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Watch and listen to the conversation and complete the tasks

1. Listen carefully and fill in the blanks with the missing words

Noelia: Argh, this is just _________!

Paul: Susan again?
Noelia: Yeah, Susan. She just keeps ______ me about things that have nothing to do with
work and nothing to do with me. What do you think I _______ do?
Paul: Well, if I _____you, I’d email and ask her to stop sending them.
Noelia: I’m not sure that’s a good idea. I have to be ______what I say as she’s _____an
important client.
Paul: Erm, I’m not sure then. ______ you could try talking to Yuna about it?
Bob: Er … why don’t you ____ doing nothing?
Noelia: Sorry?
Bob: Perhaps you _____ just … do nothing?
Noelia: Really? I’m not too sure about that.
Bob: Well, I remember this guy I _____ to work with, Mark, and he kept emailing again and
again and again, about all sorts, mostly_______to work. Well, I kept responding ______ and
he kept sending them. In the end, I stopped ________ to his emails ______ they were only
about work.
Paul: And what happened?
Bob: He stopped sending them. It’s a bit like being faced with a ___________ __________.
If you _____ quickly, it’ll ____ you, but if you keep very _____ and do nothing, eventually it’ll
move away and _____you alone. I _____ to learn the hard way.

2. Put the lines in the correct order according to what you hear

____Bob: The irrelevant emails stopped.

____Noelia: Yes! Now she only sends me work-related ones.
____Bob: Well, that’s very good news.
____Noelia: Hey, Bob. Have you got a minute?
____Bob: Any time, Noelia, any time! All in a day’s work. Ahh!
____Noelia: All thanks to you, Bob.
____Bob: Yeah.
____Noelia: So, I tried what you suggested and I only responded to Susan’s emails about
work for a few days. Then guess what?

3. Read and write some advice . Use the expressions learned in class

I have problems sleeping. I play video games until late and when I go to bed I can't
sleep and on the next day I feel tired and sleepy in class so I can't pay attention.


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