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On most occasions, youth acquire new knowledges from older generations.

In fact, it
could be said that everything what we have known is thank of adults, for instance, not
only do babies need their parents to learn to eat or take the first step, but also teachers
teach maths and science to young students. However, there are two crucial areas
where adults play an important role in youth life.
On one hand, people between 20 and 25 years old usually start their first job. Despite
everything what they have studied they demand be guided in this new world. Adults
who have been working for plentiful years, have enough experience to realize if
someone is achieving a well outcome or on the contrary, they must make efforts to get
On the other hand, when someone start earning money it may be difficult to not waste
money. Adults have enough discipline to avoid buying something just on a whim. What
´s more, it is essential that someone older than you can lead you when you come
across a big break to earn money and they warn when there is high probability getting
rip off you.
On the whole, it seems there are plenty of areas where we can get skills and
behaviours from people older than us. However, when we are teenagers, we focus on
living our lives and we do not take advantages adult´s advice.

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