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Contemporary World

1. What is Globalization?

Globalization is a term that describes how the world is becoming

more connected and interdependent. It involves the exchange of goods,

services, information, and ideas between countries, making borders less of

a barrier. It also means that events in one part of the world can have an

impact on other parts. Essentially, it's the increasing integration and

interaction among people, companies, and governments from different

nations. This phenomenon is driven by advancements in communication,

transportation, and international trade.

2. What is World Health Organization?

The World Health Organization (WHO) is a specialized agency of

the United Nations that focuses on global public health. It provides

leadership on international health matters, sets health standards, offers

guidance, and works to improve health systems worldwide. The WHO's

main goals include preventing and controlling diseases, strengthening

health systems, responding to health emergencies, conducting research,

and advocating for health equity.

3. Who is Thomas Friedman?

Thomas Friedman is an American journalist, columnist, and

author. He is known for his work as a foreign affairs columnist for The

New York Times, winning the Pulitzer Prize three times for his coverage

of international issues. Friedman is a prominent voice on topics such as

globalization and technology, and he authored the influential book "The

World Is Flat," exploring the impact of globalization on the 21st century.

His writings often focus on the intersection of politics, economics, and


4. Who is Manfred Steger?

Manfred Steger is an Austrian-born political scientist and professor

known for his work on globalization. He has written extensively on the

subject and is considered an expert in global studies. One of his notable

works is the book "Globalization: A Very Short Introduction," part of the

"Very Short Introductions" series published by Oxford University Press.

In this book, Steger provides a concise overview of the key concepts and

dimensions of globalization.

5. Why is important contemporary world in your life?

Contemporary world is important because it has an immediate

impact on our day-to-day existence. It includes technology, how the

economy works, cultural changes, environmental issues, politics, and

health. It helps us to be aware of what's happening in the world today,

helps us get through each day, help us more in decision-making, allows us

to adjust to changes, and contribute positively to your community.

6. How many countries are unrecognized in the world?

There are 16 unrecognized countries in the world and It includes,

Northern Cyprus, Kosovo, Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, Taiwan,

Abkhazia, Confederate States of America, Republic of Artsakh,

Transnistria, Biafra, Donetsk, Tamil Eelam, Western Bosnia, South

Ossetia, Chechnya, Iraqi Kurdistan, and Irish Republic

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