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Life and Works of Rizal

Gerardo C. Norega Jr.

Why Should the Republic Act 1425 Mandate the Inclusion of Jose Rizal’s Work
In the Philippine Educational Curriculum

Republic Act 1425, commonly known as the Rizal Law, is a landmark legislation in the
Philippines that mandates the inclusion of the life, works, and writings of national hero Jose
Rizal in the educational curriculum. Enacted on June 12, 1956, this law holds significant
importance for the nation's cultural and educational development. The inclusion of Jose Rizal's
works in the Philippine educational curriculum is imperative for several reasons, ranging from
fostering national identity and promoting critical thinking to instilling civic responsibility and
ethical values.
First and foremost, the study of Jose Rizal's works is essential for fostering a sense of
national identity and pride among Filipino students. Rizal, through his writings such as "Noli Me
Tangere" and "El Filibusterismo," played a pivotal role in shaping the narrative of Philippine
nationalism and resistance against colonial oppression. By including his works in the educational
curriculum, students gain a deeper understanding of the country's history, struggles, and the quest
for independence. This knowledge contributes to a stronger sense of national unity and identity,
essential for a cohesive and culturally rich society. The Rizal Law also plays a crucial role in
instilling civic responsibility and a sense of duty towards the community and the nation. Jose
Rizal was not only a literary genius but also a passionate advocate for social reform and civic
engagement. His life serves as a model of intellectual activism and responsible citizenship. By
exposing students to Rizal's commitment to social justice and ethical governance, the educational
curriculum inspires them to become proactive agents of positive change in their communities,
contributing to the betterment of society.
In conclusion, the inclusion of Jose Rizal's works in the Philippine educational curriculum,
as mandated by Republic Act 1425, is essential for the holistic development of Filipino students.
Beyond being a literary icon, Rizal is a symbol of national pride, intellectual prowess, and ethical
leadership. His works provide a lens through which students can understand and appreciate their
history, develop critical thinking skills, and cultivate a sense of civic responsibility. The enduring
relevance of Rizal's writings makes them an invaluable asset in shaping a well-rounded,
culturally aware, and socially responsible citizenry for the Philippines.

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