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Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., India, Sect. B Biol. Sci.

DOI 10.1007/s40011-015-0544-7


Relative Efficiency of Zinc Sulphate and Chelated Zinc on Zinc

Biofortification of Rice Grains and Zinc Use-Efficiency in Basmati
Yashbir Singh Shivay1 • Rajendra Prasad1 • Ramanjit Kaur1 • Madan Pal1

Received: 2 August 2014 / Revised: 23 April 2015 / Accepted: 30 April 2015

 The National Academy of Sciences, India 2015

Abstract Zinc deficiency in human nutrition is wide- Keywords Milling and cooking quality parameters 
spread in developing Asian and African countries where Zn sulphate hepta hydrate  Zn–EDTA  Foliar application 
cereal grains are the staple food. Agronomic biofortifica- Zn biofortification of rice  Zn use efficiency
tion of Zn is a new innovative approach to get rid of Zn
malnutrition from the poorest of the poor rural masses, who
will never have money to buy mineral supplements nor can
afford to improve the components of their diet by incor-
porating animal products. Hence, a field experiment was Introduction
conducted during 2010 and 2011 on a sandy clay-loam soil
(typic Ustochrept) at New Delhi, India to study the effect Zinc deficiency in humans has recently received global
of NPK fertilization and to compare zinc sulphate hep- attention [1]. More than one-third of the world’s population
tahydrate (ZnSHH) and Zn–EDTA for growth, yield at- suffers from Zn deficiency [2, 3]. Zn deficiency has been
tributes, grain and straw yield, Zn concentration and uptake estimated to be responsible for approximately 4 % of the
and Zn use efficiency in Basmati rice cultivar ‘Pusa Su- worldwide burden of morbidity and mortality in under-five
gandh 5’ when applied to soil ZnSHH and Zn–EDTA were year children and a loss of nearly 16 million global dis-
equally effective. Three foliar applications of ZnSHH in- ability-adjusted life years (DALYs) [4]. Zn deficiency
creased Zn concentration and uptake by rice as compared leads to diarrhea and pneumonia in children [4–6]. Child-
to its soil application. Three foliar applications of Zn– hood dwarfism is considered as an indication of Zn defi-
EDTA (at tillering, booting and grain filling stages) was the ciency and about 61 million children under the age of
best treatment and recorded significantly better growth, 15 years are reported to be dwarf [2]. It is estimated that
higher values for yield attributes, higher grain and straw 60–70 % of population in Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa
yield and higher concentration and uptake of Zn in grain could be at risk of low Zn deficiency intake; in absolute
and straw of Basmati rice than soil application of ZnSHH numbers this translates to 2 billion people in Asia and 400
or Zn–EDTA and two or a single foliar application of million people in Sub-Saharan Africa [7].
ZnSHH or Zn–EDTA. Three foliar applications of 0.5 % Rice is the staple food in Asia where about 90 % of it is
solution of Zn–EDTA recorded significantly higher head grown and consumed [7]. It meets 21 % of the energy and
rice recovery than soil application. The highest KLBC, protein needs of humans globally [8]. Rice and other cereal
KLAC and KLER were obtained with three foliar appli- grains are inherently low in concentration as well as bio-
cations of 0.5 % solution of Zn–EDTA. availability of Zn, particularly when grown on Zn deficient
soils [9]. Keeping this in view, biofortification of cereals
with Zn has therefore received considerable attention in
& Yashbir Singh Shivay recent years [10, 11] and programmes such as HarvestPlus and Golden Rice are underway to develop rice varieties
Division of Agronomy, Indian Agricultural Research capable of producing grains denser in Zn, Fe and other
Institute, New Delhi 110 012, India micronutrients [3].

Y. S. Shivay et al.

Low availability of Zn in alkaline calcareous soils is a tillering ? booting stages, NPK ? ZnSHH 0.2 % foliar
serious problem in India, Pakistan, Turkey, China and spray at tillering ? booting ? grain filling stages, NPK ?
several other countries [1, 12] and good response of cereals ZnSHH 0.5 % foliar spray at tillering, NPK ? ZnSHH 0.5 %
to Zn application has been reported [12]. Indian soils are foliar spray at tillering ? booting stages, NPK ? ZnSHH
low in available Zn [13] and this leads to production of low 0.5 % foliar spray at tillering ? booting ? grain filling
Zn containing rice. Soil application of Zn sulphate hep- stages, NPK ? 5 kg Zn through Zn–EDTA ha-1 (Zn–EDTA
tahydrate (ZnSHH) is the most common way to apply Zn to contained 12 % Zn), NPK ? Zn–EDTA 0.2 % foliar spray at
field crops, although there have been some field ex- tillering, NPK ? Zn–EDTA 0.2 % foliar spray at tiller-
periments with ZnO [14] and Zn–EDTA [15]. In recent ing ? booting stages, NPK ? Zn–EDTA 0.2 % foliar spray
years foliar application of Zn to wheat [16] and rice [17] at tillering ? booting ? grain filling stages, NPK ? Zn–
has received considerable interest. The present study was EDTA 0.5 % foliar spray at tillering, NPK ? Zn–EDTA
therefore undertaken to study the effect of sources, time 0.5 % foliar spray at tillering ? booting stages and
and method of Zn application on growth, yield attributes, NPK ? Zn–EDTA 0.5 % solution spray at tillering ? boot-
yields and Zn concentration, and uptake and use efficiency ing ? grain filling stages replicated three times. For each
in Basmati rice, which is the most popular cereal in India spray 500 litres of solution per hectare was used. Thus, each
and several other countries of the world. spray of 0.2 % solution of ZnSHH supplied 200 g Zn ha-1,
while each spray of 0.5 % solution of ZnSHH supplied 500 g
Zn ha-1. Similarly each spray of 0.2 % solution of Zn–EDTA
Material and Methods supplied 120 g Zn ha-1, while each spray of 0.5 % solution of
Zn–EDTA supplied 300 g Zn ha-1.
Description of Study Area
Field Preparation and Fertilizer Application
Field experiments were conducted during rainy seasons
(June–November) of 2010 and 2011 on a sandy clay-loam Field was disk-ploughed and levelled. Recommended dose
soil (typic Ustochrept) at research farm of Indian Agricul- of P and K (26.2 kg P ha-1 as SSP and 33 kg K ha-1 as
tural Research Institute, New Delhi, situated at a latitude of MOP) were broadcast at puddling. Nitrogen @ 120 kg ha-1
28o380 N and longitude of 77o100 E, altitude of 228.6 meters as prilled urea was applied in all the treatments into two
above the mean sea level (Arabian sea). The mean annual equal splits; half at the time of transplanting and remaining
rainfall of Delhi is 650 mm and more than 80 % generally half at panicle initiation stage [40 days after transplanting
occurs during the south-west monsoon season (July– (DAT)]. All Zn fertilization treatments were applied as per
September) with mean annual evaporation 850 mm. The the experimental treatments details.
initial fertility status of experimental field had 213 kg ha-1
alkaline permanganate oxidizable N, 13.3 kg ha-1 available Rice Transplanting
P, 243 kg 1 N ammonium acetate exchangeable K, and
0.49 % organic carbon [18]. The pH of soil was 7.8 (1:2.5 Two 25-day-old seedlings of Basmati rice cultivar ‘Pusa
soil and water ratio) and DTPA-extractable Zn in soil was Sugandh 5’ were transplanted per hill at 20 cm 9 10 cm in
0.43 mg kg-1 of soil [18]. The critical level of DTPA ex- the first fortnight of July in rainy season of 2010 and 2011. It
tractable Zn for rice grown on alluvial soils in the rice– is a Basmati rice variety released from the Indian Agricul-
wheat belt of north India varies from 0.38 to 0.90 mg kg-1 tural Research Institute, New Delhi, India during 2004 for its
soil and thus, the experimental soil was inherently low in commercial cultivation. ‘Pusa Sugandh 50 (Pusa 2511) is a
available Zn and a response of Basmati rice to Zn applica- cross between Pusa 3A 9 Haryana Basmati. All crop vari-
tion was expected on the experimental field. eties/cultivars developed at the Indian Agricultural Research
Institute, New Delhi have prefix ‘Pusa’ which is the name of
Experimental Treatments and Design a place in Bihar state of India where the institute was first
built in 1905. Rice crop was grown as per recommended
The experiment was laid out in randomized block design with package of practices and was harvested in the second fort-
sixteen treatments comprising various levels, two sources and night of October in both the years of experimentation.
different methods of their application viz. absolute control,
only NPK (120 kg N ? 26.2 kg P ? 60 kg K), NPK ? Studies on Growth and Yield Attributes of Basmati
5 kg Zn through ZnSO47H2O (Zinc sulphate hepta hydrate Rice
abbreviated as ZnSHH in this paper) ha-1 (commercial grade
ZnSHH used contained 20 % Zn), NPK ? ZnSHH 0.2 % Plant height of Basmati rice was measured at harvest from
foliar spray at tillering, NPK ? ZnSHH 0.2 % foliar spray at the base of the plant at ground surface to the tip of the

Relative Efficiency of Zinc Sulphate and Chelated Zinc on Zinc Biofortification of Rice…

tallest panicle using a standard meter scale and was ex- ZnAE ¼ ðYt  YAC Þ=Zna
pressed in cm. The number of panicles hill-1 were counted ZnCRE ¼ ½ðUZn  UAC Þ=Zna  100
on ten hills selected randomly and mean value was com-
ZnHI ¼ GUZn =UZn
puted. Again ten panicles were selected randomly for
panicle length measurement. A seed counter was used for wherein, Yt and UZn refer to the grain yield (kg ha-1) and
counting of 1000-grains of Basmati rice and their weight total Zn uptake (kg ha-1), respectively, of rice in Zn ap-
was measured with electronic balance. plied plots; YAC and UAC refer to the grain yield (kg ha-1)
and total Zn uptake (g ha-1), respectively of rice in control
Yields and Harvest Index of Rice (only NPK) applied plots; Zna refers to the Zn applied
(kg ha-1); GUZn refers to Zn uptake (kg ha-1) in grain.
Harvesting was done manually with sickles after leaving the The Zn mobilization efficiency index (ZnMEI) was
border area. Net plots were demarcated at first from the calculated as the equation given below:
portion of the plot kept for recording grain yield. Plants from
Zn concentration in grain ðmg kg1 grainÞ
the demarcated net plot area were harvested, tied in bundles ZnMEI ¼
and taken to the threshing floor for drying and threshing. The Zn concentration in straw ðmg kg1 strawÞ
harvested plants were dried for 3–4 days to bring down the Kernel Quality Parameters
moisture content to around 14 %. The weight of the har-
vested plants after sun drying and before threshing was Milling Quality Parameters
recorded. After threshing, the seeds were cleaned and sun-
dried and their weight was recorded. The yields in kg plot-1 The seed produce of each treatment from each replication
were converted to Mg ha-1. Straw yield was obtained by was used to study the following physico-chemical, agro-
deducting the seed weight from the total weight. The grain nomic characters and cooking quality parameters, which
and straw yields were expressed in Mg ha-1. Harvest index were scored using standard procedures as per the details
was calculated using the formula as under: given below:
Grain yield ðMg ha1 Þ
Harvest index ¼  100
Biological yield ðMg ha1 Þ Hulling (%)

Well sun-dried paddy (rough or unhulled rice) samples of

Chemical Analysis of Plant Samples each treatment weighing 100 g from each replication were
hulled in a mini ‘Satake Rice Mill’ [20], weight of brown
Plant samples were collected 5 days before of harvesting rice was recorded and hulling percentage was calculated as:
and dried in hot air oven at 60 ± 2 C for 6 h. The oven Weight of brown rice ðgÞ
dried samples were ground and sieved by passing through Hulling ð%Þ ¼  100
Weight of rough rice ðgÞ
40 mesh sieve in a Macro-Wiley Mill. From each repli-
cation 0.5 g dry matter samples of grain and straw samples Milling (%)
were taken for chemical analysis to determine the Zn,
concentration in rice grain and straw. The Zn in rice grain To obtain uniformly polished grains, the hulled brown rice
and straw samples was determined by wet-digestion (di- was passed through a ‘Satake rice polishing machine’ [20]
acid digestion) procedure as described by Prasad et al. [18]. for 2 min. The polished rice was weighed and milling
The uptake/accumulation of Zn in grain and straw of rice percentage was worked out as under:
were calculated by multiplying the dry matter accumula- Weight of milled rice ðgÞ
tion in grain and straw yield of rice with their respective Milling ð%Þ ¼  100
Weight of rough rice ðgÞ
concentrations expressed in g ha-1.
Head Rice Recovery
Zinc Use Efficiencies
The milled rice was passed through an appropriate sieve to
The estimated values of Zn agronomic efficiency (ZnAE), separate whole kernels from the broken ones. Head rice
apparent Zn crop recovery efficiency (ZnCRE), Zn harvest recovery (%) was computed as:
index (ZnHI) and Zn mobilization efficiency index Weight of whole milled rice ðgÞ
(ZnMEI) of applied Zn were computed using the following Head rice recovery ð%Þ ¼
Weight of rough rice ðgÞ
expressions as suggested by Shivay et al. [19]:  100:

Y. S. Shivay et al.

Kernel Cooking Quality Parameters applications of 0.5 % solution of Zn–EDTA, but these in-
creases were not statistically significant (Table 1).
Kernel Length Before Cooking
Yield Attributes
Rice cooking technique was a simple modification of the
technique used by Juliano and Perez [21]. Ten milled Panicles Hill-1
kernels from each plot were taken at random and placed
separately on a graph paper and their length was measured NPK fertilization significantly increased panicles hill-1 in
using a 93 magnifying lens. The actual mean kernel length Basmati rice over no fertilizer control (Table 1). In both the
was expressed in mm. years of study soil application of ZnSHH did not significantly
increase panicles hill-1 over NPK fertilization, but soil ap-
Kernel Length After Cooking plication of Zn–EDTA did. Also in both the years of study
three foliar applications of 0.2 % solutions of ZnSHH or a
A sample of ten kernels was taken in 15 cm long and single spray of 0.5 % solution of Zn–EDTA significantly
2.5 cm wide test tubes and pre-soaked in 5 ml of tap water increased panicles hill-1 in Basmati rice; there being no
for 30 min. The tubes were then placed in water bath significant increase when the number of sprays of 0.5 % so-
maintained at boiling temperature (using a Thermotech lution of ZnSHH was increased from one to two or three. As
temperature controller TH-013; Thermotech, Gujarat, In- regards Zn–EDTA one to three sprays of 0.2 % solution or
dia) for 6–7 min. After cooking, the tubes were taken out one or two sprays of 0.5 % solutions were at par and sig-
and cooled under running water for 2 min. Cooked kernels nificantly increased panicles hill-1 over NPK fertilization. In
were taken out of the tubes and excess water was removed both the years most panicles hill-1 were produced with three
with a blotting paper. Lengths of cooked kernels were sprays of 0.5 % solution of Zn–EDTA, significantly superior
measured as mentioned above. to soil application of Zn–EDTA or ZnSHH.

Kernel Length Expansion Ratio Panicle Length

Kernel length expansion ratio was calculated by dividing In both the years of study NPK fertilization significantly
the length of cooked kernel by their length before cooking increased panicle length in Basmati rice over no fertilizer
using the following expression: control; there being no significant increase in panicle
Elongation ratio ðERÞ ¼ L1 =L0 length due to soil or foliar application of ZnSHH or Zn–
EDTA. Nevertheless, 3 sprays of 0.5 % solution of Zn–
where, L0 and L1 are kernel length before and after cook- EDTA produced the longest panicles.
ing, respectively.
1000-Grain Weight
Statistical Analysis
In both the years of study NPK fertilization significantly
All the replicated data obtained from the experiment increased 1000-grain weight in Basmati rice over no fer-
were statistically analysed using the F test as per the tilizer control; there being no significant increase in
procedure given by Gomez and Gomez [22]. Least sig- 1000-grain weight due to soil or foliar application of
nificant difference (LSD) values at P = 0.05 were used ZnSHH or Zn–EDTA. Nevertheless, 3 sprays of 0.5 %
to determine the significance of differences between solution of Zn–EDTA produced the heaviest grains.
treatment means.
Grain and Straw Yield

Results and Discussion Grain Yield

Growth In both the years of study NPK application significantly in-

creased the grain yield of Basmati rice over no fertilizer
The only growth character studied was plant height. Ap- control (Table 2). One to three foliar applications of 0.2 or
plication of fertilizer (NPK) significantly increased the 0.5 % solutions of ZSHH or one to three foliar applications of
plant height of Basmati rice. Soil or foliar application of Zn 0.2 % solution of Zn–EDTA or a single application of 0.5 %
increased plant height of Basmati rice over NPK fertiliza- solution of Zn–EDTA were equally effective and at par with
tion and the tallest plants were obtained with three foliar soil application of ZnSHH or Zn–EDTA. In both the years of

Relative Efficiency of Zinc Sulphate and Chelated Zinc on Zinc Biofortification of Rice…

Table 1 Effect of sources, time and method of zinc application on growth and yield attributes of Basmati rice
Treatment Plant height (cm) Panicle length (cm) Panicles hill-1 1000-grain weight (g)
2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011

Absolute control 98 99 23.4 23.6 6.5 6.7 22.5 22.7

NPK (120 kg N ? 26.2 kg P ? 60 kg K) 112 113 27.8 27.9 8.6 8.8 26.3 26.5
NPK ? 5 kg Zn ha-1 through ZnSHH as SA 114 115 28.4 28.6 9.5 9.8 26.8 27.0
NPK ? ZnSHH 0.2 % FSAT 113 114 28.1 28.3 9.6 9.8 26.5 26.7
NPK ? ZnSHH 0.2 % FSAT ? B stages 114 115 28.2 28.4 9.9 10.1 26.6 26.8
NPK ? ZnSHH 0.2 % FSAT ? B ? GF stages 115 116 28.8 29.3 10.2 10.5 26.7 26.9
NPK ? ZnSHH 0.5 % FSAT 114 115 28.5 28.7 9.8 10.2 26.6 26.8
NPK ? ZnSHH 0.5 % FSAT ? B stages 116 116 29.0 29.2 10.2 10.5 26.9 27.1
NPK ? ZnSHH 0.5 % FSAT ? B ? GF stages 117 117 29.2 29.4 10.8 11.1 27.2 27.4
NPK ? 5 kg Zn ha-1 through Zn–EDTA as SA 116 117 29.1 29.3 10.2 10.5 27.3 27.6
NPK ? Zn–EDTA 0.2 % FSAT 114 115 28.3 28.5 10.0 10.3 26.8 27.1
NPK ? Zn–EDTA 0.2 % FSAT ? B stages 115 116 28.6 28.9 10.6 10.9 26.9 27.2
NPK ? Zn–EDTA 0.2 % FSAT ? B ? GF stages 116 117 28.9 29.1 10.8 11.1 27.1 27.4
NPK ? Zn–EDTA 0.5 % FSAT 116 117 28.8 29.0 10.5 10.8 27.2 27.5
NPK ? Zn–EDTA 0.5 % FSAT ? B stages 117 118 29.5 29.7 11.3 11.6 27.6 27.9
NPK ? Zn–EDTA 0.5 % FSAT ? B ? GF stages 118 119 30.1 30.3 11.8 12.1 28.1 28.4
SEm± 2.61 2.69 1.16 0.86 0.40 0.48 1.07 0.60
CD (P = 0.05) 7.53 7.78 3.35 2.49 1.16 1.38 3.10 1.72
ZnSHH zinc sulphate heptahydrate, SA soil application, FSAT foliar spray at tillering, B booting, GF grain filling

Table 2 Effect of sources, time and method of zinc application on productivity and harvest index of Basmati rice
Treatment Grain yield (Mg ha-1) Straw yield (Mg ha-1) Harvest index (%)
2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011

Absolute control 3.46 3.54 6.53 6.67 34.6 34.7

NPK (120 kg N ? 26.2 kg P ? 60 kg K) 4.71 4.78 8.01 8.15 37.0 36.7
NPK ? 5 kg Zn ha-1 through ZnSHH as SA 5.18 5.25 8.99 9.13 36.6 36.3
NPK ? ZnSHH 0.2 % FSAT 5.21 5.28 9.02 9.16 36.6 36.3
NPK ? ZnSHH 0.2 % FSAT ? B stages 5.29 5.36 9.18 9.31 36.6 36.3
NPK ? ZnSHH 0.2 % FSAT ? B ? GF stages 5.41 5.48 9.31 9.45 36.8 36.7
NPK ? ZnSHH 0.5 % FSAT 5.22 5.29 9.04 9.18 36.6 36.0
NPK ? ZnSHH 0.5 % FSAT ? B stages 5.41 5.48 9.38 9.52 36.6 36.0
NPK ? ZnSHH 0.5 % FSAT ? B ? GF stages 5.49 5.56 9.53 9.67 36.6 36.3
NPK ? 5 kg Zn ha-1 through Zn–EDTA as SA 5.38 5.45 9.32 9.46 36.6 36.3
NPK ? Zn–EDTA 0.2 % FSAT 5.24 5.31 9.09 9.23 36.6 36.3
NPK ? Zn–EDTA 0.2 % FSAT ? B stages 5.38 5.45 9.23 9.37 36.8 36.7
NPK ? Zn–EDTA 0.2 % FSAT ? B ? GF stages 5.47 5.54 9.40 9.54 36.8 36.7
NPK ? Zn–EDTA 0.5 % FSAT 5.46 5.53 9.37 9.51 36.8 36.7
NPK ? Zn–EDTA 0.5 % FSAT ? B stages 5.68 5.75 9.64 9.78 37.1 37.0
NPK ? Zn–EDTA 0.5 % FSAT ? B ? GF stages 5.81 5.88 9.82 9.96 37.2 37.0
SEM± 0.12 0.13 0.17 0.16 0.22 0.92
CD (P = 0.05) 0.37 0.39 0.49 0.45 0.63 NS
ZnSHH zinc sulphate heptahydrate, SA soil application, FSAT foliar spray at tillering, B booting, GF grain filling

Y. S. Shivay et al.

study two or three foliar applications of 0.5 % solution of Zn– fertilizer control (Table 3). A further significant increase in
EDTA produced the highest grain yield of Basmati rice, Zn concentration in grain over NPK fertilization was
significantly more than soil application of ZnSHH or Zn– recorded with soil application of ZnSHH or Zn–EDTA,
EDTA and most other treatments of foliar spray. which were at par with two or three applications of 0.2 %
solutions of ZnSHH or Zn–EDTA or one or two applica-
Straw Yield tions of 0.5 % solutions of ZnSHH or Zn–EDTA. A single
application of 0.2 % of ZSHH or Zn–EDTA was inferior to
Straw yield followed the same pattern as grain yield, except soil application of Zn and did not significantly increase Zn
that only three sprays of 0.5 % solutions of either ZnSHH or concentration in rice grain. In 2011, three foliar applica-
Zn–EDTA produced significantly more straw than their soil tions of ZnSHH recorded significantly more Zn concen-
application and several other foliar application treatments. tration in rice grain than its soil application or other foliar
treatments. The highest Zn concentration in grains of
Harvest Index Basmati was recorded with three foliar applications of
0.5 % solution of Zn–EDTA, significantly more than soil
Only in 2010 NPK application significantly increased the application of ZnSHH or Zn–EDTA and most other foliar
harvest index over no fertilizer control and there was no application treatments.
significant increase in harvest index due to soil or foliar ap-
plication of ZnSHH or Zn–EDTA. In 2011, the treatment Zinc Concentration in Straw
differences were not significant. Nevertheless, in both the
years of study the highest harvest index was obtained with two In both the years of study, NPK fertilization significantly in-
or three spray applications of 0.5 % solution of Zn–EDTA. creased Zn concentration in rice straw over no fertilizer con-
trol. In both the years of study soil application of Zn–EDTA
Zinc Concentration and Uptake recorded significantly more Zn in rice straw than soil appli-
cation of ZSHH. Also in both the years of study three foliar
Zinc Concentration in Grain applications of 0.2 % solution of ZSHH solution resulted in
higher Zn concentration in rice straw than a single foliar ap-
In both the years of study NPK fertilization significantly plication. In the case of 0.5 % solution of ZnSHH in 2010, two
increased Zn concentration in Basmati rice over no or three foliar applications were at par and resulted in

Table 3 Effect of sources, time and method of zinc application on Zn concentration in grain and straw of Basmati rice
Treatment Zn concentration in rice grain (mg kg-1) Zn concentration in rice straw (mg kg-1)
2010 2011 2011 2011

Absolute control 20.7 21.2 74.7 76.2

NPK (120 kg N ? 26.2 kg P ? 60 kg K) 23.1 23.6 79.8 81.3
NPK ? 5 kg Zn ha-1 through ZnSHH as SA 26.4 26.9 87.4 88.9
NPK ? ZnSHH 0.2 % FSAT 24.8 25.3 84.8 86.3
NPK ? ZnSHH 0.2 % FSAT ? B stages 26.3 26.8 86.9 88.4
NPK ? ZnSHH 0.2 % FSAT ? B ? GF stages 26.8 27.3 88.6 90.1
NPK ? ZnSHH 0.5 % FSAT 25.4 25.9 85.7 87.2
NPK ? ZnSHH 0.5 % FSAT ? B stages 26.6 27.1 90.3 91.8
NPK ? ZnSHH 0.5 % FSAT ? B ? GF stages 28.2 28.7 92.8 94.3
NPK ? 5 kg Zn ha-1 through Zn–EDTA as SA 27.8 28.3 92.0 93.5
NPK ? Zn–EDTA 0.2 % FSAT 24.7 25.2 84.6 86.1
NPK ? Zn–EDTA 0.2 % FSAT ? B stages 26.6 27.1 87.8 89.3
NPK ? Zn–EDTA 0.2 % FSAT ? B ? GF stages 27.7 28.2 92.3 93.8
NPK ? Zn–EDTA 0.5 % FSAT 25.8 26.3 87.7 89.2
NPK ? Zn–EDTA 0.5 % FSAT ? B stages 28.2 28.7 92.7 94.2
NPK ? Zn–EDTA 0.5 % FSAT ? B ? GF stages 29.8 30.3 96.0 97.5
SEm± 0.74 0.58 1.08 0.60
CD (P = 0.05) 2.15 1.68 3.10 1.73
ZnSHH zinc sulphate heptahydrate, SA soil application, FSAT foliar spray at tillering, B booting, GF grain filling

Relative Efficiency of Zinc Sulphate and Chelated Zinc on Zinc Biofortification of Rice…

Table 4 Effect of sources, time and method of zinc application on Zn uptake in grain, straw and total of Basmati rice
Treatment Zn uptake (g ha-1)
Grain Straw Total
2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011

Absolute control 71.7 75.2 487.9 508.4 559.7 583.6

NPK (120 kg N ? 26.2 kg P ? 60 kg K) 108.8 112.9 639.4 662.4 748.2 775.3
NPK ? 5 kg Zn ha-1 through ZnSHH as SA 136.9 142.0 786.0 811.5 922.9 953.5
NPK ? ZnSHH 0.2 % FSAT 129.3 133.7 765.1 790.3 894.4 924.0
NPK ? ZnSHH 0.2 % FSAT ? B stages 139.3 143.8 798.1 823.1 937.4 966.9
NPK ? ZnSHH 0.2 % FSAT ? B ? GF stages 145.3 149.7 825.3 851.2 970.5 1000.9
NPK ? ZnSHH 0.5 % FSAT 132.8 137.2 775.1 800.7 907.9 937.9
NPK ? ZnSHH 0.5 % FSAT ? B stages 144.0 148.7 847.4 874.1 991.5 1022.8
NPK ? ZnSHH 0.5 % FSAT ? B ? GF stages 155.1 159.8 884.8 912.0 1039.9 1071.8
NPK ? 5 kg Zn ha-1 through Zn–EDTA as SA 149.8 154.3 857.8 884.7 1007.6 1039.0
NPK ? Zn–EDTA 0.2 % FSAT 129.5 134.0 769.4 794.9 899.0 928.9
NPK ? Zn–EDTA 0.2 % FSAT ? B stages 143.2 147.8 810.6 836.9 953.8 984.7
NPK ? Zn–EDTA 0.2 % FSAT ? B ? GF stages 151.6 156.3 868.0 895.0 1019.6 1051.3
NPK ? Zn–EDTA 0.5 % FSAT 141.0 145.6 822.1 848.5 963.1 994.1
NPK ? Zn–EDTA 0.5 % FSAT ? B stages 160.4 165.1 894.0 921.4 1054.4 1086.5
NPK ? Zn–EDTA 0.5 % FSAT ? B ? GF stages 173.3 178.3 942.8 971.1 1116.1 1149.4
SEM± 7.05 2.23 24.43 7.02 31.35 5.66
CD (P = 0.05) 20.35 6.43 70.53 20.28 90.53 16.33
ZnSHH zinc sulphate heptahydrate, SA soil application, FSAT foliar spray at tillering, B booting, GF grain filling

significantly higher Zn concentration in rice straw than a 0.5 % solution of Zn–EDTA three foliar applications
single application, while in 2011, three foliar applications re- recorded significantly more Zn uptake by rice grain than
sulted in significantly higher Zn concentration than two foliar two applications, which in turn recorded significantly more
applications, which in turn were superior to single application. than a single application. In both the years of study three
In the case of Zn–EDTA, both with 0.2 or 0.5 % solutions, Zn foliar applications of 0.5 % solution of Zn–EDTA recorded
concentration in rice straw significantly increased with each the highest Zn uptake in rice grain.
foliar application. The highest Zn concentration in rice straw
was obtained with three foliar applications of 0.5 % solution Zinc Uptake in Rice Straw
of Zn–EDTA, which was significantly more than that obtained
with soil application of Zn–EDTA. In both the years of study NPK fertilization significantly
increased Zn uptake in rice straw over no fertilizer control
Zinc Uptake in Rice Grain (Table 4). When applied to soil Zn–EDTA resulted in
significantly more Zn uptake in rice straw than ZnSHH. In
In both the years of study NPK fertilization significantly 2010 foliar application of ZnSHH significantly increased
increased Zn uptake in rice grain over no fertilizer control Zn uptake in rice straw only when two or three applica-
(Table 4). Zn application significantly increased Zn uptake tions of 0.5 % solution were made. Further, three appli-
in rice grain. As regards soil application ZnSHH and Zn– cations of 0.5 % solution of Zn–EDTA resulted in
EDTA were at par in 2010, while in 2011, Zn–EDTA was significantly more Zn uptake by rice straw than its soil
superior. Again in 2010 two or three foliar applications of application and one to three applications of 0.2 % Zn–
0.5 % solution of Zn–EDTA were at par and three appli- EDTA solution. In 2011, Zn uptake in rice straw with
cations recorded significantly more Zn uptake in rice grain three foliar applications of 0.2 % solution of ZnSHH was
than soil application of Zn and most other foliar applica- significantly more, while that with a single foliar appli-
tions. In 2011 a single foliar application of 0.2 % solution cation was significantly less than soil application of
of ZnSHH or Zn–EDTA and a single foliar application of ZnSHH. In both the years of study the highest Zn uptake
0.5 % solution of ZnSHH recorded significantly lesser Zn by rice straw was recorded with three foliar applications
uptake by rice grain than their soil application. As regards of 0.5 % solution of Zn–EDTA.

Y. S. Shivay et al.

Table 5 Effect of sources, time and method of zinc application on Zn use efficiency indices of Basmati rice
Treatment Zn HI (%) ZnAE (kg grain increase kg-1 Zn applied) ZnCRE (%) ZnMEI
2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011

Absolute control 12.8 12.9 – – – – 0.28 0.28

NPK (120 kg N ? 26.2 kg P ? 60 kg K) 14.5 14.5 – – – – 0.29 0.29
NPK ? 5 kg Zn ha-1 through ZnSHH as SA 14.8 14.9 94.0 94.0 3.5 3.60 0.30 0.30
NPK ? ZnSHH 0.2 % FSAT 14.8 14.5 2083.3 2083.3 62.0 61.9 0.29 0.29
NPK ? ZnSHH 0.2 % FSAT ? B stages 14.8 14.9 1208.3 1208.3 39.4 39.9 0.30 0.30
NPK ? ZnSHH 0.2 % FSAT ? B ? GF stages 14.9 15.0 972.0 972.0 30.9 31.3 0.30 0.30
NPK ? ZnSHH 0.5 % FSAT 14.6 14.6 850.0 850.0 26.7 27.1 0.30 0.30
NPK ? ZnSHH 0.5 % FSAT ? B stages 14.5 14.5 583.3 583.0 20.2 20.6 0.29 0.30
NPK ? ZnSHH 0.5 % FSAT ? B ? GF stages 14.9 14.9 433.0 433.0 16.2 16.5 0.30 0.30
NPK ? 5 kg Zn ha-1 through Zn–EDTA as SA 14.8 14.8 134.0 134.0 5.2 5.3 0.30 0.30
NPK ? Zn–EDTA 0.2 % FSAT 14.4 14.4 3681.0 3681.0 105. 106. 0.29 0.29
NPK ? Zn–EDTA 0.2 % FSAT ? B stages 15.0 15.0 2326.3 2326.0 71.5 72.7 0.30 0.30
NPK ? Zn–EDTA 0.2 % FSAT ? B ? GF stages 14.9 14.9 1759.0 1759.0 62.9 63.9 0.30 0.30
NPK ? Zn–EDTA 0.5 % FSAT 14.6 14.7 2083.3 2083.0 59.7 60.8 0.29 0.29
NPK ? Zn–EDTA 0.5 % FSAT ? B stages 15.2 15.2 1347.0 1347.0 42.5 43.2 0.30 0.30
NPK ? Zn–EDTA 0.5 % FSAT ? B ? GF stages 15.5 15.5 1018.7 1018.3 34.3 34.6 0.31 0.31
SEm± 0.26 0.27 36.00 8.42 1.00 0.65 0.005 0.007
CD (P = 0.05) 0.75 0.79 104.66 24.48 2.90 1.90 0.014 0.020
ZnSHH zinc sulphate heptahydrate, SA soil application, FSAT foliar spray at tillering, B booting, GF grain filling

Zinc Uptake by Rice Crop (Grain ? Straw) Zinc Use Efficiency Indices

In both the years of study NPK fertilization significantly Zinc Harvest Index (ZnHI)
increased Zn uptake by rice crop over no fertilizer control
(Table 4). Soil application of Zn–EDTA resulted in more In both the years of study application of NPK significantly
Zn uptake by rice crop than ZnSHH, although the dif- increased the ZnHI over no fertilizer control (Table 5).
ference was significant only in 2011. Foliar application of However, soil or foliar application of ZnSHH or Zn–EDTA
0.2 % solution of ZnSHH recorded significantly more Zn had no significant influence on ZnHI in Basmati rice; ZnHI
uptake by rice crop than its soil application only in 2011. varied from 14.5 to 15.5 %.
However, with 0.5 % solution of ZnSHH, three foliar
applications in 2010 and two or three foliar applications in Zinc Mobilization Efficiency Index (ZnMEI)
2011 recorded significantly higher Zn uptake by rice as
compared to its soil application; three foliar applications In both the years of study Zn application either to soil or
were superior to two foliar applications. With 0.2 % so- foliage significantly increased ZnMEI over no fertilizer
lution of Zn–EDTA a single foliar application was infe- control. Various soil or foliar application treatments did not
rior to its soil application in both the years of study. With differ significantly among themselves. ZnMEI varied from
0.5 % solution of Zn–EDTA, three foliar applications 0.29 to 0.31.
resulted in significantly more Zn uptake by rice crop than
two foliar applications, which in turn recorded sig- Zn Agronomic Efficiency (ZnAE)
nificantly more Zn uptake than a single application in both
the years of study. In both the years of study the highest ZnAE of Zn–EDTA was significantly higher than ZnSHH
Zn uptake by rice crop was recorded with three foliar for both soil and foliar applications. ZnAE with foliar ap-
applications of 0.5 % solution of Zn–EDTA. plication was 4–27 fold of that obtained with soil appli-

Relative Efficiency of Zinc Sulphate and Chelated Zinc on Zinc Biofortification of Rice…

Table 6 Effect of sources, time and method of zinc application on physical grain (unhulled rough rice) quality parameters of Basmati rice
Treatment Hulling (%) Milling (%) Head rice recovery (%)
2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011

Absolute control 68.3 68.5 61.5 61.7 51.3 51.5

NPK (120 kg N ? 26.2 kg P ? 60 kg K) 71.2 71.6 63.4 63.8 53.5 53.7
NPK ? 5 kg Zn ha-1 through ZnSHH as SA 72.8 73.0 65.2 65.5 54.4 54.8
NPK ? ZnSHH 0.2 % FSAT 72.1 72.5 64.3 64.5 54.0 54.1
NPK ? ZnSHH 0.2 % FSAT ? B stages 72.5 73.1 65.5 65.8 54.5 54.7
NPK ? ZnSHH 0.2 % FSAT ? B ? GF stages 72.7 73.2 65.8 66.2 55.2 55.5
NPK ? ZnSHH 0.5 % FSAT 72.5 73.0 65.1 65.8 54.3 54.6
NPK ? ZnSHH 0.5 % FSAT ? B stages 72.9 73.5 65.9 66.3 54.8 55.3
NPK ? ZnSHH 0.5 % FSAT ? B ? GF stages 73.3 73.8 66.2 66.5 55.3 55.8
NPK ? 5 kg Zn ha-1 through Zn–EDTA as SA 73.1 73.5 66.3 66.5 55.1 55.6
NPK ? Zn–EDTA 0.2 % FSAT 72.5 72.8 65.8 66.1 54.8 54.9
NPK ? Zn–EDTA 0.2 % FSAT ? B stages 72.8 73.1 66.1 66.5 55.2 55.6
NPK ? Zn–EDTA 0.2 % FSAT ? B ? GF stages 73.1 73.5 66.8 67.1 55.8 56.2
NPK ? Zn–EDTA 0.5 % FSAT 72.7 73.2 66.5 66.9 55.3 56.5
NPK ? Zn–EDTA 0.5 % FSAT ? B stages 73.2 73.8 66.6 67.5 56.0 56.3
NPK ? Zn–EDTA 0.5 % FSAT ? B ? GF stages 73.8 74.1 67.8 68.1 56.5 56.7
SEm± 0.44 0.48 0.35 0.50 0.52 0.49
CD (P = 0.05) 1.26 1.39 1.01 1.44 1.50 1.42
ZnSHH zinc sulphate heptahydrate, SA soil application, FSAT foliar spray at tillering, B booting, GF grain filling

cation. In foliar application treatments, ZnAE significantly The highest hulling percentage was obtained with three
declined as the number of applications was increased, foliar applications of Zn–EDTA.
which also amounted to an increase in the amount of Zn
applied. Again since larger amounts of Zn were applied in
0.5 % solutions of ZnSHH or Zn–EDTA, ZnAE was lower Milling Percentage
with them than with 0.2 % solutions.
NPK fertilization significantly increased milling percent-
Zn Crop Recovery Efficiency (ZnCRE) age in rice and Zn application through soil or foliage fur-
ther significantly increased it. The highest hulling
ZnCRE was only 3–5 % when ZnSHH or Zn–EDTA was percentage was obtained with three foliar applications of
applied to soil and increased 10–20 fold when Zn was 0.5 % solution of Zn–EDTA and it was significantly more
applied to foliage. ZnCRE significantly decreased as the than that obtained with soil application of Zn–EDTA. In
number of foliar applications was increased, which also 2010 soil application of Zn–EDTA recorded significantly
amounted to an increase in the amount of Zn applied. In higher milling percentage than soil application of
case of single application of 0.2 % solution of Zn–EDTA it ZnSHH.
was about 100 % and declined to 63 % when the number
of foliar applications was increased to three. Head Rice Recovery

Milling Quality Parameters NPK fertilization significantly increased head rice recovery
in rice and in the case of ZnSHH a further significant in-
Hulling Percentage crease in head rice recovery was obtained only with three
foliar applications of 0.2 or 0.5 % solution. With Zn–
NPK fertilization significantly increased hulling percentage EDTA soil application also recorded a significant increase
in rice and all treatments involving application of Zn in head rice recovery over NPK fertilization and was at par
through soil or foliage but for a single spray of 0.2 % with one, two or three foliar applications of 0.2 or 0.5 %
ZnSHH solution significantly increased it further (Table 6). solutions, except in 2010, when three foliar applications

Y. S. Shivay et al.

Table 7 Effect of sources, time and method of zinc application on cooking quality parameters of Basmati rice
Treatment KLBC (mm) KLAC (mm) KLER (KLAC/KLBC)
2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011

Absolute control 6.8 6.8 10.0 10.0 1.47 1.47

NPK (120 kg N ? 26.2 kg P ? 60 kg K) 7.0 7.0 10.7 10.7 1.53 1.53
NPK ? 5 kg Zn ha-1 through ZnSHH as SA 7.2 7.2 11.8 11.8 1.64 1.64
NPK ? ZnSHH 0.2 % FSAT 7.1 7.1 11.5 11.5 1.62 1.62
NPK ? ZnSHH 0.2 % FSAT ? B stages 7.2 7.2 11.8 11.8 1.64 1.64
NPK ? ZnSHH 0.2 % FSAT ? B ? GF stages 7.3 7.3 11.9 11.9 1.63 1.63
NPK ? ZnSHH 0.5 % FSAT 7.2 7.2 11.6 11.6 1.61 1.61
NPK ? ZnSHH 0.5 % FSAT ? B stages 7.3 7.3 12.0 12.0 1.64 1.64
NPK ? ZnSHH 0.5 % FSAT ? B ? GF stages 7.4 7.4 12.3 12.3 1.66 1.66
NPK ? 5 kg Zn ha-1 through Zn–EDTA as SA 7.3 7.3 12.0 12.0 1.64 1.64
NPK ? Zn–EDTA 0.2 % FSAT 7.2 7.2 11.7 11.7 1.63 1.63
NPK ? Zn–EDTA 0.2 % FSAT ? B stages 7.3 7.3 12.0 12.0 1.64 1.64
NPK ? Zn–EDTA 0.2 % FSAT ? B ? GF stages 7.4 7.4 12.3 12.3 1.66 1.66
NPK ? Zn–EDTA 0.5 % FSAT 7.3 7.3 12.0 12.0 1.64 1.64
NPK ? Zn–EDTA 0.5 % FSAT ? B stages 7.4 7.4 12.3 12.3 1.66 1.66
NPK ? Zn–EDTA 0.5 % FSAT ? B ? GF stages 7.6 7.5 12.6 12.6 1.68 1.68
SEM± 0.11 0.12 0.18 0.19 0.012 0.012
CD (P = 0.05) 0.33 0.33 0.51 0.55 0.035 0.035
ZnSHH zinc sulphate heptahydrate, SA soil application, FSAT foliar spray at tillering, B booting, GF grain filling, KLBC kernel length before
cooking, KLAC kernel length after cooking, KLER kernel length expansion ratio

recorded significantly higher head rice recovery than soil When applied to soil ZnSHH and Zn–EDTA were found
application. to be equally effective. These results are in accordance
with the results of earlier researchers [24, 25]. The present
Cooking Quality Parameters results thus disagree from those of Chatterjee and Mandal
[15] and Karak et al. [26], who reported Zn–EDTA to be a
Kernel Length before Cooking (KLBC) better source of Zn than ZnSHH for rice when applied to
soil. The present results also support the farmers’ choice of
NPK fertilization had no significant effect on KLBC in ZnSHH as a source of Zn for rice and other crops. High
rice, but Zn fertilization through soil or foliage sig- cost of Zn–EDTA is a major deterrent.
nificantly increased it (Table 7). The highest KLBC was As regards growth, yield attributes, grain and straw
obtained with three foliar applications of 0.5 % solution of yield, in general, foliar application was no better than its
Zn–EDTA. soil application in the case of ZnSHH; single foliar appli-
cation at tillering was even inferior to soil application.
Kernel Length After Cooking (KLAC) and Kernel Length However from the viewpoint of Zn concentration and up-
Expansion Ratio (KLER) take by rice, three foliar applications of 0.5 % solution of
ZnSHH recorded significantly higher Zn concentration in
NPK fertilization significantly increased both KLAC and grain in the second year of study and in straw in both the
KLER and a further significant increase in both parameters years of study. Three foliar applications of 0.5 % solution
was recorded with soil or foliar application of Zn. The of ZnSHH also recorded significantly more Zn uptake in
highest KLAC and KLER were obtained with three foliar grain and straw than its soil application in the second year
applications of 0.5 % solution of Zn–EDTA. NPK fertil- of study. These results are in accordance with those of
ization significantly increased the growth, yield attributes, Dhaliwal et al. [27] from India, who showed that averaged
grain and straw yield and Zn concentration and uptake by on 5 rice cultivars 3 foliar sprays of 0.5 % ZnSHH
Basmati rice. This can be ascribed to better root growth due recorded a Zn concentration of 47.0 mg kg-1 grain in
to fertilizer application as reported by Pal et al. [23]. Better brown rice as compared to 33.8 mg kg-1 grain in no Zn
root growth of rice plants permitted foraging of a larger check. Similarly in a multi-location study in China, India,
volume of soil for Zn resulting in its increased uptake. Lao PDR, Thailand and Turkey Zn concentration in

Relative Efficiency of Zinc Sulphate and Chelated Zinc on Zinc Biofortification of Rice…

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search Institute, New Delhi for their advice and support. cultural research. Wiley, New York

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