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Pupil’s name :………………………….

End of Term Test N°1 MRS Azizi Mariem

Mark : December 2011

20 8th form

The text

Billy is twelve years old ,and his sister is fifteen .It was Saturday yesterday
,and Billy’s father gave him fifty pence .There is a big tree in Billy’s garden ,and he
climbed it and sat in it .He likes that place in the tree very much .

Then Billy looked at his fifty pence and said ,‛I ‘m going to go to the market
tomorrow on my bicycle , and I’m going to buy some seeds with this money .Then
I’m going to plant them under this tree .I’m going to have a lot of flowers and fruit
and plants , and I’m going to sell them .

‚A lot of people are going to come to my garden every day, and they’re going
to buy my nice flowerers and fruit and plants, and in the end I’m really going to have
a lot of money .Then I’m going to grow up and go to university, and I’m going to be
a doctor.

‚Then my sister will come to me and say, ‘Doctor, Doctor, I’ve broken my left
arm! Please help me! And I’m going to set her arm ‚

The sky was blue, the weather was hot, and Billy was tired after that, so he
went to sleep in the tree. But then he fell out of the tree and broke his left arm. His
mother took him to the doctor, and she set it.

1) Circle the best answer (1mark)

The text is about a_Billy’s money

B_ Billy’s dream

C_ Billy’s sister

2) Read the text and complete the following table (2marks)

cause Effect (result)

Billy will get a lot of money So he will…………………………………
Billy……………………………………….. He Broke his left arm

3) What do the underlined words refer to (2marks)

Him (paragraph 1) refer to …………………………………….

Them (paragraph 2) refer to …………………………..

4) What do you think of Billy? What advice will you give him (1mark)



II) Language (8marks)

1) Fill in the blanks with words from the box (2marks)

(Be careful there are 2 extra words)

Perfect /sing /friendly /clothes /colorful /invitations

New Year’s Eve in Scotland

By Julie Mac Alistair
It’s December 31st, New Year’s Eve in Scotland It’s the time when the Scots
celebrate the arrival of the New Year.
People usually have parties in their houses .They send …………………to
friends and decorate their houses with ………………….balloons and
banners saying ‚HAPPY NEW YEAR‛.
They also buy presents and prepare delicious food.
On the evening of December 31st people dress in their best ……………and
go to parties .They dance, eat and have fun .When the clock strikes twelve
everyone shouts ‚HAPPY NEW YEAR‛! They all join hands and
…………….a traditional Scottish song, ‚Auld Lang Syne ‚This song tells us
to forget the bad things and all be friends .Then every body exchanges gifts
.People often set off magnificent fireworks in the streets too .Soon after
midnight people visit their friends and neighbors, .The first man to enter a
house brings good luck with him
New Year’s Eve is wonderful. Every one has fun and feels happy .It’s a
perfect way to welcome the New Year.

2)Read the text about Melanie’s father and put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense
or form (4marks).

My father always gets up very early because he (1)………………………(work)as a baker .He

(2)…………………………….(have)breakfast at three o’clock in the morning and then he
(3)………………………..(go) to work at a half past three . He never (4)……………………….. (Make)
the bed because my mother always gets up after him

He (5)…………………….(work)at the bakery until half past twelve , then he

(6)……………………(come)home and (7)…………………..(have)lunch with my mother .He
(8)…………………………(go)back to the bakery and stays there until six o’clock .

In the evening my father often meets his friends at the café. He sometimes stays at home
and watches TV with us .He always goes to bed at eleven o’clock.

My father’s weekdays start very early but he seems to enjoy them!

3) match the utterances in (A) with their corresponding functions in B

(Be care full there is one extra function in B) (2marks).

Pam: Hello Pam Robertson speaking. A -suggestion
Bob : Oh hello , Pam, it’s Bob here
Pam: Hello Bob (1) How can I help you? B_offering help
Bob: I’m calling about the new advertising
budget meeting. C_ future event
Are you free on Tuesday afternoon?
Pam: Let me see .Sorry I’m visiting the new D_ ability
factory all day on Tuesday (2) How about
Wednesday at two p m? E_ taking leave
Bob : Yes _ I’m meeting a customer in the
morning but the afternoon is fine
Pan: Good So (3) I’ll see you on Wednesday
then .Good bye
Bob : (4) Good bye


Writing (6marks)
Write a letter to your friend to encourage him to come and visit Tunisia .Use the plan
below to write the letter.


Dear ……………………….

Paragraph 1: reason for writing.

Where Tunisia is .

Paragraph 2: description of: the interesting places, the weather, the people, the food,

Transport, hotels……………

Paragraph 3: closing remarks = you hope that she /he will accept the invitation



Dear …………….




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