makurdi.
Phone Number: 09053402220.


This study aimed to examine the relevance of Christian codes of ethics for national integration
in a multi-ethnic Nigerian society. A qualitative research design, specifically content analysis
and interviews, were used to analyze the Christian codes of ethics and the extent to which
these codes promote or hinder national integration in the country. The study found that the
Christian codes of ethics have a strong emphasis on the oneness of humanity, and the
brotherhood of all mankind, which is a powerful force for national integration. The findings
of this study indicate that the codes of ethics promote national integration by advocating for
peaceful coexistence, mutual respect and tolerance among different ethnic and religious
groups in Nigeria. The Christian codes of ethics also promote values such as honesty, fairness,
and justice that are essential for building trust and cooperation among different ethnic and
religious groups in Nigeria. The Christian codes of ethics also promote values such as love,
compassion, and forgiveness, which are essential for building a harmonious and inclusive
society. The study also found that the Christian codes of ethics are not just theoretical
constructs, but they are also reflected in the practical lives of members of these
denominations. The Christian codes of ethics are reflected in the way members of these
denominations interact with people from different ethnic and religious groups in Nigeria. The
study also found that Christian community in Nigeria engage in various initiatives that
promote national integration such as interfaith dialogue, peace-building, and community
development. The study concludes that the Christian codes of ethics are relevant for national
integration in a multi-ethnic society. The Christian codes of ethics promote values such as
peaceful coexistence, mutual respect and tolerance, which are essential for national
integration. Additionally, the codes of ethics are reflected in the practical lives of members of
these denominations which contributes to the promotion of national integration.

Nigeria is a country located in West Africa, known for its diverse ethnic and cultural

makeup. According to the World Bank, Nigeria's population is estimated at over 200 million

people, making it the most populous country in Africa (World Bank). The country is made up

of over 250 ethnic groups, with the Hausa, Yoruba, and Igbo being the largest. 1 The diversity

of Nigeria's ethnic groups is reflected in the country's many languages, with over 500

different languages spoken.2 The official language is English, but many Nigerians also speak

one or more of the country's indigenous languages.

The diversity of Nigeria's ethnic groups has led to a complex and sometimes

contentious history of interaction and relations. The country has experienced periods of ethnic

and religious conflict, as well as tension between different regions and groups. However,

despite these challenges, Nigeria has also been characterised by a strong sense of national

identity and a shared culture. Nigeria's multi-ethnic society is also reflected in its religious

makeup, with a significant number of Christians, Muslims, and followers of traditional

African religions. The country's diversity of religious beliefs has also led to challenges and

tensions, but also opportunities for interfaith dialogue and cooperation. Nigeria is a diverse

and complex multi-ethnic society, made up of over 250 ethnic groups, with over 500

languages spoken, a complex history of interaction and relations, and a significant number of

religious beliefs.

Despite Nigeria's diversity and complexity, the country has struggled with issues of

national integration and coexistence among different ethnic and religious groups. The

tensions, conflicts and mistrust that have arisen among different groups in Nigeria, have led to

a lack of mutual understanding, cooperation and a shared national identity. Thus, the problem

is that the potential relevance of Christian codes of ethics in promoting national integration in

a multi-ethnic Nigerian society has not been fully explored or understood. This is a significant

gap in the literature, as there is a need to examine how Christian codes of ethics, such as love,

forgiveness, and tolerance, can be applied to promote national integration in a multi-ethnic

Nigerian society. This is particularly crucial given the fact that Christianity is one of the major

religions in Nigeria and has the potential to play a significant role in promoting national



Understanding the Concept of Christian Ethics

The English words ethics, ethical are derived from the Greek word ethos meaning

custom, habit or conduct.4 Furthermore, he asserted that, the science of ethics, which usually

treated as a sub-section of philosophy, seeks to evaluate human conduct and the rules and

principles used to control it.5 According to Kerker, Igbum and Wang, Ethics has no one

single definition. It has been defined in variety of ways some of which are: First, it is defined

as a branch of philosophy that deals with the morality of human actions. So by this

definition, it is therefore means that ethics enables one to distinguish between human actions

that are right from human actions that are wrong.6

Secondly, ethics is defined as a branch of philosophy which studies the norms of

human behavior. By this definition, ethics plays the role of analysing the norms, rules,

regulations, laws or precepts which bind people in their personal relationships within the

view of determining their suitability in maintaining conducive human existence set of

principles by which men live. By this definition, ethics is seen as that discipline which

provides the “dos” and “don’t” in the society in all human interactions.

According to Anyam, ethics mainly concerned with principles of human conduct or

morality. Ethics accesses the quality of human behaviour to ascertain whether particular acts

are wrong or right, good or bad etc. 7 To Anyam, the aim of ethics in the human society is to

ensure law and order, rationality, objectivity, peace, harmony, to punish wrong doing, the

common good of members, to provide society or group with acceptable and unacceptable

standards of behaviour to enable man to live well, to be happy with himself and God.8

According to Omoregbe, ethics has no univocal definition. So ethics could be seen as

a branch of philosophy which deals with the morality of human actions or as the branch of

philosophy which study the norms of human behaviour. Ethics is also defined as the moral

law. It is again seen as the normative science of human conduct. Holmes, maintains that,

ethics is about the good (that is, what values and virtues we should cultivate) and about the

right (that is, what our moral duties may be). It examines alternative views of what is good

and right; it explores ways of gaining the moral knowledge we need.10

According to Dzurgba, ethics is a study of human conduct or man’s conduct. It is

made up of all voluntary actions. To Dzurgba, voluntary actions are those actions which are

performed under the normal conditions of man’s capacities. On the other hand, conduct

which includes inward activities such as intentions, motives and desires. 11 In summary, we

can say that Ethics is the study of human conduct, norms, behaviour, codes or set of

principles by which individuals live. It is the theoretical study of good or bad, right or wrong.

National Integration in a Multi-Ethnic Society

National integration in simple term is a process whereby political actors in distinct

ethnic or linguistic setting of a nation shift or transfer their loyalties expectations and political

activities towards a new centre. O’Connel and Beckett however, corroborate this definition

much more soundly by clarifying that national integration involves collective inter-related

actions to promote certain mutual interests, usually ranging over national matters of welfare,

order and defence or security.12

An integrated nation consequently, is characterised by a high level of cooperation

between the various groups and sub-groups for the benefit of all the members. It involves the

extent of the sharedness of the value symbols of a nation (eg, flag and coat of arms), models

of communication (eg. National language) and common experience among the members of

the nation. It also, covers all measures, agreements and developments which aim at achieving

unity and co-operation among various groups of the nation. To Tahir national integration is

the unification of apparently disparate groups, often in conflict into an indivisible whole. He

states that a society or groups of people have become integrated or united when individuals in

the society are perfect substitute for each other subject only to variations deriving from

distinctions of class, status, and occupation. In practical terms, it means that the interest of the

members in the community in spheres of national life can be represented by any one

individual or any set of individuals and the reservations which people might have about this

relate only to relative success or failure and not to any primordial notions of his or their

identity. Conversely, the application of strictness, the distribution of rewards and the

allocation of resources by individual representatives are not governed by such considerations


Modibbo and Abba in a more radical posture maintained that in a multinational

country like Nigeria, national integration means abolishing national oppression and inequality

and removing obstacles to the formation of a viable nation-state. 14 It is a question of providing

equal opportunities for all nationalities big or small failure of which nation integration

remains a mirage. Usman in a similar but bolder manner stresses that national integration in

Nigeria has grossly failed to bring about nation building especially in the post-colonial milieu

when he maintained the process is virtually under siege. National integration to him, implies

the building of new types of political communities, based on the formal recognition and

empowerment of the sub-national ethnic and communal groups, which have re-emerged to

assert the rights of all those subjugate and marginalised by the power structures of the nation


Indeed, from the various perceptions of national integration, it is clear that it is a

socio-economic and political process which is purely historical. Even its seemingly religious

or spiritual dimension clearly, hinges on and presupposes the existence of “clear conscience”

a social phenomenon. National integration thus, must always be located historically within a

socio-economic and political context. Its existence or nonexistence must always be

understood within this context whether we are dealing with national, international or global

integration. National integration is the process of bringing together diverse ethnic and cultural

groups within a society to form a cohesive and harmonious whole. It is an essential aspect of

the functioning of any multi-ethnic society, as it promotes mutual understanding, respect, and

cooperation among different groups, and addresses issues of discrimination and prejudice.

One of the main challenges of national integration in a multi-ethnic society is addressing

issues of discrimination and prejudice. These issues can arise from a lack of understanding

and familiarity with different ethnic and cultural groups, and can lead to conflicts and

divisions within society. National integration aims to address these issues by promoting

mutual understanding and respect among different groups, and by addressing the root causes

of discrimination and prejudice.

Another important aspect of national integration is the promotion of shared values and

beliefs. This can be achieved through the development of a shared national identity, which is

based on a sense of belonging and common purpose. This shared identity can be strengthened

through the promotion of common cultural and historical experiences, as well as through the

development of shared political and economic institutions. National integration also involves

the provision of equal opportunities and access to resources for all members of society,

regardless of their ethnic or cultural background. This can be achieved through the

implementation of policies and programs that promote social, economic, and political

inclusion for marginalised groups. Additionally, it is important to ensure that the needs and

perspectives of different ethnic and cultural groups are taken into account in the development

of these policies and programs.

However, national integration is not a one-time event, it is a continuous process that

requires the active participation and commitment of all members of society. It also requires

the recognition of the diversity and complexity of multi-ethnic societies and the ongoing

effort to address issues of discrimination and prejudice as they arise. National integration is a

complex and multifaceted concept that is essential for the functioning of any multi-ethnic

society. It involves addressing issues of discrimination and prejudice, promoting shared

values and beliefs, and providing equal opportunities and access to resources for all members

of society. It requires the active participation and commitment of all members of society, and

an ongoing effort to address issues of discrimination and prejudice as they arise.

The Role of Religion and Religious Codes of Ethics in National Integration

Religion has played a significant role in shaping the cultural, social, and political

landscape of societies throughout history. It is a powerful force that can bring people together

and unite them under a common set of beliefs and values. As such, it has the potential to

promote national integration in multi-ethnic societies. In this section, we will provide an

overview of the role of religion and religious codes of ethics in national integration. National

integration is the process of bringing together diverse ethnic and cultural groups within a

society to form a cohesive and harmonious whole. It involves promoting mutual

understanding, respect, and cooperation among different groups, and addressing issues of

discrimination and prejudice. Religion, with its emphasis on shared values and beliefs, can

play a vital role in promoting national integration.

One of the main ways in which religion promotes national integration is through its

ability to foster a sense of community and belonging among its followers. Religious rituals

and practices bring people together and create a sense of shared identity and purpose. This can

be particularly important in multi-ethnic societies where people may feel a sense of alienation

or disconnection from the broader society. Religious codes of ethics also play an important

role in promoting national integration. These codes according to Familusi, provide a

framework for moral behaviour and decision-making that can promote unity and cooperation

among different groups. For example, many religions promote the principles of love,

forgiveness, and tolerance, which can help to mitigate conflicts and promote peaceful

coexistence. Religious leaders and institutions can play a key role in promoting national

integration. They can serve as a platform for dialogue and interaction among different ethnic

groups, fostering mutual understanding and cooperation. They can also provide guidance and

support for addressing issues of discrimination and prejudice.15

However, it is important to note that religion can also be a source of division and

conflict. Different religious groups may have competing ideologies, and religious leaders and

institutions may promote divisive messages. Furthermore, Akinwunmi, Okpeli and Gwannna

observes that in some cases, religion can be used as a tool for political manipulation and

exploitation. Religion and religious codes of ethics can play a significant role in promoting

national integration in multi-ethnic societies. They can foster a sense of community and

belonging, provide a framework for moral behaviour, and promote principles such as love,

forgiveness, and tolerance.16 However, it is important to recognise that religion can also be a

source of division and conflict, and to approach the question of national integration with a

holistic perspective that takes into account the complexity of the issue.

The Role of Christianity in Nigeria and its Potential Impact on National Integration

Christianity is one of the major religions in Nigeria, with a large percentage of the

population identifying as Christian. The history of Christianity in Nigeria can be traced back

to the arrival of European missionaries in the 19th century. Since then, Christianity has grown

to become a dominant force in Nigerian society and culture. There are various Christian

denominations present in Nigeria, including Catholic, Protestant, and Pentecostal. The largest

denomination is the Pentecostal church, which has grown rapidly in recent years, while the

Catholic Church is the second largest, and a significant number of people belong to protestant


Christianity has played a significant role in promoting national integration in Nigeria.

One of the main ways it does this is by promoting principles such as unity, peace, and

tolerance. These principles are central to the teachings of Christianity and are emphasized in

many Christian religious practices. For example, the practice of forgiveness and reconciliation

is a key aspect of Christian ethics, and is essential for promoting peaceful coexistence and

mutual understanding among different ethnic groups in Nigeria.

Christian religious leaders and institutions also play a crucial role in promoting

national integration in Nigeria. Many Christian churches and organisations are involved in

community development projects and other initiatives that promote peace and unity. They

also serve as a platform for dialogue and interaction among different ethnic groups, fostering

mutual understanding and cooperation. However, Christianity also has its limitations in

promoting national integration. Some religious leaders and institutions have been accused of

promoting divisive messages or of failing to address ethnic and religious tensions.

Additionally, Christianity is not the only religion present in Nigeria, and there are many other

religions and belief systems that contribute to the country's diverse cultural landscape.

Therefore, it is important to recognize the complexity of the situation and to approach the

question of national integration with a holistic perspective. Christianity plays a significant role

in promoting national integration in Nigeria. Its teachings and principles, as well as the

actions of Christian religious leaders and institutions, contribute to fostering peaceful

coexistence and mutual understanding among different ethnic groups. However, it is

important to recognize the limitations and complexities of using Christianity as a tool for

national integration and to consider other factors that contribute to the question of national


Christian Codes of Ethics and their Relevance for National Integration

Christianity is a religion that emphasizes moral and ethical principles, such as love,

forgiveness, and tolerance, which are central to the teachings of Jesus Christ. These principles

have the potential to play a significant role in promoting national integration in a multi-ethnic

society. In this section, we will analyze Christian codes of ethics and their relevance for

national integration in a multi-ethnic society, with a focus on Nigeria as an example.

One of the key principles of Christianity is love, which is considered the foundation of

all other principles. Love is defined as a selfless concern for the well-being of others, and it is

an essential aspect of promoting national integration. Love promotes mutual understanding

and respect among different ethnic groups, and it helps to mitigate conflicts and promote

peaceful coexistence.18 In Nigeria, love can be applied to promote national integration by

encouraging interfaith dialogues and cooperation, fostering mutual understanding and respect

among different ethnic groups, and promoting peaceful coexistence among diverse


Another important principle is forgiveness, which is essential for addressing issues of

discrimination and prejudice. Forgiveness promotes the idea of letting go of past wrongs and

moving forward together. It is a powerful tool for promoting reconciliation and unity among

different ethnic groups.19 In Nigeria, forgiveness can be applied by encouraging peaceful

resolution of conflicts, promoting reconciliation and forgiveness among different ethnic

groups, and encouraging the forgiveness of past wrongs as a means to build a better future.

Tolerance is also a key principle of Christianity. It promotes the idea of respecting and

accepting the beliefs and practices of others, even if they differ from one's own. Tolerance is

essential for promoting mutual understanding and cooperation among different ethnic groups.

In the case of Nigeria, Christianity has the potential to play a significant role in promoting

national integration. The country's diversity of ethnic groups and religious beliefs has led to

issues of discrimination and prejudice, and Christian codes of ethics can be applied to address

these issues. For example, the principle of love can be used to promote mutual understanding

and respect among different ethnic groups, while the principle of forgiveness can be used to

address past wrongs and promote reconciliation.20

Additionally, Christian religious leaders and institutions can play a key role in

promoting national integration by serving as a platform for dialogue and interaction among

different ethnic groups, fostering mutual understanding and cooperation. They can also

provide guidance and support for addressing issues of discrimination and prejudice. 21

However, it is important to note that Christianity, like any other religion, can also be a source

of division and conflict. Different religious groups may have competing ideologies, and

religious leaders and institutions may promote divisive messages. Furthermore, in some cases,

religion can be used as a tool for political manipulation and exploitation. Christian codes of

ethics, such as love, forgiveness, and tolerance, have significant relevance for national

integration in a multi-ethnic society, like Nigeria. These principles can be applied to promote

mutual understanding and respect among different ethnic groups, and to address issues of

discrimination and prejudice. However, it's important to recognize that Christianity, like any

other religion, can also be a source of division and conflict, and to approach the question of

national integration with a holistic perspective that takes into account the complexity of the

issue. As noted earlier, Christianity is a religion that emphasizes moral and ethical principles,

such as love, forgiveness, and tolerance. These principles have the potential to play a

significant role in promoting national integration in a multi-ethnic society. In this essay, I will

analyze how key Christian principles can be applied to promote national integration in a

multi-ethnic Nigerian society.

Tolerance is also a key principle of Christianity. It promotes the idea of respecting and

accepting the beliefs and practices of others, even if they differ from one's own. Tolerance is

essential for promoting mutual understanding and cooperation among different ethnic groups.

In Nigeria, tolerance can be applied by promoting mutual understanding and respect among

different ethnic groups, encouraging peaceful coexistence among diverse communities, and

promoting acceptance of different cultures and ways of life.

On the whole, Christianity has a significant relevance for national integration in a

multi-ethnic Nigerian society. The principles of love, forgiveness, and tolerance can be

applied to promote mutual understanding and respect among different ethnic groups, and to

address issues of discrimination and prejudice. These principles can be applied to promote

peaceful coexistence among diverse communities, and foster reconciliation and unity among

different ethnic groups.

The Role of Christian Religious Leaders and Institutions in Promoting National


Christian religious leaders and institutions play a significant role in promoting national

integration in a multi-ethnic society. These leaders and institutions serve as a powerful force

for promoting unity, peace, and understanding among different ethnic groups. In this section,

we will examine the role of Christian religious leaders and institutions in promoting national

integration. One of the main ways in which Christian religious leaders and institutions

promote national integration is through their ability to foster a sense of community and

belonging among their followers. Religious rituals and practices bring people together and

create a sense of shared identity and purpose. This can be particularly important in multi-

ethnic societies where people may feel a sense of alienation or disconnection from the broader


Christian religious leaders and institutions also play a crucial role in promoting

peaceful coexistence and mutual understanding among different ethnic groups. They can

serve as a platform for dialogue and interaction among different ethnic groups, fostering

mutual understanding and cooperation. They can also provide guidance and support for

addressing issues of discrimination and prejudice. Additionally, Christian religious leaders

and institutions can be involved in community development projects and other initiatives that

promote peace and unity. These initiatives can include providing education and healthcare

services, as well as promoting economic development. These activities can help to improve

the lives of people from different ethnic groups, and foster cooperation and mutual

understanding among them.22

Nonetheless, it is important to note that Christian religious leaders and institutions can

also be a source of division and conflict. They may promote divisive messages or fail to

address ethnic and religious tensions. Christianity is not the only religion present in a multi-

ethnic society, and there are many other religions and belief systems that contribute to the

country's diverse cultural landscape. Therefore, it is important to recognise the complexity of

the situation and to approach the question of national.

The Role of Christianity in Promoting National Integration in Nigeria: Case Studies:

Christianity, as one of the major religions in Nigeria, has played a significant role in

promoting national integration in the country. The principles of love, forgiveness, and

tolerance that are central to Christianity, have been applied to promote mutual understanding

and respect among different ethnic groups, and to address issues of discrimination and


One specific example of how Christianity has promoted national integration in Nigeria

is through the work of Christian religious leaders and institutions. These leaders and

institutions have served as a powerful force for promoting unity, peace, and understanding

among different ethnic groups. For example, in the early 2000s, Christian leaders in the Niger

Delta region, where ethnic and religious tensions were high, formed the Niger Delta Christian

Elders Forum. This forum served as a platform for dialogue and interaction among different

ethnic groups, fostering mutual understanding and cooperation, and promoting peace and

unity in the region.23

Another example is the role of Christian-based organizations and NGOs in promoting

national integration through community development projects. These organizations and

NGOs have been involved in providing education and healthcare services, as well as

promoting economic development in different parts of Nigeria. These activities have helped to

improve the lives of people from different ethnic groups, and foster cooperation and mutual

understanding among them.24 Furthermore, Christian religious festivals, such as Christmas

and Easter, are celebrated by people of different ethnic and religious backgrounds in Nigeria,

promoting a sense of shared identity and national unity. The celebration of these festivals

brings together people from different backgrounds and creates a sense of shared culture,

promoting mutual understanding and respect.25

Christianity has played a significant role in promoting national integration in Nigeria

through the work of Christian religious leaders and institutions, community development

projects, and religious festivals, which promote mutual understanding, cooperation, and

peaceful coexistence among different ethnic groups. It's important to note that Christianity,

like any other religion, can also be a source of division and conflict and it's important to

approach the question of national integration with a holistic perspective that takes into

account the complexity of the issue.

The impact of Christian-based Organisations and Initiatives on National Integration in


National integration is the process of bringing together diverse ethnic and cultural

groups within a society to form a cohesive and harmonious whole. In Nigeria, a country

known for its diverse ethnic and religious makeup, Christian-based organizations and

initiatives have played a significant role in promoting national integration.

One of the main ways in which Christian-based organizations and initiatives promote

national integration is through their ability to foster a sense of community and belonging

among people of different ethnic groups. These organizations and initiatives provide a

platform for dialogue and interaction among different ethnic groups, fostering mutual

understanding and cooperation. They also provide guidance and support for addressing issues

of discrimination and prejudice.26

Christian-based organizations and initiatives also play a crucial role in promoting

peaceful coexistence and mutual understanding among different ethnic groups. According to

Nnabuike Ekwueme and Okey Okonkwo, these organizations and initiatives provide support

and resources for resolving conflicts and promoting reconciliation among different ethnic

groups. They also provide education and training programs that promote understanding and

acceptance of different cultures and ways of life. Moreover, Christian-based organizations and

initiatives have been involved in community development projects and other initiatives that

promote peace and unity. These initiatives include providing education and healthcare

services, as well as promoting economic development. These activities have helped to

improve the lives of people from different ethnic groups, and foster cooperation and mutual

understanding among them.27

One example of the impact of Christian-based organizations and initiatives on national

integration in Nigeria is the work of Christian Aid, a UK-based charity organization that has

been active in Nigeria for many years. The organization has implemented various programs

aimed at promoting peace and reconciliation among different ethnic groups in Nigeria,

including providing support for victims of conflict and promoting interfaith dialogue. Another

example is the work of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), an umbrella organization

that brings together different Christian denominations in Nigeria. The organization has played

a key role in promoting national integration by advocating for peaceful resolution of conflicts

and promoting mutual understanding and cooperation among different ethnic groups.

Christian-based organizations and initiatives have had a positive impact on national

integration in Nigeria by promoting mutual understanding and cooperation among different

ethnic groups, providing support for resolving conflicts and promoting reconciliation, and

supporting community development projects. These organizations and initiatives have played

a significant role in fostering a sense of community and belonging among people of different

ethnic groups and promoting peaceful coexistence and mutual understanding.28

Challenges to in the Use of Christianity to Promote National Integration in Nigeria

There are challenges or limitations in the use of Christianity to promote national

integration in Nigeria. One major challenge is the diversity of Christian denominations and

sects within the country. This diversity can lead to conflicts and divisions among Christians,

making it difficult to promote a unified national identity. Another challenge is the historical

legacy of colonialism and the role of Christian missions in the subjugation of indigenous

cultures and religions. This has led to mistrust and resentment towards Christianity among

some members of the population, making it difficult to use Christianity as a tool for national

integration. Some Christian leaders and organisations have been accused of using religion for

political gain, further exacerbating divisions and mistrust. The religious and ethnic conflict in

Nigeria, particularly the crisis in the north between Christian and Muslim communities, has

made it difficult for Christianity to be seen as a unifying force for national integration. While

Christianity can be seen as a potential tool for promoting national integration in Nigeria, its

diversity, historical legacy, politicisation, and ongoing religious conflict make it a challenging

and complicated task.

Implications of Christian codes of ethics for National Integration in a Multi-ethnic

Nigerian society

Christian codes of ethics, which are based on the teachings of the Bible, promote

values such as love, forgiveness, and compassion. These values can have a positive impact on

national integration in a multi-ethnic Nigerian society by encouraging individuals to treat

others with kindness and respect, regardless of their ethnic background. For example,

Christianity teaches the equality of all human beings, regardless of race or ethnicity, which

can help to reduce prejudice and discrimination in a multi-ethnic society. However, it is also

important to note that Christianity is not the only religion in Nigeria and that different ethnic

groups may have their own codes of ethics that they follow. Therefore, it is important to

respect and acknowledge the diversity of religious and cultural beliefs in the country in order

to foster national integration.

Also, Christianity can also be a source of division in a multi-ethnic society,

particularly when religious groups become politicized and align themselves with certain

ethnic groups. This can lead to conflicts between different ethnic groups, and may hinder

national integration. Christian codes of ethics can promote values that are conducive to

national integration in a multi-ethnic Nigerian society, but it is also important to respect and

acknowledge the diversity of religious and cultural beliefs in the country and to be aware of

the potential for division when religion becomes politicised.


In conclusion, the study on the topic of "The Relevance of Christian Codes of Ethics

for National Integration in a Multi-ethnic Nigerian Society" has shown that while Christian

codes of ethics can promote values such as love, forgiveness, and compassion that can

contribute to national integration, it is also important to recognize the diversity of religious

and cultural beliefs in the country. The study also pointed out that Christianity can also be a

source of division in a multi-ethnic society, particularly when religious groups become

politicized and align themselves with certain ethnic groups. Therefore, it is important to find a

balance between promoting Christian values and acknowledging and respecting the diverse

religious and cultural beliefs in the society in order to achieve national integration.

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