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FRANZ JOSEPH HAYDN was a “skilled servant” for most of his life, working for
the Esterhazy family.

12. LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN had a deep emotion to his music, which he believed
was more powerful than any other art form and could be considered as the first
romantic composer.

13. FRANZ JOSEPH HAYDN preferred to write Comic Opera, had a keen sense of
theatre and developed his characters through music.

14. LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN expanded the classical forms, added more
instruments to the orchestra and used extreme dynamics to capture his audience.

15. WOLFGANG AMADEUS MOZART was a child prodigy and “toured” Europe with
his father, performing to various aristocratic families.

16. FRANZ JOSEPH HAYDN traveled to London where he wrote his famous London
Symphonies. His fame spread throughout Europe and the servant became a

17. WOLFGANG AMADEUS MOZART was a servant that would frequently run away
and hated being treated as an inferior. Eventually, he tried luck in Vienna as an
independent composer, but died poor and in debt.

18. LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN became completely deaf, yet continued to compose
masterpieces and heavily influenced music even to this day.

19. JOSEPH HAYDN had a wonderful sense of humor, despite a rough marriage, and
loved to use the element of surprise in his musical compositions.

20. LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN wrote his Third Symphony “Eroica” in dedication to
Napoleon, which was eventually erased due to his growing distate for the direction
of revolution.

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