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Unfortunately, most sales pros sing the same sad song... “If it weren’t for bad luck, I wouldn’t have

That’s why, according to the U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, of the 30-million sales pros in America
today, nearly a THIRD are ready to throw in the towel.

And it’s a completely avoidable tragedy.

But lost and bewildered was definitely how I felt back when I was an innocent sales newb.

Though my frustration wasn’t because I was stupid or unmotivated, and neither are most sales pros.

Most of us are ULTRA motivated, but if you’re charging hard in the wrong direction, you’ll just get to the
wrong place faster…

…With missed sales targets, a pitiful pipeline, painfully long sales cycles, and a crumbling sense of self-

…And then the axe comes crashing down on your head — AGAIN!

So here’s the truth…

Sales is NOT a numbers game.

It’s got nothing to do with luck and everything to do with skills.

And the real reason for my early sales struggles was because the so-called “training” was truly pathetic.

Basically, my boss gave me a list of accounts and told me to “Go get ‘em.”

That’s it?

Are you kidding?

It’s why you need this new free report, called SPELLBOUND SELLING SECRETS — How to KILL QUOTA
with These 7 Magic Moves!

It’s filled with secrets most sales pros will never discover …

Like resounding proof that throwing out half the “leads” in your pipeline will automatically increase the
likelihood you kill quota. I’ll show you which half.

Why product knowledge is hurting your sales… and how to wipe the floor with even your toughest
competitors …
COPYRIGHT LEVIS INTERNATIONAL MARKETING: The material contained in this publication is protected under
International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties & may in no way be reproduced or transmitted without the express
written permission of the publisher. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is expressly prohibited.
Permission Statement: You may use this email to sell the products or services offered by your own
business only. Resale or adaptation for use by a third party for any reason is strictly prohibited and will be
prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

How to stop wasting your time cold calling on people who loathe hearing from you… and cut straight
through to prospects who are in pain and waiting for your call.

Ever wonder why prospects lie to you all the time?

Well the answer is right here, along with the simplest under-the-radar strategy for figuring out exactly
what they really want ...

…And the one-question close that makes it almost impossible for them to say “no” to you… even when
you’re the most expensive option available to them.

Look, it’s a whole new world out there, now that clients have instant information at the click of a mouse.

So avoid the lure of smoke and mirrors... drop the clever manipulative techniques... and don’t go near
the old bait-and-switch.

You don’t need any of that to rock your quota.

Just click here for elegant strategies for handling any objection, often before it leaves your prospect’s

Discover the right “implication questions” that take the guesswork out of selling...

…And learn how to quickly develop competence, stone cold confidence, and an unbreakable resilience
that lets you bounce back from the inevitable rejection we all face.

In other words, you’ll have the tools to KILL QUOTA on a monthly basis and radically remake your life as
you’ve secretly dreamed it could be.

Because selling really is the highest paid hard work in the whole world.

It’s also the lowest paid easy work and you don’t have to be the next Willy Loman.

Instead of dreading your next review and getting beat up by your sales manager again… you can be the
obvious front runner each month and everybody will know it.

You’ll be cruising through your day with total confidence, watching the results roll in… with higher close
rates, consistent sales volume, and the big fat commissions you should be enjoying.

This free book will show you the way.

So grab your copy today.

COPYRIGHT LEVIS INTERNATIONAL MARKETING: The material contained in this publication is protected under
International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties & may in no way be reproduced or transmitted without the express
written permission of the publisher. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is expressly prohibited.
Permission Statement: You may use this email to sell the products or services offered by your own
business only. Resale or adaptation for use by a third party for any reason is strictly prohibited and will be
prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Headline and link description:

FREE ebook reveals — Spellbound Selling Secrets!

7 Magic Moves to KILL QUOTA this month …

COPYRIGHT LEVIS INTERNATIONAL MARKETING: The material contained in this publication is protected under
International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties & may in no way be reproduced or transmitted without the express
written permission of the publisher. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is expressly prohibited.

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