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Doctorate in Education Sciences

English Grammar Course

Review of Simple past

German Barreto Sandoval



Practicar la comunicación oral en pasado simple a través de un video corto y en
donde se exponga ya sea tu autobiografía o el gráfico cultural.

My name is Germán Barreto, and for many years, I was a dedicated teacher in
Colombia. My passion for teaching began at an early age, inspired by my own
teachers who showed me the transformative power of education. Over the years, I
had the privilege of working with students of various ages and backgrounds, and
each experience enriched my life in unimaginable ways.

A few years ago, I decided to embark on a new academic adventure: pursuing a

doctorate in education. I opted to study virtually, which allowed me to maintain my
commitment as a teacher while seeking to expand my knowledge and skills in the
field of education. This experience was challenging but rewarding, and it allowed
me to explore new ideas and approaches in pedagogy that I could later apply in my

Outside the academic realm, I have a range of interests and hobbies that keep me
balanced and motivated. One of my favorite culinary pleasures is Mediterranean
food; I enjoy exploring new flavors and cooking techniques that transport me to
distant lands with every bite. Additionally, basketball is one of my great passions. I
love playing and following this sport, whether on the court with friends or watching
exciting games on television.

Another important aspect of my life is my love for travel. I consider myself fortunate
to have had the opportunity to explore different countries and cultures, and each
trip has been a source of inspiration and learning. From the bustling streets of
cosmopolitan cities to the tranquil natural landscapes, each destination has left me
with unforgettable memories and has broadened my perspective of the world.

In summary, my life has been marked by my passion for teaching, my dedication to

lifelong learning, and my constant pursuit of new and enriching experiences.
Through the classroom, research, and my personal interests, I hope to continue
growing and contributing meaningfully to the world around me.

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