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Empowerment Technologies: Group 6

Our group chose the Set A online collaboration tools, which contained two of the
most popular online messaging platforms, Facebook Messenger and Discord.


Chat Efficiency

Discord allows for real-time communication between users worldwide. It also

provides a user-friendly interface that allows users to send not only messages but also
stickers, custom emojis, gifs, playback media, and other sorts of features. Discord is also
designed to handle a large volume of members in one server/group chat while still
maintaining its efficiency which makes it suitable for communities of all sizes.

Facebook Messenger offers a user-friendly interface, designed to facilitate absolute

communication. Its minimalist design allows users to navigate effortlessly through calls,
chats, and multimedia sharing. Whether accessed through web browsers or mobile
applications, facebook messenger ensures consistent functionality, enabling users to stay
connected anytime, anywhere.


Discord allows for almost unlimited potential when it comes to customization. It

supports features such as custom emojis and stickers which can be uploaded by users that
manage a server. Discord also allows for full customization of profiles including name, about
me, notes, profile pictures, and pronouns. Customization is also not limited to only the user’s
side but also to servers/group chats. Bots that are custom made by users using
programming can be implemented to servers to add custom features like manage servers,
play mini-games, connect between websites and discord using API’s, and many more with
those being the most common uses.

Facebook messenger allows users to customise their chat experience by setting

unique display names, profile pictures, cover photos, and even nicknames for their contacts.
This personal touch adds a sense of familiarity for people’s interactions, making more
conversation more engaging and meaningful. Facebook messenger has another aspect of
customization, which is its emojis and stickers. Emojis and stickers serve as expressive
tools, allowing users to convey emotions, reactions, and feelings in a fun and engaging
manner. One of the strengths Facebook Messenger has is its absolute integration with
third-party apps and services. Users can enhance their conversations by integrating various
apps directly into messenger, such as games, music, productivity tools, and you can even
watch movies or videos together.
Attachment Features

Discord allows the user to share various types of files smoothly within their
conversation. Users can easily attach files by selecting the relevant option beside the
message input box, offering the flexibility to upload a wide variety of file types from their
devices, unlike Facebook Messenger which only supports a handful of file types. Discord is
also not limited to sharing files but also media attachments: These include YouTube,
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Reddit links just to name a few. Depending on the
platform, the media itself can also be viewed or played back on Discord itself if it supports it.

Facebook Messenger includes a number of attachment features that enable users to

share files, images, videos, and links. This improves collaboration by allowing the sharing of
different types directly within the messaging platform. In addition, Facebook Messenger’s
attachment features improve collaboration by reducing the need for external file-sharing
tools. This means you can share various types of files directly in the chat, which improves
communication and creates an open and flexible workspace, improving the productivity of
teams working on a project.

Group chats and Channels

Discord enables users to organise channels into categories, facilitating efficient

navigation and improving the overall structure of servers. Channel categories help users
locate relevant channels quickly, streaming communication and collaboration within the
community. Discord empowers users to create servers, serving as central hubs for group
interaction. Within these servers, users can establish various channels to organise
discussions, accommodating both text and voice communication across different topics.
Additionally, Discord provides a role-based permission system, allowing server owners to
regulate access and interaction within channels effectively.

Facebook Messenger’s group chat enables users to engage in conversations with

multiple people. Users can create group chats, add more people with a limit of 250 members
or remove members, and initiate conversations around shared interests, projects, relatives,
and events. Group chats in Facebook messenger enhances efficiency, reduces
communication barriers, and promotes transparency within groups. Facebook messenger
offers features such as reactions, mentions, and polls, enhancing the interactive nature of
group conversation and encouraging engagement among people.

Facebook messenger introduced “channels” as a dedicated space for broadcasting

messages to a large audience. Channels allows users to create public or private channels,
invite members to join, and share contents with subscribers. Unlike group chats, the channel
focuses on “One to many communication”, making them ideal for announcements, updates,
promotions, and community outreach. Channel also doesn’t have a member limit capacity,
and ofcourse it includes text, images, videos, and links, allowing creators to deliver rich and
engaging content to their audience.
Collaborative Features

Discord allows for the basic collaborative features of messaging applications like
real-time messaging, voice chats and video calls, attachment of files and media for
collaborative purposes, and many more. Discord also has other features that improve
collaboration such as threads which allow users to comment on a certain message as the
main topic to keep things organised. Discord’s voice chat also has an upgraded version for
collaboration events where there are many participants and a few guest speakers. Discord
has a podcast-like voice chat feature which allows only people with priority to speak and for
others to listen in on the talk. Discord also allows for screen sharing which lets users stream
their screen or window to people in a voice chat channel.

Facebook Messenger facilitates improved user engagement and communication

through a variety of collaboration options. Group chats facilitate multi-person interactions by
allowing users to share media in a variety of formats, including files, voice and text
messages. Additionally, the platform enables phone and video conferences in real time,
promoting immediate engagement with people and groups with the launch of Messenger
rooms, users may set up online meetings that anybody can join with just a link. These
capabilities improve Facebook Messenger's collaboration experience and increase its


Discord is a flexible messaging app that serves a variety of communities. It provides

voice message, video, video calling and text messaging having the ability to make a channel
organisation for more efficient communication. Organised channels allow the users to divide
conversations by topic. Discord stands as an important tool for efficient collaboration and
community engagement.

Facebook Messenger is a flexible messaging platform offering a range of features to

enhance communication. People are allowed to engage in private conversation or in a group
chat, share multimedia content, and utilise customizable settings. Facebook Messenger
supports emoji reaction, stickers, and personalised chat themes, allowing for expressive
conversations. Facebook Messenger has third-party apps that enable additional functionality,
such as gaming, music sharing, watching videos together, and other productivity tools. With
group chat and channels, Facebook Messenger provides spaces for collaborative
communication and community engagement.

Best collaboration tool

Our group chose DISCORD as the best collaboration tools along the 5 other choices,
Firstly, Discord has its user-friendly interfaces that makes it easy for users to communicate
via text, voice, or video channels, enhancing flexibility. Secondly, Discord offers features that
allows people to manage users, permissions, and contents effectively. Discord’s
customization options enables users to personalise their experience with themes, bots,
customised stickers and GIF, and emojis. Lastly, Discord allows for the creation of various
channels and categories within servers, organised discussions, announcements, and
resources effectively. Discord has an administrator on every channel allowing them to assign
roles to users with specific permission to the server, ensuring smooth moderation, access
control, and collaboration with the server.

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