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The topic of social media has generated a lot of discussion.

My personal belief is
that social media has impacted the society in advantageous ways. Social media
has developed to a larger scale trading and marketing. For instance, if a person
decides to open a business, the advertisement will be much practical and efficient
because you will not have a cost of charge and your product can be viewed by a
vast social media audience. I understand Sarah’s concerns over the detrimental
effects of it, however she misses the point that social media has vastly affected
the economic development of the world. Overall, I believe the influence of social
media has been beneficial because it has helped us connect with people and to
expand our businesses.

The topic of grading has generated a lot of debate. Personally, I believe that
grades are great indicators of a student academic development. Additionally, I
would say that grades are crucial because they illustrate how hard have you
worked, and they could motivate you to achieve higher things. For example, if a
student thinks that he studied a considerate amount for the exam and the grade
resulted otherwise than the student reflects on his work and tries harder next
time. I understand Lila’s concern over the unfairness of the grading system, but
she misses a critical point. Using the professor’s feedback is not that practical
because they tend to be biased, letting their emotions affect their judgment.

The topic of taxing unhealthy problems has generated a lot of debate. In my

opinion, I believe that the government should not tax unhealthy products
primarily because a considerate amount of people in a population do not come
from highly incomed families and they do not make a good living causing them to
buy cheap products. Taxing these products would affect in their health, making
them suffer from hunger because they cannot afford them. I understand Sam’s
concerns over the harmful composition of these products, but he misses a critical
point. It is better to consume something and getting energy out of it than not
consuming nothing and resulting in starvation.

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