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Língua Inglesa

Diversity in movies and theater (Part 2)

1o bimestre – Aula 6
Ensino Médio
● Léxico: palavras e ● Explorar e analisar textos e
expressões relacionadas vídeos sobre a diversidade
com filmes e produções no cinema e em peças
teatrais; teatrais.

● Temático: diversidade em
filmes e peças teatrais.
Turn around and talk! In 3 minutes, talk
to your classmate about the following
1. Do you feel represented in films or
plays? Why?

I don't feel represented because...

Sometimes I...
Yes, but...
Depending on production, I...

Virem e conversem
Diversity on Broadway 7 MINUTES
Located in Midtown Manhattan, New York,
the Broadway theater district (or just
Broadway) is the home of theatrical
performances known worldwide. Some of
these shows are famous for the diversity
and representation of groups that are
considered minorities. To learn more about
it, watch the video of the interviews with
Renee Elise Goldsberry, Danielle Brooks,
and Danai Gurira talking about how
Broadway is different when it comes to
A seguir, vamos explorar algumas das palavras encontradas
no vídeo e que poderão ser úteis nas próximas atividades:

Barrier (Barreira) Boldness (Ousadia)

Pattern (Padrão) Producers (Produtores)
Accurate (Preciso) Performing arts
Storytelling (Narrativa) (Artes performáticas)
Broad (Amplo) Ahead of the game
Circumstances (À frente (do jogo))
(Circunstâncias) Go through (Passar por)
Challenging (Desafiador) People of color
Hope (Esperança) (Pessoas de cor)
Read the text and take notes of three pieces of information
you consider important about the Broadway district.

The Broadway district is home to some of the most

iconic and innovative theater productions and has
influenced the performing arts in the US and around the
world. Located in Midtown Manhattan, New York City,
this district has over 40 theaters. Their productions are
known for their high investment values, talented casts
and creative teams, and innovative storytelling. They
attract audiences from all over the world and help make
theater an even more global art form. Broadway is also
an important economic driver for New York City.

Now, analyze the statements and write in your

notebook if they are True (T) or False (F).
1. The Broadway district is in California. ( )
2. The Broadway district is known for its simple
and minimalist theater productions. ( )
3. Broadway’s productions are important for the
economy of the city. ( )
Now, analyze the statements and write in your
notebook if they are True (T) or False (F).
1. The Broadway district is in California. ( F )
2. The Broadway district is known for its simple
and minimalist theater productions. ( F )
3. Broadway’s productions are important for the
economy of the city. ( T )
In pairs or small groups, access the
indicated web page and explore the
Broadway shows. Find one in which you
identify diversity, whether through the cast or
the story. After that, answer the questions in
your notebook:
1. What is the name of this show?
2. What is the storytelling about?
3. What kind of diversity can you identify in
it? (The cast, the storytelling, the
represented minority groups, etc.)
Now, share your findings. You can use the models
below to help you do that:

The name of the Broadway show I researched is...

The story is about…
The main character is…, he/she represents...
The diversity in this production can be identified
I agree/disagree with the way this group is
presented to the audience because...
● Lemos e compreendemos textos,
identificando informações explícitas;
● Exploramos e analisamos textos e
vídeos sobre a diversidade no cinema e
em peças teatrais;
● Exploramos peças teatrais, identificando
as diferentes formas com que
promovem, ou não, a diversidade de
pessoas e histórias.
LEMOV, Doug. Título: Aula nota 10 3.0. 3. ed. Porto Alegre: Editora Penso, 2023.
SÃO PAULO (Estado). Secretaria de Educação do Estado de São Paulo. Currículo
em Ação – Linguagens e suas tecnologias – 1a série do Ensino Médio.
Diversity takes a step back in theatrical films – but strides forward in streaming.
Disponível em:
spring-2023-movie-industry. Acesso em: 27 dez. 2023.
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 dez. 2023.
Lista de imagens e vídeos
Slide 3 – Steve Pancrate/Unsplash. Disponível em:
de-luz-led-azul-e-branca-K-DIH-_Bvps. Acesso em: 10 jan. 2024.
Slide 4 – Stickers/Flaticon. Disponível em:
Acesso em: 10 jan. 2024.
Slide 5 – Stickers/Flaticon. Disponível em:
Acesso em: 10 jan. 2024.
Slide 6 – Stickers/Flaticon. Disponível em:
Acesso em: 10 jan. 2024.
Slides 7 e 8 – Stickers/Flaticon. Disponível em:
york_6455891. Acesso em: 10 jan. 2024.
Slide 10 – Stickers/Flaticon. Disponível em:
Acesso em: 10 jan. 2024.

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