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6 Steps

6 key principles one must adhere to in order to achieve


There is a Success Formula that never fails.

Researchers have examined hundreds of thousands of highly

successful people.

These people lived during the last 150 years and are from all
over the world.

Six common denominators were discovered.

These 6 factors were prevalent in all these highly successful


If you apply them, you will increase your success rate in every
1.) They knew exactly what they wanted, with amazing clarity
and specificity. It was always a single goal. They had singleness
of purpose.

2.) They made an absolute 100% decision and commitment

that they were going to get their goal, and that nothing was
going to stop them. They became unstoppable. They were
determined. They released their relentless perseverance.

3.) They were willing to DO whatever it took to achieve their

goal. Nothing was too hard. No work or activity was beneath
them. No sacrifice was too big. No obstacle too great. No
mountain too high.

4.) They were willing to put in the effort and do the work for
however long it would take, no matter how long it would take.
Time was not an issue.

5.) They had a total and complete Magnificent Obsession with

attaining the ONE thing they were wanting, and nothing else.
They were totally focused on attaining this ONE THING
exclusively. They had a burning overwhelming desire to attain
their dream. They thought about attaining their dream all the
time. They saw themselves in possession of their goal. They
were consumed with attaining their desire. They knew that one
person with a commitment can achieve more than 1000 people
with an interest. But one person with a Magnificent Obsession
can do anything!
6.) They all took massive and immediate CONTINUOUS
action steps that would bring them closer to attaining their
desire. Every day, they did some actions that would make their
dream come true.

If you notice, the first 5 steps are “attitudes”. They are a way of
thinking, a thought process. They are mental activities that
create vibrations and frequencies that attract into your life
what you desire.

The 6th step is where the rubber meets the road.

When you have a dream or desire, that “spark” of inspiration

must be turned into a flame which must then be turned into a
raging out of control inferno! When you are on FIRE, people
will come from all around just to watch you burn!

You achieve this inner “FIRE” by IMMEDIATELY taking

SOME kind of action within hours of your inspiration. Then
CONTINUOUSLY continue to take action steps, perhaps every
hour, but at least every day.

Massive immediate and continuous action, doing things to

make your dreams come true, is a missing element for the
majority of people.

“DO it NOW” is the motto of the achiever.

“Let’s wait until tomorrow” is the motto of the failure.

“Let’s get fired up” is the chant of the winner.

“Let’s not get too excited” is the whine of the loser.

Success comes from doing the right things long enough


Lastly, it is interesting to note that the researchers pointed out

that all these highly successful people dealt with astonishing
criticism and ridicule.

They were laughed at because their “dreams” were unrealistic.

People actually “wanted” them to fail, they were hoping that

they would fail.

“Dream stealers” and “Negative Nancy’s” were all around


Very few people saw the potential that the “Dreamers” did.
Few could see the Vision.

Most thought the “Vision” was impossible to achieve and

nothing more than a “Pipe Dream”.

Highly successful people however, saw what other people

could not see. Highly successful people saw potential where
others saw nothing.
Highly successful people were Visionaries and could SEE what
others were unable to even imagine.

They had FAITH and BELIEF in themselves and their dream.

They KNEW that if their minds could conceive it, then their
minds could achieve it!

They never let ANYONE steal their dream!

They were never susceptible to the negative influence of other


When you do all the 6 steps, one other thing automatically

happens. The Universe will put into your life other people who
have the same dream and are also committed to achieve it.

These people will all have different skills, abilities and

networks of people. This will turn into a “Mastermind” group
of people that will produce “Coordinated Effort” and make the
dream a reality.

With these factors in mind, remember, what one person has

done, YOU can do also.

Apply these techniques, do the action steps and dream big

dreams, and I know I WILL see YOU at the TOP!

Your friend,

5 Steps to Success
5 Years From Now…

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