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e gi n n


N ew B i n gs
a d in g C o m prehensio
Re n

Pre-reading Questions
Do you usually set goals for yourself at the beginning of a new year?

What steps do you think you need to take to reach your goals?

When we talk about improving ourselves, we often talk about figuring out and reaching
our goals. You often hear people say, "New year, new me," which expresses a desire to make
good changes in their lives as a new year begins. This can relate to different parts of life, like
school, connections, or just how you're doing overall.

Carl wrote to a teen magazine looking for some advice from his peers. He’s always struggled
with reaching his goals, and with the challenges he’s faced this year, he feels he could do
with a little help. Let’s see what some people had to say…

Hi, I'm Anna! I would say, take enough time to think about what you truly want. It could be
doing better in school, working on your relationships with friends and family, or just feeling
healthier. Write down your goals so you have a clear vision of what you're aiming for.

Hello, I'm John. Big goals can be overwhelming, but don't let that stop you. I always try to
break them down into smaller steps. For example, if you want to be more active, start with
something simple, like a short walk every day. Remember, small steps lead to big changes.

Hi! After identifying my goals, I know it’s time to make a plan. Thinking about when and
how I'll do things that bring me closer to my goals has helped me a lot. Having a plan makes
it easier to stay on track, and it's like having a roadmap for your journey. My name’s Ella by
the way!

Daniel here. I can say that this year has definitely been a rollercoaster ride for me. Personal
growth is an experience with lots of ups and downs. There might be times when you feel
like giving up, but remember why you started. I believe in staying committed to becoming a
better person. Every effort counts.

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New Beginnings
Hi, I'm Olivia. It’s important to know that you don't have to go through this alone. Don't
be shy to ask for help. Talk to friends or family. They can give you advice, support, and
encouragement when things get tough. My mother always says, “We’re stronger together,”
and I couldn’t agree more.

It's Michael. Mistakes happen, and that's okay. Instead of thinking about them too much,
see them as lessons. Learn from what went wrong and use it as a stepping stone to do better
next time. Growth often comes from overcoming challenges.

Hello, I'm Sophia! When you reach a goal, celebrate it! No matter how small. Last week I
passed my English exam and improved my score by 5 percent. For some people, it may seem
like something small, but it was a big deal for me. Recognising your achievements, even the
little ones, keeps you motivated.

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New Beginnings
Activity 1

Choose the best definition for each word.

1. Connections

a. meaningful and emotional closeness between people

b. to not have friends

c. another way of saying “New year, new me.”

2. Overwhelming

a. something weak

b. something easy to deal with

c. something that affects you very strongly and you don’t know how to react

3. Stay on track

a. to continue to work or make progress as planned

b. to go on a train ride

c. to put a tracker on a rollercoaster ride

4. Committed

a. being disloyal

b. being loyal to a plan or goal

c. an experience of ups and downs

5. Encouragement

a. a loss of confidence

b. providing support and motivation

c. feeling shy

6. Stepping stone

a. a very big mistake

b. a step full of stones

c. something that helps you move forward towards a goal

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New Beginnings
Activity 2

Match each person with the corresponding piece of advice.

Ella Sophia Daniel John Anna Michael Olivia

Advice Person

When you think of giving up, remember

why you started.

Write down your goals so you have a clear


Learn from your mistakes.

Have a plan to stay on track.

Celebrate small wins.

Talk to someone. Ask for help.

Break goals into smaller steps.

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New Beginnings
Activity 3

Discuss the questions in pairs or as a group.

1. Do you think it’s a good idea to break your goals into smaller steps? Why or why not?

2. How do you usually deal with ups and downs?

3. How can you use mistakes as a stepping stone?

4. In your opinion, who gave the best piece of advice?

Activity 4

Write down your answers.

1. What does Carl struggle with, and why did he write to a teen magazine?

2. How does Daniel describe his personal growth journey?

3. According to Olivia, why is it important to not go through challenges alone?

Disclaimer: This resource has been made for the purpose of teaching English language learners. We know that students can be learning English in many different places, in many different ways and at age,
so we try to keep these resources as general as possible.
There are many acronyms associated with English language teaching. These include (but are not limited to) ELT, TEFL, EFL, ELL, EAL and ESOL. While the term ESL may not fully represent the linguistic
backgrounds of all students, it is the most widely recognised term for English language teaching globally. Therefore, we use the term ‘ESL’ in the names of our resources to make them easy to find but they are
suitable for any student learning to speak English.

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Answer sheet
Activity 1

1. A

2. C

3. A

4. B

5. B

6. C

Activity 2

Advice Person

When you think of giving up, remember why you started. Daniel

Write down your goals so you have a clear vision. Anna

Learn from your mistakes. Michael

Have a plan to stay on track. Ella

Celebrate small wins. Sophia

Talk to someone. Ask for help. Olivia

Break goals into smaller steps. John

Activity 3

Students’ own answers.

Activity 4

1. He struggles with reaching his goals. He wrote to the magazine because he is looking
for advice/help.

2. He describes his personal growth as an experience with lots of ups and downs/a
rollercoaster ride.

3. Because friends and family can give you advice, support, and encouragement.

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