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Student name: Dao Duy Khanh

Teacher: Yumee
Course code: MDM4U
Pascal’s triangle

Pascal's triangle is a triangular array of binomial coefficients


We gonna start with number 1. Let's imagine there are two invisible 0s beside our number 1, plug each
of them in pairs to create the next line, repeat this step and we will have an infinity line of the Pascal

-Now each row corresponds to one coefficient of a binomial expansion of the form (x+y)^n where n is
the number of the rows.

Procedural skills and techniques:

-Other than that if u add up the numbers in each row, u will get successive power of 2

-another thing is when u treat each number in a row as a part of a decimal number u will get a
successive power of 11

-now look at the diagonal, the first two lines are not special but start from the next diagonal, they are
called triangular numbers which u can use to make equilateral triangles.

- The next one the the odd number in Pascal's triangle, the sade of these numbers gives u a thing called
the Sierpinski triangle. This triangle is quite useful with probability and calculations in the domain of
combinatorics. For example, you have a family with 5 kids, 3 girls and 2 boys. In the binomial expansion,
this can be expressed under girl plus boy with the power of 5

Definition: an arrangement of objects in a definite order.
Example: Eight students should be accommodated in two 3-bed and one 2-bed rooms. In how
many ways can they be accommodated?

Definition: The Factorial of a positive integer (number) is the sum of the multiplication of all the
integers smaller than that positive integer.
Example: 6!=

+solve for n:
Formular: P(n,r)=n!/(n−r)!
Example: A code has 4 digits in a specific order, the digits are between 0-9. How many different
permutations are there if one digit may only be used once?

+Permutation with like object:

Formula: n!/n1!n2!!
Example: finding the number of permutations in the word RAFF

+rule of sum:
Definition: there are n choices for one action and m choices for another action, and the two
actions cannot be done at the same time, then there are n + m n+m n+m ways to choose one of
these actions.
Example: A group of 7 people are sitting next to each other. How many way two people can sit
2.6P6=1440 ways

+Indirect method:
Example: there are 12 members of a football team are lining up to get on the bus after
the match. How many ways they can line up if the coach do not go with them/
11!.1!= 39916800 ways

Definition: A joining or merging of different parts or qualities in which the component elements
are individually distinct.

Example: choosing 3 people from a group of 6 men and 4 women without any man.
How many ways to do this?
6C0 . 4C3= 4
+Total number of subsets:
Definition: it’s a smaller combination inside a combination
Example: A={1,2,3} How many subsets of pairs can we make?
{1,2} {1,3} {2,3}

+Relation between combination and Pascal’s triangle

Definition: Each Row n of Pascal's triangle contains the combinations for n.
Example: row 2 = 1 2 1 it is the same with (a+b)^2

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