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College of Engineering

Mechanical Engineering Department

MECH 417– kinematics Design of machinery

Spring 2022

Assignment #1

Student Names IDs

Sara Saeed Alzaabi 201807302
Bashayer Ali Alshehhi 201801607
Shamma Jasim Altaffaq 201805750
Imane Hemdoui 201735355

Section: 51
Submitted to: Dr. Erwin sulaeman
Submission Date: 7/3/2022

1. Given the four-bank linkage shown in Figure 1. The length of the links CD, AB and BC are 1.0
m, 0.8 m and 5 m respectively. If the link CD has the rotation angle of θ as shown in Table 1,
determine the angles of links AB and BC by using both graphical method and complex number
analytical method. Show two answers results if applicable (Note that the link BC is not
necessarily horizontal). Select a single value of θ in Table 1 based on the Group code n. (n=4)

Using Matlab:-



2. Consider a four-bar-crank slider as shown in Figure 2. The length of the links AB and BC are
0.4 m and 1.6 m respectively. The horizontal distance c is fixed at 1.0 m. Find the angle of the
links AB and BC if the slider vertical position d is as shown in Table 2. Assume that the positive
sign of d indicates that the slider is below the position of A as shown in Figure 2. (n=4)

Using the loop Equation, we found the following:

Then by using MATLAB code, we calculated theta 3 and theta 4. The Value of Theta 2 is 90° as
shown in the previous figure. And the length of each link is also specified.

• MATLAB Code:

a = 1; b = 0; c = 0.4; d = 1.6;
Th_1 = 0; Th_2 = 90; % in Degree
%Z and Z conjugate
Z = a * exp(1i*deg2rad(Th_1));
Zc = conj (Z);
% The Paramaters of the Quadratic Equation of T
Ka = c*Zc;
Kb = Z*Zc + c^2 - b^2;
Kc = c*Z;
T = roots([ Ka Kb Kc ]);
S = (c*T+Z)/b;
% Solution of the Link AB and Link BC Angles
Th_3 = rad2deg(angle(T))

Th_3 = 2×1


Th_4 = rad2deg (angle(S))

Th_4 = 2×1


3. Consider a four-bar linkages as shown in Figure 3. The length of the links are a = 40 mm, b =
120 mm, and c = 80 mm respectively. The horizontal distance d is provided in Table 3. Develop
a MATLAB coding to calculate and plot the transmission angle as a function of the crank angle
𝜃2 for a one full rotation 0 ≤ 𝜃2 ≤ 360°. Use the increment ∆𝜃 = 1° or less for the plot. (n=4)

Coding part:
clear all
close all
L1 = 140 ;L2 = 40 ;
L3 = 120 ; L4 = 80 ; % all in mm
a = L2/1000; b = L3/1000;
c = L4/1000; d = L1/1000;

ntot = 360/delta
Th1 = 0 ;
for i=0:ntot
% All in degrees
Th2 = Th2 + delta
% Z and Z conjugate
Z = d*exp(1i*deg2rad(Th1))- a*exp(1i*deg2rad(Th2));
Zc = conj(Z);
% The parameters of the quadratic equation of T
Ka = c*Zc;
Kb = Z*Zc + c^2 -b^2;
Kc = c*Z;
T = roots([ Ka Kb Kc]);
S = (c*T+Z)/b;
% Solutions of the link3 & link 4 angles
Th4 = rad2deg(angle(T))
Th3 = rad2deg(angle(S))

if Th3(1)>Th3(2) th3x=Th3(1)
else th3x=Th3(2)
if Th4(1)> Th4(2) th4x=Th4(1)
else th4x=Th4(2)
trans = th4-th3
th=[th2' th3' th4']
title 'Tansmission angle VS crank angle'
xlabel 'crank angle [degree]'
ylabel 'Tansmission angle [degree]'

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