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Good day Everyone I am Philip Elson S. Sanchez.

Laaadies and gentlemen,

•••Today, we gather to delve into inspiring debate on a topic that touches on ones life
fundamental questions: enjoyment now versus saving for later.
•••On one side of the spectrum, we have the proponents of “enjoy now, save later,” advocating
for living in the moment, clinching opportunities, and prioritizing immediate gratification. They
argue that life is too short to delay enjoyment and that experiences gained today hold more value
than potential future gains.
•••And on the other side, we have the advocates of “save now, enjoy later,” focusing on the
virtues of prudence, foresight, and delayed gratification. They believe in sacrificing short-term
pleasures for long-term security, planning for the future, and ensuring stability and comfort in
later stages of life.
••• As we embark on this debate, let us explore the nuances of these two perspectives, weigh
their merits and drawbacks, and consider how they shape our attitudes towards life, happiness,
and fulfillment. Let us engage in an exciting, respectful and engaging exchange of ideas,
assumptions, and perspectives, finally seeking to gain deeper insights into the age-old dilemma
of enjoying the present versus planning for the future.

And now for our CRITERIA:

INFORMATION- using facts to support all arguments (30pts)
COMPREHENSION- Demonstrated thorough understanding of informations (20pts)
PERSUASIVENESS- All arguments were logical and convincing. (10pts)
DELIVERY- Communicated clearly and confidently; maintained eye contact, excellent voice
inflection. (15pts)
REBUTTAL- Addressed all opponent arguments with counter-evidence. (25pts)

So Ladies and gentlemen, brace yourselves for a compelling debate that will challenge your
perspectives, ignite your passions, and leave you on the edge of your seats!

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