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Type of Soil- We must conclude the type of soil that our site has in able to figure out what are
the strategies and method will be apply for the construction.

Services- The site must have a multiple facilities that can be added for the leisure of every user
like gym, playground for kids, park, restaurants, basketball and volleyball court and many more.
The services that we will be offer must fulfill every user’s satisfaction.

Climate- Design factors heavily rely on the local weather conditions. A clear sky, dry climate,
with a magnificent view of the sunset or sunrise, is a need.

Accessibility- The ideal site planning strategy is dependent on how easy it is to access the site,
thus it should have access for service roads and general public use.

Safety- Comfortable safety features for users or occupants. The location of the venue shouldn't
be far from a government agency; this will ensure that security is available. Aside from that we
must also consider the safety of the users by it means of natural calamities that may occur.

Entertainment- The site must also contains a natural attraction spot that includes diving on
coral reefs, topographic peaks that can be used as vistas, and many more.

Vegetation- A lot of greenery on the property is preferable than growing. The site should
include healthy vegetative areas so that, as a result of the greenery, solar concerns and
applications can be reduced.

Location- Finding the site's location can be a wonderful approach to determine whether there
are any dangers or potential environmental or cultural issues in the area.

Spaces- It is a must that the site should have a spaces for the development and planning
strategy that will serve as the foundation.

Topography- the site must have a landforms surrounds on it so that

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