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Dear Evangadi teach scholarship committee

My name is Amoghe Sitotaw, and I am writing to express my interest in the web development
scholarship opportunity. I was born and raised in wolkite, Ethiopia, and I have always been
fascinated by technology and the internet.
My primary interest is in web development. I am drawn to this field because of its endless
possibilities for creativity and innovation. I am intrigued by the way that web developers can use
their skills to build complex systems that solve real-world problems and improve people's lives. I
am also excited about the opportunity to learn new programming languages and tools, and to
collaborate with others on exciting projects.
I am currently working as information communication and technology at wolkite yaberus high
school, and I am passionate about using technology to make a positive impact on the world. I
have experience with programming languages Python, and C++, Java, SQL, and I am eager to
learn more about web development.
What sparked my desire to learn web development was the realization that it is a field with
enormous potential for impact and desire to create something of my own. The ability to create
something from scratch, design it, and bring it to life is what motivates me to learn and grow in
this field. My curiosity and passion for web development continue to motivate me every day. I
believe that the internet has the power to connect people, create opportunities, and transform
societies. I want to be a part of this transformation, and I believe that learning web development
is a key step in that direction.
I believe that I am the best candidate for this scholarship opportunity because of my personal
characteristics and educational experience. I have a strong work ethic, attention to detail, and the
ability to work well under pressure. These traits have helped me excel in my previous projects
and will enable me to be successful in the web development field.
My major accomplishment so far has been maintaining a high academic standing while also
working as a teacher to build the future of Ethiopia. I am proud of my ability to balance my
academic and work responsibilities, and I believe that this experience has prepared me well for
the challenges of learning web development.

My career goal is to become a web developer and work on projects that have a positive impact on
society by teaching my student more about web development. In 10 years, I hope to be able to
produce a heard of developers for my country Ethiopia that address important social issues. I
believe that the scholarship opportunity will help me achieve this goal by providing me with the
more skills and knowledge I need to succeed my dream.

I am currently working on teaching my student and developing my digital skills, but I am

committed to allocating a minimum of 4 hours a day for this course because the course that I am
taking right now is some how related to the course that are given in your estimated boot camp
and I also understand the importance of this opportunity, and I am willing to make the necessary
sacrifices to succeed.
Thank you for considering my application. I am excited about the opportunity to learn and grow
as a web developer, and I believe that this scholarship will be invaluable in helping me achieve
my career goals.

Amoghe Sitotaw

ICT teacher(MSC)

Phone number:0900354343

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