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GLBL101 – Wiki 2 Individual Reflection

Samuel Calder 300609823

For our second Wiki of the year, we primarily focused on the areas where we fell short on,
detailed in our feedback, and ultimately improved in these areas. This time round I wanted
to get more involved in the research and actually building the wiki. I was most proud about
my individual contribution, something I lacked last time. For the previous wiki, coming into it
late and having everyone already know one another made it difficult to really get myself
involved but this time I wanted to change that. I started my getting myself more involved in
the conversations and the research and really wanted to help my team success while
knowing part of it was my contribution. I am proud of how we worked together and
collaborated to create something we were proud of.

This time around we wanted to improve on the areas where we fell short last time out, to
achieve this we all discuss the feedback and what we could do to improve this. For us is was
about making sure our topic and question was more specific so that we could go into more
detail. This is what we focussed on and spent lots of time ensuring that we got it right.
Though super good at working together, one challenge I faced was managing my time to
ensure I could give my all for the team. Juggling other commitments, courses, and a big one
in my life, work made it difficult sometimes to find time outside of class to work together
and found myself working on it alone. To overcome this, we tried to find a time that we
could all work together on it but that was difficult to achieve with everyone’s busy
schedules. This is one thing I would like to improve upon personally next time around.

The most satisfying part for me, was how we knew what we had to do and instantly got onto
it. The cohesion and collaboration was super satisfying and together as a team I felt we
worked really well.

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