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Plato and Aristotle were two of the most influential ancient Greek philosophers. They had differing
views on many subjects, including their conceptions of reality, knowledge, politics, and ethics
(Cunningham & Reich, 2010).

Plato (c. 428 - 348 BCE) was a student of Socrates and founded the Academy in Athens. He believed that
true reality exists in the world of abstract Forms or Ideas. The physical world is an imperfect reflection or
shadow of this higher reality (Plato, trans. 2002). He argued that knowledge is acquired through reason
and reflection, not the senses. In politics, Plato envisioned an ideal state ruled by philosopher-kings
(Plato, trans. 2005). His views on ethics emphasized justice, wisdom, courage and moderation as the
cardinal virtues (Irwin, 1995).

In contrast, Aristotle (384 - 322 BCE) rejected Plato's theory of Forms. He believed reality exists in
physical objects apprehended by the senses (Aristotle, trans. 2021). Knowledge comes through inductive
reasoning based on observation and experience. In politics, Aristotle favored rule by the middle class
rather than philosopher-kings (Aristotle, trans. 1985). His ethical views focused on eudaimonia, or
human flourishing through the practice of virtue and moderation (Kraut, 2018).

While Plato focused on abstract ideals and knowledge through reason, Aristotle grounded his
philosophy in experience and empiricism (Cunningham & Reich, 2010). Both made lasting contributions
to Western thought, but had markedly different perspectives. Plato looked beyond the physical world to
eternal truths, while Aristotle saw reality in mundane objects open to study. Their contrasting views
shaped philosophical debate for centuries.


Engineering has a long and diverse history that spans thousands of years and includes a wide
range of technological advancements and innovations. The history of engineering can be traced
back to ancient civilizations such as the Mesopotamians, Egyptians, and Greeks, who developed
early engineering techniques to build structures, construct tools, and create new forms of

One of the earliest known examples of engineering can be found in ancient Mesopotamia,
where the development of irrigation systems and the construction of ziggurats demonstrated
early engineering knowledge and skill. Similarly, the ancient Egyptians were known for their
advanced construction techniques, including the building of the pyramids and the development
of architectural and structural engineering principles that are still used today. Additionally, the
Greeks made significant contributions to engineering with their advancements in mathematics,
materials science, and mechanical engineering, which laid the foundation for many modern
engineering principles and practices.

Engineering continued to evolve and develop over the centuries, with major advancements
occurring during the Industrial Revolution in the 18th and 19th centuries. This period saw the
emergence of mechanical engineering, civil engineering, and electrical engineering, as well as
the development of new technologies and innovations that revolutionized the way people lived
and worked. The invention of the steam engine, the construction of railroads and bridges, and
the discovery of electricity and electromagnetism were just a few of the key developments that
shaped the modern engineering landscape.

In the 20th century, engineering continued to expand and diversify, with the emergence of new
disciplines such as aerospace engineering, computer engineering, and environmental
engineering. The rapid pace of technological advancement during this time led to the creation
of new materials, processes, and systems that helped propel engineering into the modern era.
The invention of the airplane, the development of the internet, and the exploration of outer
space are just a few examples of the incredible achievements that were made possible through
engineering during this time.

Today, engineering plays a crucial role in virtually every aspect of modern society, from
transportation and communication to healthcare and energy production. The field of
engineering continues to evolve and innovate, with new challenges and opportunities arising in
areas such as sustainable design, renewable energy, and artificial intelligence. As we look to the
future, engineering will undoubtedly continue to be at the forefront of shaping the world and
solving some of the most pressing global challenges.
In conclusion, the history of engineering is a rich and complex story that spans millennia and
encompasses a wide range of technological advancements and innovations. From the
achievements of ancient civilizations to the developments of the Industrial Revolution and the
modern era, engineering has played a pivotal role in shaping the world as we know it today.

Earlier in this lesson, it was brought up that the reason that modern society has the invention of
the wheel is due to the work of prehistoric engineers. To answer the question of ''when did
engineering start?'' there is no specific recorded date, but records show rudimentary
engineering started at the dawn of humanity. Other tools that came about due to the efforts of
rudimentary engineers from days long ago include the pulley, lever, and fulcrum. Ancient
Egyptians utilized engineering methods to build the pyramids. In early Rome, aqueducts were
engineered and used to transport water from naturally occurring bodies to the cities. Ancient
Chinese engineers are credited with the Great Wall, which is over 13,000 miles in length.

The earliest known and historically-named engineer is Imhotep, who served as chancellor to
Pharaoh Djoser. It is believed by historians that Imhotep is responsible for engineering what is
known as the step pyramid, a 200-foot-tall pyramid with steps. Civil engineering is believed to
be the oldest subdiscipline in the field and is still employed today in all civilized societies.

Currently, in the 21st century, many rapid developments in the field of engineering are being
made. One development that continues to improve is artificial intelligence; many jobs that were
once performed by humans are now automated. Biomedical engineering is another subfield of
engineering that continues to evolve. Many people receive benefits from this subfield and are
given chances at a longer life, and better quality of life, considering inventions such as
pacemakers and bionic artificial limbs.

A brief history of the engineering timeline that shows key developments in the field is shown

6,000 B.C. – Irrigation and other systems of water supply are invented in Mesopotamia.

4,000 B.C. – Historians believe that rudimentary bronze metallurgy began at this point.
2,900 B.C. – The Egyptians begin engineering pyramids.


Aristotle. (trans. 2021). Metaphysics. J. Sachs (Ed.). Green Lion Press.

- "The History of Engineering." Engineering.Com, Accessed 15 Nov. 2021.

Cunningham, L. S., & Reich, J. J. (2010). Culture and values: A survey of the humanities (7th ed.).
Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

Kraut, R. (2018). Aristotle's ethics. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Plato. (trans. 2002). Phaedo. D. Gallop (Trans.). Oxford University Press.

Plato. (trans. 2005). The republic. C.D.C. Reeve (Trans.). Hackett Publishing.

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