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Sr No. Topics

1 Letter Writing

2 Mind Map

3 E-Mail Writing

4 Blog Writing

5 Statement of Purpose

6 Virtual Message

7 Interview

8 Group Discussion

9 Expansion of Idea

10 Report Writing

11 Comparing

12 Film Review

13 Appeal

Formal Letter

- Sender’s Address
- Date: ________
- Receivers Address
- Subject: __________
- Respected Sir,
- Main Body (2-3 paras)
- Yours Faithfully,
- Name

Informal Letter

- Sender’s Address
- Date: ________
- Dear _________,
- Main Body (2-3 paras)
- Yours Faithfully,
- Name
Example Question: Write a letter to the newspaper editor highlighting the condition of the roads in
your area and suggest suitable measures.
7G, Rainbow Colony,
M.G. Road,
Dharavi Cross Road,
Mumbai – 400017.
5th March 2016

The Editor,
The Times News Paper,
Mumbai – 400001

Subject: The bad conditions of roads

Dear Sir,
I, Amin Buhari, am a student at St. Aloysius High School. I have written to you to highlight
the plight of the commuters who happen to use the infamous CS Road every day. Traveling by
this road has become increasingly difficult due to the increasing number of potholes. Some
potholes are so big that small vehicles like rickshaws and motorbikes get stuck. This problem
worsens during the monsoons when these ditches fill up with water. Unsuspecting commuters
and motorists routinely get injured trying to navigate through these potholes.
I sincerely request commuters be asked to drive slowly along the road to minimize the
casualties. Helmets should be made mandatory for motorists who use bikes and scooters.
Also, vehicles must be told to steer away from water-filled potholes since many look
deceptively shallow. Lastly, I suggest using the adjacent SM Marg which is relatively better
than CS Road. I genuinely hope that the commuters take these precautions to minimize the
troubles they face every day.

Thank you,

Yours truly,
Amin Buhari

Points To Remember

- Neat and Clean Diagram

- Draw with pencil
- Keep sentences short and crisp
- Avoid cramping information in small boxes
- Write different ideas in different squares
- Avoid mixing 2 points in one

Example Question: Prepare a Mind Map on the Topic: Benefits of Games and Sports
3. E-Mail Writing:
Email Writing

- Date: _____________
- From: email id
- To: email id
- Subject: _____________
- Respected Sir,
- Main Body
- Thanking you,
- Regards
- Name

Example Question: You are the college representative and your Principal has assigned you the task
of writing an email to the Divisional Officer, Satpuda Mountain Ranges, Nagpur, seeking permission
for the mountaineering expedition to be organized by your college.
Date: 06 September 2023


Subject: Regarding permission for the mountaineering

Respected Sir,
I am Manoj Bhaye, a college representative of Mahatma Gandhi College of Science
Chandrapur. Our college has planned some outdoor and adventurous activities.
Mountaineering is one of them. The principal has assigned me the task of getting permission
for it.
As a college representative, I request you to grant us permission for the mountaineering on the
Satpuda Mountain Ranges. A batch of 20 students will be the participants. We have basic
knowledge of mountaineering. The participants are capable of mountaineering. We all meet
the requirements for the expedition. We will abide by the rules and regulations.
Kindly do the necessary and grant us permission for a mountaineering expedition.

Thanking You,
Manoj Bhaye
4. Blog Writing:
Blog Writing

Title X + - ❑X

← → www.blogger.come/home I ☰ …..

Archive Title

Report Introduction
Abuse Main Body

Example Question: Write a blog on the topic “Man is Free by Birth”

5. Statement of Purpose:
Statement of Purpose

- The Statement of Purpose should be written in around 100 to 150 words, tentatively in five/six
- First Paragraph: Begin with your introduction, talk about your personal background, your mental
make-up, and your aim in life.
- The second paragraph: It should speak about why you wish to join this specific program/course, and
your area of interest.
- The third paragraph: Write about your qualities that would be helpful or suitable for this career goal
or objective. Show how your hobbies and extracurricular activities would be helpful in strengthening
your goals.
- The fourth paragraph: Mention your experience in this field or any internship/ project you have done.
You can state something which makes you distinct from the other applicants.
- The Sixth (concluding) paragraph: State how admission to this particular course, or university would
be beneficial to you and how you look at it from a long-term career perspective.

Example Question: You must have decided your aim in life. Which institute/university would you
like to join for your diploma/graduation? Write a Statement of Purpose as a part of your application to
the institute/ university.
My aim in life is to become a chef. I’d like to join the Culinary Academy of India, Hyderabad
for my graduation.

Statement Of Purpose
I have been fascinated by cooking since the early years of my life. Coming from a large
extended family, summer vacations were spent visiting relatives, having them over, and
spending a good amount of time cooking and eating. In fact, Mom says, I’d spend more time
in the kitchen with my granny than in the toy room with my cousins. With an insatiable
appetite to eat and an unquenchable thirst to whip up innovative recipes, I believe being a
Chef has been my lifelong calling. George Bernard Shaw said, “There is no sincere love than
the love of food”. This holds absolutely true in my case for I believe food is not just eating but
an ‘experience’. To further fuel my passion in the right direction and to understand the
nuances of culinary arts, I believe I need to take up a professional course that would allow me
to learn under the mentorship of industry experts. I often cook for my family an average of
three days a week and I never get tired or bored, I enjoy it. I am passionate about cooking
because it excites me, inspires me, and encourages me to understand the delicate science of
taste and nutrition.
I have been watching many culinary shows and following a lot of world-renowned chefs on
their social handles. However, the things I relish the most are discovering ancient Indian
cooking techniques, understanding the chemistry of using spices, experiencing the subtle
flavors of the food when cooked on a slow flame, and observing how just a pinch of salt and
sugar radically changes the flavour of a dish. I have volunteered to be a part of community
cooking programs over a dozen times and have participated in various cooking competitions.
I’ve also contributed my new recipes to the YouTube channel Indian Recipes and have been
covered by the Food and Nutrition magazine twice. With admission to the prestigious
Culinary Academy of India, I’d be able to hone my culinary skills and learn a great deal about
this art form.

6. Virtual Message:
Drafting a Virtual Message


Dear ______,
Main Body (50-75 Words)

Example Question: Imagine yourself as Ramesh. You are required to go to Pune to participate in the
Nation Level Chess Competition and hence, you won't be able to attend the class test. Draft a virtual
message of 50-75 words to your friend Sanketh asking him to convey the reason for your absence to
your subject teacher.

7. Interview:
Important Points to Remember

- The questions should be in a proper flow.

- Keep the questions short and on point
- Add question marks at the end of each question.
- Avoid combining two questions in one.
- If a guidance table is provided, please follow the given pointers to frame questions.

Example Question: Prepare a set of ten questions that you would ask the winner of the overall
championship at the state level.
The following questions form part of the interview with the student who had won the Overall
Championship at the State Level Cricket Tournament.
1. How do you feel about receiving such a Championship?
2. Have you received such recognition before? Please give details.
3. How long has your cricket career been?
4. Who do you attribute your success to?
5. Who has inspired you to take up cricket?
6. What were the reactions of your family to this championship?
7. Who else do you think deserved such a championship?
8. To what extent were your colleagues helpful in your success story?
9. What is your plan for the future or your dream?
10. What message would you like to give the upcoming generation?

8. Group Discussion:
Important Points to Remember
Example Question: Rama, Asif, Rachana and Aarav are participating in a group discussion. The
evaluator has given them a topic, ‘Teenagers are more inclined towards junk food nowadays’. Write
suitable dialogues for each participant giving his/her opinion on the topic.
Evaluator: You’ve all been given a few minutes to think about your topic for today’s group discussion,
which is ‘Teenagers are more inclined towards junk food’. You may now begin the discussion. Who
would like to start?
Rama: _____________________
Asif: ______________
Aarav: ______________
Rachana: ______________
Evaluator: Please conclude
Aarav: _____________

Evaluator: You’ve all been given a few minutes to think on your topic for today’s group discussion, which is
‘Teenagers are more inclined towards junk food’. You may now begin the discussion. Who would
like to start?

Rama: Teenagers are probably one of the biggest consumers of street food. Picking up a snack or two from
the street vendors while on their way back home is now common practice.

Asif: Absolutely. There has been a rapid increase in the consumption of junk food by teenagers. In my
opinion, one of the reasons for this is the large number of options available today at throwaway
prices. For example, various brands of chips, sodas, and candies available at every nook and corner
are sure to entice anyone.

Aarav: You may have something there, Asif, but I am afraid you are not considering a large number of
healthy options also available to them. Teenagers today are also involved in a lot more physical
exercise as part of their extracurricular activities, like swimming, football, cricket, etc. Because of
this, they are more likely to eat well and focus on their fitness.

Rachana: I fully agree with Aarav. In fact, fitness has become a trend among teenagers today. Moreover, most
teenagers get their information from the internet and are exposed to the ill-effects of junk food and
the benefits of a healthy diet. So I believe, they are less likely to indulge in junk food.

Rama: I can see your point Rachana, but don’t you agree that the internet can also be a source of exposure to
harmful dietary items, thus tempting more teenagers to consume junk food? I believe it all comes
down to awareness about the ill-effects of junk food which should be imparted at an early age.

Evaluator: Please conclude.

Aarav: We can conclude by saying that while teenagers have more access to junk food today, they also have
a large number of equally tasty and healthy options available. Whether or not they are inclined to
indulge in a bad diet depends upon their level of awareness about their ill-effects and this should be
made a part of their curriculum and must be discussed at home right from an early age.

9. Expansion of Idea:
Expansion of Idea

- Title
- Introduction
- Main Body - 1
- Main Body - 2
- Conclusion

(Include Examples on the given topic)

Example Question: Expand the idea on your own on the given topic: The pen is mightier than the
The Pen is mightier than the sword.
Outline: Physical force seems to be more important than literature at first sight - but, really
speaking, the pen is mightier than the sword - several wars and revolutions have been caused
by books - novels and plays have brought about social reforms - while the British empire is no
more, Shakespeare survives. The truth of this proverb may not be realized at first sight. Wars,
revolutions, and conquest of one country by another loom large in the history of the world.
While a dictator or a commander of an army struts about in the limelight, a poet or a novelist,
shut up in his humble study, seems to be a neglected figure.
Yet, on closer reflection, it will be found that the written word is more powerful than physical
force. Ideas expressed in words can reach millions of hearts and move them to action. Shelley
has said that poets are the unacknowledged legislators of mankind.
The changes brought about military strength, though sudden and spectacular, are short-lived;
the changes effected by literature, though slow and imperceptible, are lasting. It will be
noticed that several revolutions and wars themselves have been the result of certain books and
pamphlets. The writings of Rousseau and Voltaire kindled the flame of the French Revolution.
An important force behind our struggle for independence was our study of English literature
which instilled into our minds a love of freedom and democracy.
Some books have so powerfully attacked certain social evils that governments have been
compelled to abolish them. The novels of Dickens and H.C. Wells and the plays of Bernard
Shaw were responsible for several social reforms. For example, Shaw's exposure to the evils
of private practice in medicine in The Doctor's Dilemma led to the nationalization of the
medical profession in England. Another example of the power of the pen is the influence of
newspapers in democratic countries. Long ago, Burke described the Press as the fourth estate.
Governments, though supported by the army and the police, have to be afraid of public
opinion, and public opinion is largely shaped by newspapers.
Emperors founded on military strength have disappeared, while masterpieces of literature like
the plays of Kalidasa and Shakespeare survive. Carlyle said that, if he were to choose between
Shakespeare and the Indian Empire, he would prefer Shakespeare. He was right, for the
Indian Empire, the accomplishment of the sword, has vanished, while Shakespeare's plays,
the products of the pen, have stood the test of time.
10. Report Writing:
Report Writing

- Title
- Date
- Name of Reporter
- Introduction
- Main Body
- Conclusion
Points to Remember:
1) Write a report in the past tense.
2) Give a title to the report.
3) Write a report in two or three paragraphs.
4) Give events as they happened.
5) Give detailed information about the program or event.
6) Give the nature or name, occasion, organizers, date, time, and venue of the event in the report.
7) All the information given in the report may be imaginary.
8) Give the details of chief guests, participants etc.
9) Use simple and clear language.

Example Question: Write a report on the Celebration of Independence Day in your college.
Report of Celebration of Independence Day
16th August 2023
It was a day of joy and energy for us when we were celebrating India’s Independence
Day. The celebration was held on college grounds with the flag hoisting by our Principal.
This occasion started at 7.15 a.m. Students and teachers gathered on the college
playground and stood in rows. We sang various patriotic songs. We also gave various encouraging
slogans. The principal came with the chief guest. The principal hoisted the National Flag. We saluted
the National Flag and sang the national anthem ‘Jana Gana Mana’. The principal gave a lecture on the
importance and value of independence. Many of us who achieved success in various fields were
honored by the principal and the chief guest. Then all gathered in the multipurpose hall for the cultural
programme. Dance, drama, and group songs were presented at the accusation. The college
representative gave a vote of thanks at the end of the program.
College Cultural Club

11. Comparing:

Points to Remember:
- Use proper introduction
- Use appropriate words for the quests
- The sequence of the programs should be proper
- Maintain all the formalities properly
- Conclude the program properly
- Follow the given pointers and mention details about each point.

Example Question: Imagine you are given an opportunity to compare a program at your college
based on English language day. As a compere, draft the whole program script deciding the flow of the
overall program using the following points
1] Introduction song
2] Welcome and introduction
3] Felicitation, speaker’s participation
4] Vote of thanks
5] Add some important point
Introduction: I , A.B.C welcome all of you for this gorgeous program our college has arranged ‘
English language Day respecting the request of students, The main intention of the program is to
enrich the communication skill of our students.

Welcome speech:
Today we are lucky to have eminent speaker Mr. Gopinath Patil as a chief guest. The
president of the programme is our respected principal Mr.Pramod Patil Sir. I request the secretary of
the student council to welcome them by garlanding them and offering a memento.

Lighting the lamp:

I request our dignitaries to garland the portrait of Goddess Saraswati and light the lamp.

Welcome Song:
Now I request the students of the std 11th cultural group to sing a welcome song in honor of the

Main events
I request our principal sir to demonstrate the annual report of cultural activities and the main
objectives of today’s program. Thank you sir
Now I request our chief guest to guide and motivate our students. Thank you, sir.

Vote of Thanks:
It’s time to conclude the program I request Mr. Satish Kulkarni sir to express of vote of thanks.
12. Film Review:
Film Review

A review should include:

- An introduction: Facts and background information concerning the film, such as the title the name
of the artists or actors and actresses the name of the director the type of movie the place where the
story in the film happens ( i.e. the setting )
- A main body: Usually make up of 2 paragraphs:
1st – describing the main features of the plot (or summary of the story in the film)
2nd – general comments and opinions on ‐ the acting, the music, the photography, the colour /
animation (if it is a cartoon), the setting, the costumes, special effects (e.g. sci‐fi movies)
- A conclusion: Include a recommendation and reasons why you recommend the film
Useful Language: vocabulary / phrases / expressions
a. Background
‐ The film is set in …
‐ This fascinating film is…
‐ This film originates from a novel named …
‐ The film is directed by…
‐ The film is based on a novel / a real life story of a…
‐ This is a comedy / horror film / love story / cartoon / science fiction movie / war film / Kung Fu film
/an action film/ a thriller / a spy movie
b. Main points of the plot
- The plot focuses on…
‐ The story begins / concerns about / are about…
‐ The plot/story has a twist in …
‐ The film reaches a climax when…
‐ The plot is absolutely thrilling/exciting/fascinating/touching / romantic / surprising…
c. General comments and opinions
- It is rather confusing / long / slow / boring
‐ The cast is excellent / weak / awful/unconvincing ‐ The script/ story is dull / clever / exciting
‐ It has a tragic / surprising / dramatic ending ‐ It does not come across as true / convincing
‐ The music / sound effect is dull / rich
‐ It is a catchy tune as backing music
‐ The theme song is powerful / weak / satisfying
‐ The colour in the photography is natural / spectacular / dull / dark and frightening ‐ The acting is
true to life / powerful / natural
d. Useful recommendations
‐ Don’t miss it! ‐ It is well worth seeing!
‐ It will change the way you see ( e.g. young people) after watching this film.
‐ It is bound to be a box‐office hit. ‐ I highly / thoroughly / strongly recommend it.
‐ It is highly entertaining. ‐ It is certainly at the top of my list of good movies.
‐ Fans of … will no doubt be thrilled with this.
‐ It’s a must!
‐ I would not recommend this because… ‐ Wait until it comes out on video.
‐ It‘s a boring movie. Don’t bother with this one.
‐ Only watch this film if you have plenty of time to spare.
e. Sample sentences
‐ ‘Star Wars’ has spectacular special effects.
‐ It is worth watching for the dramatic scenery / acting of … alone.
‐ Thanks to the special effects, the action is totally believable.
‐ The film has such a tragic ending that you will leave the cinema in tears.
‐ Most of the film is rather boring, but it did have an interesting twist in the end. ‐ ‘Elizabeth’ is a
film based on the life of Queen Elizabeth I.
‐ The film ‘Gladiator’ has a large cast and spectacular costumes.
‐ The film is worth seeing. It will touch the hearts of many.

Example Question: Draft a review of a movie you have recently watched.

13. Appeal:

- Title: Give a proper and catchy title according to the subject

- Use slogans: write attractive slogans to grab attention
- Make a persuasive appeal
- Talk about the need for cause
- Add some of your own ideas
Points to remember:
1. Use catchy title
2. Add appropriate slogans
3. Be brief. Use short sentences
4. Use simple language
5. Address directly to the readers
6. Use pictures, symbols, etc if possible
7. Add borders, keep the appeal clean and presentable
8. Use persuasive language

Example Question:

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