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Masculinity in A Streetcar Named Desire

Stanley Kowalski Allan Gray

● “Napoleonic Code” - shows the power ● “Tenderness unlike a man’s” - his
dynamic in his relationships as he must sexuality meant a different, perhaps
be in control healthier type of masculinity compared
● He has financial control over Stella, to the likes of Stanley or Mitch
"Stanley doesn't give me a regular ● The contrast between his relationship
allowance, he likes to pay the bills with Blanche to her other relationships
himself, but- this morning he gave me - “poems a dead boy wrote.”
ten dollars to smooth things over." ● Links to Hart Crane who inspired
● Objectifies Stella, “loud whack of his Williams, hence Allan’s character was
hand” - performative masculinity created
● Infantilizes Mitch due to his closeness ○ The opening to the play features
to his mother, “bone headed baby” - a stanza from Crane’s ‘The
enforces masculinity through a stoic Broken Tower’ with the notable
demeanor quote “visionary company of
● “Every man is a king” - power love” - potential link to the
imbalance “searchlight”

Shep Huntleigh The Doctor

● Symbolises survival through ● Fits into Blanche’s preference of a
conforming to gender expectations, as ‘Southern gentleman’ - “I have always
he is Blanche’s only escape option, “I’m depended on the kindness of
writing a letter to Shep.” strangers” potential parallels to her
● Masculinity as possession, “I went out “leaky roof” monologue
with him at college and wore his pin for ● Treats Blanche in a “gentle and
a while.” reassuring manner”

Key Moments: Mitch

Before and after the rape scene ● Initially defends Stanley’s rage -
(final established connection between sex “poker shouldn’t be played in a house
and violence, toxic masculine power) with women.”
Mitch’s date with Blanche ● Attempts to side with Blanche after
(“Let me lift you” - performative yet Stanely rapes her - “I’ll kill you!” -
traditional masculinity) shows contrast to his earlier actions
The Poker night ● Holds fairly traditional views - “you’re
(symbolic of the roles of men in the play - not clean enough to bring in the
“as coarse, direct and powerful as the house with my mother.”
primary colours”) ● “What I’ve been waiting for all
Recollection of Allan Gray summer” - masculine entitlement as
(different type of masculine power, as “the also shown with Stanley, although he
Gray boy” is never seen yet continually doesn’t proceed with it
mentioned, plus the Varsouviana) ● Vulnerable, “the girl’s dead now.”

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