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Overall, mass media and social media are telecommunications tools

important in today's era. The technology that exists and has been used today is not wrong

but the influence of spreading news and information through social media by the community is

felt from time to time can be proven through the analysis carried out in

this study agrees with the occurrence of negative impact among UTHM residents. Things

this is because social media users have alternatives to receive information and news

which circulates on social media whether or not it has been filtered.

The use of social media is becoming more popular in community life, the emergence of

some indirect negative impacts. The impact brought will affect to

social, economic and political aspects. Therefore, we must know the law or

the rules that have been set by the respective national governments so that they can

use social media in the right and wise way to avoid

stuck to something negative.

Ethical social media users must know that every decision and

Actions taken through social media are self-responsible.

In order to overcome the negative effects, some steps must be taken before this issue cannot be

controlled. With this, every user, parent, community and government should work together

Bahu solves this issue by producing ethical social media users so that

social media users get more information about this issue and are aware of the effects as well

the dangers of social media abuse.


The authors express their sincere gratitude to the Center for General Studies and Co-curricular,

Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) for its support.

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