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The reading passage discusses about altruistic acts of humans and

meerkats. The lecturer disagrees by stating that these examples do not

show altruistic behavior.

Firstly, the author begins by stating that one of the meerkats stands as a
guard to protect the others from predators. However, the professor
refutes this by arguing that due to this role, they are able to escape first
from any attack.

Secondly, the passage claims that one of the meerkats is left without
food in case of a predator attack. On the other hand, the lecturer rebuts
by asserting that the meerkat is fed before his duty, so it is not starving
to death.

Thirdly, the author discusses about organ donation from humans as an

altruistic act because in the end they get a small reward. This
contradicts the lecture which asserts that as an exchange, the individual
is offered a lot of appreciation, and his self-worth is increased.

Finally, the author and the professor seem to have different point of
views regarding this issue. Thus, they will have trouble finding a
common ground.

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