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9 Private Water Wells

Private water wells are considered a type of private

water supply because they are designed to provide
potable water for a single building or facility of either
Agency manuals include standards establishing maxi-
mum contamination levels. The Association of State
Drinking Water Administrators provides potable wa-
residential or commercial construction. Normally, a ter information. State, local, and regional regulations
water well that provides potable water to multiple provide minimum construction standards.
buildings or facilities is considered a community wa-
ter supply. Community water supply systems require SOURCES OF SUPPLY
more stringent design, a greater volume of reserve The source of water for private water well systems is
storage capacity, redundant pumping systems, a high- groundwater, which by definition is subsurface water
ly scrutinized permit process, and, for the most part, a stored in a saturated state within certain types of
full-time licensed water system operator. Conversely, geological formations beneath the Earth’s surface.
a private water well system is installed, controlled, The Earth’s crust is comprised of multiple layers of
operated, and maintained by the user. Safe drinking various geological formations of different minerals
water is the ultimate goal, and the methods described and many different substrates. Water-filled voids
in this chapter are a means to that goal. occur in both bedrock and regolith formations. The
Engineering considerations in the design of pri- glacial drift (sand and gravel) and sandstone regions
vate water wells include the following: the geology of are examples of shallow water-bearing zones, whereas
the area, required demand, potential water quality, shale and dolomite regions do not contain any satu-
system elements, equipment, construction, initial rated water properties.
operation, and maintenance procedures. In addition The water-saturated voids or regions are con-
to addressing each of these areas, you should seek sidered aquifers, and it is possible to find multiple
sources of local information and references, includ- aquifers at various elevations at the same location.
ing drilling logs of previously constructed wells and Aquifers store subsurface water that can be yielded
their respective water quality test results. The re- in a usable quality and quantity through the use of
gional governmental agency or health department water wells. The water quality and volume that can
responsible for water quality and protection is the be obtained from aquifers substantially change from
preferred source of information for the quality of the region to region and elevation to elevation. Ground-
water supply and approximate location of aquifers. water supply is recharged through surface runoff
This agency should be contacted as soon as possible that soaks into the ground and is not absorbed by
to determine the adequacy and quality of the supply surface agriculture. Commercial development and
and any local regulations governing the construction drought reduce the available recharge water for ap-
of private water wells. plicable aquifers. Thus, aquifer recharge is necessary
Wells often are classified as deep or shallow. A shal- to preserve the well’s water source. Protecting our
low well is considered to be 50 to 100 feet (15 to 30 environment from pollution is critical to the quality
meters) deep. A deep well generally is considered to be of future groundwater supplies.
a superior source because the water is less susceptible A further explanation of subsurface water is given in
to contamination and the depth of the aquifer usually Chapter 4: “Storm Water Drainage,” in this volume.
fluctuates less than that in a shallow well.
CODES AND STANDARDS A water well is a cased hole (usually vertical) that is
The Safe Drinking Water Act governs the quality drilled through the Earth’s substrate to access water
of water from wells. U.S. Environmental Protection that is stored within the Earth’s aquifers. Modern
156 ASPE Plumbing Engineering Design Handbook — Volume 2

wells generally are drilled using a machine that cally, well permits are required before actual drilling
advances a bore hole to an aquifer, where a casing is can begin, with follow-up jurisdictional inspections.
installed to prevent collapse of the boring. This casing
Dug and Augered Wells
also prevents the well’s aquifer from being contami-
Depths of dug and augured wells can be 65 feet (20
nated by surface water or other sources of surface
meters) or more, depending on the position of the wa-
pollution at or near the surface of the ground.
ter table, while diameters are usually 3 to 30 feet (1 to
The size of the well is determined by the build-
9 meters). Dug and augered wells can yield relatively
ing’s water demand, equipment size (pump and pipe),
large quantities of water from shallow sources. They
and static pumping elevation. Deeper wells typically
are the most common type of well used for individual
require larger-diameter pumps and impellers, thus
water supplies. Their large diameters permit storage
requiring larger-diameter casings. Residential wells
of considerable quantities of water if the well extends
providing water for a single dwelling generally range
some distance below the water table. Some large
from 2 to 6 inches (5 to 15 centimeters) in diameter
municipal wells called collectors are dug wells with
and produce several hundred gallons of water per day.
lateral, screened horizontal pipes.
High-capacity wells, such as wells for industry or mu-
In the past, all dug wells were excavated by hand;
nicipal water supplies, may range from 6 to 36 inches
today, the auger method is becoming more widely uti-
(15 to 91 centimeters) in diameter or larger and may
lized. The auger pulls loose material to the surface for
produce several million gallons of water per day.
distribution as fill. Large dug wells can be constructed
Shallow wells of 50 to 100 feet (15 to 30 meters)
rapidly with portable excavating and augering equip-
or less can be installed in loose formations of sand
ment. For safety and to prevent caving, a lining of
by driving or jetting (a high-pressure jet of water) a
shoring or sheet piling should be placed in the hole
2-inch (5-centimeter) pipe into the ground until an
to brace the walls.
adequate depth is reached to provide the required
A dug well must be permanently lined with a casing
water. Shallow wells more than 50 feet (15 meters)
of wood staves, brick, rock, concrete, or metal to sup-
in depth generally are drilled using mud or air rotary.
port it from cave-in. A properly constructed dug well
These techniques use a fluid, such as water, drilling
penetrating a permeable aquifer can yield approxi-
mud, or compressed air, to clean the soil cuttings from
mately 200 to 1,000 gallons per minute (gpm) (757 to
the bore hole as the well is drilled. Water or drilling
3,785 liters per minute), although most domestic dug
mud is used in loose formations of sand and gravel to
wells yield less than 18,000 cubic feet per day (510
stabilize the bore hole, whereas deeper wells through
cubic meters per day). It is difficult to provide a proper
clay and bedrock formations generally are drilled us-
sanitary seal on a dug well, whereas augering allows
ing air and water to clean the bore hole since these
the installation of a welded steel casing to prevent
formations are fairly stable.
ground source contamination. Construction of dug
The bore hole is advanced until either adequate
wells is prohibited or at least discouraged in some
water is encountered or bedrock is reached. In either
areas because of the increased possibility of surface
case, the bore hole must be of a significant depth to
contamination compared to deeper wells constructed
isolate the well so it is not contaminated from surface
by other means.
water and pollutants. In porous formations of sand or
gravel, casing is installed with a well screen to allow Bored Wells
the water to easily enter the well from the aquifer. Bored wells are constructed with hand-operated (shal-
If bedrock is encountered before water, the bore hole low depths) or power-driven earth augers similar to
is advanced into the bedrock a few feet, a casing is those previously described. Augers are available in
installed, and the well is advanced into the bedrock several shapes and sizes, all operating with cutting
until water is encountered. The annulus between the blades at the bottom that bore through the Earth’s
casing and bore hole must be sealed with an impervi- substrate in a rotary motion. Hand-boring operations
ous material to prevent infiltration of surface water rarely exceed 50 feet (15 meters) in depth, whereas
into the aquifer. power drilling/augering equipment can exceed 1,000-
Specific state, local, and regional regulations foot (305-meter) depths.
provide minimum construction standards for wells Deep well construction requires casing pipe insula-
regarding potential sources of contamination, tion to contain and prevent contamination but also
structures, surface features, and property lines. Ad- to protect the well shaft from collapsing. The drilling
ditionally, state regulations may specify a minimum operation may pass through loose gravel or unstable
depth of the well, minimum amount of casing, type strata before it reaches an aquifer to support the
of casing, and grouting specifications for the annulus necessary water quality and quantity required for the
of the casing to prevent surface contamination. Typi- project under design.
Chapter 9 — Private Water Wells 157

It is important to specify a proper compound of is lowered to the bottom of the hole inside the casing.
Portland cement and bentonite to grout and seal the The outer casing then is pulled, gravel is inserted
well casing respective to its penetration through the between the interior casing and the bore hole, and
various geological formations. This prevents surface the well is ready for pumping.
contamination and prohibits contamination between The above procedure can be simplified by the use
the various layers between the Earth’s geological of a self-jetting well point. This consists of a tube
formations. of brass screen ending in a jetting nozzle, which is
Driven Wells screwed to the well pipe. As soon as the well point is
jetted to the required depth, the well is completed and
A driven well consists of a series of connected lengths
ready for pumping. Gravel should be added around
of pipe driven by repeated impacts into the ground to
the drill pipe for permanent installation.
below the water table. Water enters the well through a
Construction of jetted wells is prohibited in some
drive (or sand) point at the lower end of the well. This
areas because of the inability to grout the annular
consists of a screened cylindrical section protected
space and the consequent exposure of the well to
during driving by a steel cone at the bottom.
surface contamination.
Diameters of driven wells are small, with most
falling in the range of 2 to 4 inches (5 to l0 centi- HYDRAULICS OF WELLS
meters). Standard-weight steel and galvanized steel
Figure 9-1 shows a well under two conditions: (A)
pipe having threaded couplings serve as casing. Most
static (non-pumping) and (B) pumping. Once the
depths are less than 50 feet (l5 meters), although a
pumping of the well starts, the water table (or in the
few exceed 65 feet (20 meters).
case of a confined aquifer, the potentiometric surface)
As suction-type or jet pumps extract water from
is lowered in the vicinity of the well, and the resulting
driven wells, the water table must be near the ground
water table surface is known as the cone of depression.
surface if a continuous water supply is to be obtained.
The decrease in the water level at and in the vicinity
The practical suction limit (i.e., the vertical distance
of the well is known as the drawdown.
between the suction intake of the pump and the pump-
The basic equilibrium equation for an unconfined
ing level in the well) for a single pipe installation is
about 25 feet (7.6 meters). However, two-pipe venturi aquifer can be derived using the notations indicated
suction designs or multistaged turbine pumps can in Figure 9-1. In this case, the flow is assumed to be
remove water from deeper depths. radial, the original water table is considered to be
Driven wells are suitable for single-home, residen- horizontal, the well is considered to fully penetrate
tial water supplies, for temporary water supplies (such the aquifer, which has an infinite area, and steady-
as those required on a remotely located construction state conditions must prevail. Using Darcy’s law, this
project), and for exploration and observation. Driven becomes:
wells are limited to unconsolidated formations con- Equation 9-1
taining no large gravel or rocks that might damage K (h 2 – h12)
Q= f 2
the drive point. Driving can be done with a manual
sledge, ram driver, drop hammer, or air hammer. The
1,055 Loge r2
() 1

important advantages of driven wells are that they where

can be constructed in a short time, at minimum cost, Q = Discharge, gpm (liters per minute)
and by just one person. Kf = Permeability (flow velocity), gallons per day
per square foot (liters per day per square
Jetted Wells meter)
Jetted wells are constructed by the cutting action h2 = Static head measured from the bottom of the
of a downward-directed stream of water. The high- aquifer, feet (meters)
velocity stream washes the earth away, while the h1 = Depth of water in the well while pumping,
casing, which is lowered into the deepening hole, feet (meters)
conducts the water and cuttings up and out of the r2 = Radius of the cone of depression, feet (meters)
well. Small-diameter holes of 2 to 4 inches (5 to r1 = Radius of the well, feet (meters)
l0 centimeters) to depths greater than 50 feet (l5 This equation then may be solved for Kf, yielding:
meters) can be formed in this manner. Jetted wells Equation 9-2
typically yield small amounts of water and are best
suited to unconsolidated formations. Kf =
1,055QLog10 r2()r

During the jetting operation, the drill pipe is (h22 – h12)

turned slowly to ensure a straight hole. To complete
a shallow jetted well after the casing extends below In Equation 9-2, Loge has been converted to Logl0;
the water table, the well pipe with a screen attached Kf (flow velocity) is in gallons per day per square foot
158 ASPE Plumbing Engineering Design Handbook — Volume 2

(A) (B)
Figure 9-1 Well Under (A) Static and (B) Pumping Conditions

(liters per day per square meter); Q (discharge) is in well itself. To close avenues of access outside the cas-
gpm (liters per minute); and r and h are measured in ing, the annular space should be filled with a sealing
feet (meters). If the drawdown is small compared to grout of cement, bentonite, or a combination thereof.
the total aquifer thickness, an approximate formula Entry through the top of the well can be prevented by
for the discharge of the pumped well can be obtained the provision of a water-tight cover to seal the top of
by inserting wall height (hw) for h1 and the height the casing. Some pumps are available with metal bases
of the aquifer for h2 in Equation 9-l. that provide the necessary closure. For pumps with an
The basic equilibrium equation for a confined open-type base or where the pump is not placed directly
aquifer can be obtained in a similar manner, using the over the well, a seal is required for the annular opening
notation indicated in Figure 9-1. The same assump- between the discharge pipe and the casing.
tions apply. Mathematically, the flow in cubic feet (cubic It is desirable to provide a small (sealed) opening in
meters) per second may be determined as follows: or below the pump base to allow for periodic water level
Equation 9-3 measurements. Covers around the well should be made
2Kfm (h2 – h1) of concrete, elevated above the level of the adjacent
Q= r
Loge r2()
land, and slope away from the well. Where possible,
pitless adapters should be used in preference to buried
where well seals or seals located in a concrete pit.
m = Inside diameter of the well shaft, feet (meters) Subsurface pollution may be introduced by nearby
The coefficient of permeability may be determined septic systems, adjacent industry, surface runoff, or
by rearranging Equation 9-3 as follows: numerous types of current and past land uses. A
Equation 9-4 contaminated plume can extend a long distance in
an underground stream or aquifer. Regular bacte-
Kf =
528QLog10 r2()
1 riological and chemical testing of the water quality is
m(h22 – h12) required to ensure potability. Whenever a new well is
completed or an old well is repaired, contamination
PROTECTION OF WELLS from equipment, well materials, or surface water
Whenever groundwater pumped from a well is in- may be introduced. The addition and agitation of a
tended for human consumption, proper sanitary chlorine compound will disinfect the well, though this
precautions must be taken to protect the water qual- may corrode old steel-cased wells. Thus, following the
ity. (See the following discussion of water quality.) disinfection, the well should be pumped to waste until
Pollution sources may exist either above or below the all traces of chlorine are removed. As a final check
ground surface. Submersible pump installations often on the potability of the water, two samples should be
are equipped with a pitless adapter, which provides collected 24 hours apart and sent to a certified testing
an excellent sanitary seal as well as frost protection laboratory for bacteriological examination.
for the discharge piping. A cross-section of a typical In regions where winter frost occurs, it is impor-
pitless adaptor is illustrated in Figure 9-2. tant to protect pumps and water lines from freezing.
Surface pollution can enter wells through either Pitless adapters are the most common method used
the annular space outside the casing or the top of the to protect the well head from freezing and pollution.
Chapter 9 — Private Water Wells 159

the water demand. You should con-

sult with the local administrative
authority regarding local codes
and regulations. Designing water
systems for firefighting purposes
requires knowledge of a building’s
construction, occupancy, and use.
Nationally recognized standards,
acceptable to the local administra-
tive authority under the applicable
code, should be followed.
The flow from a 1½-inch (3-cen-
timeter) nominal size nozzle at
45 pounds per square inch gauge
(psig) (310.3 kilopascals) can be
as much as 250 gpm (l5.8 liters
per second). It is recommended
to install water meters on the
non-domestic demands (such as
irrigation, fire protection, and
heating/cooling loads) to allow
the building’s owner to monitor

The Safe Drinking Water Act of
l974, subsequently amended in
1996, requires the administra-
tor of the EPA to promulgate
Figure 9-2 Typical Pitless Adaptor national standards for the purity
of drinking water and correspond-
ing regulations to enforce them.
Current EPA manuals include
standards establishing maximum
Pitless adaptors allow for pump discharge below frost contamination levels, and states
level and at the same time provide a check valve for have adopted these standards or more stringent
backflow protection. standards. Efforts must be made to conform to these
When a well is abandoned, it should be sealed regulations in all systems.
properly by filling it with cement grout, bentonite, Well water is usually satisfactory for drinking
or a combination thereof. Sealing prevents surface because of the natural filtration created as the water
contamination from entering the well, prevents ac- passes through the geological formations. However,
cidents and the possible movement of inferior water when an excess of dissolved minerals or gases is
from one aquifer to another, and conserves water in present, the water must be treated. Selection of the
flowing wells. As necessary, other sealing measures appropriate treatment process must be made based on
may be needed to ensure that contaminants do not mi- a thorough knowledge of the water and its chemical
grate within the aquifer by movement in the annular composition. The processes employed include filtra-
space between the well casing and the bore hole. To tion, softening, coagulation and flocculation, taste
ensure that the well is completely sealed, the cement and odor control, prophylaxis, and disinfection. These
and/or bentonite should be pumped under pressure treatment processes are described below.
through a tremie pipe or other means to discharge at
the bottom of the well, forcing its way upward until Filtration
it reaches the surface. Where the water is not of an adequate purity and/
or clarity, filters are required. Filters may be either
WATER DEMAND gravity or pressure type and should include automatic
The demand for water in a new system is determined controls for all functions. These devices may be sand or
by the design engineer. The building’s system dynamic multimedia (provided that when aggressive or low-pH
and static requirements are utilized in determining water is processed, the sand does not contain excessive
160 ASPE Plumbing Engineering Design Handbook — Volume 2

amounts of limestone or shells). The grade of the sand in removing phenolic compounds as well as certain
and/or type of media depends on local conditions. other undesirable materials. Sodium thiosulfate or
Coarse sand is less effective in the removal of tur- sodium bisulfate has been used to remove chlorine
bidity and bacteria, while fine sand requires a shorter from water, and copper sulfate will destroy living
period between washings. Filters may use layers of organic matter.
various grades of sand and gravel to minimize filter Prophylaxis
gravel upset and loss of sand. These units may include
Fluoride sometimes is added to the water with the
anthracite coal particles or activated carbon, both of
intent of reducing dental cavities. Where amounts
which are often effective in removing objectionable
of fluoride are excessive, tooth enamel will become
tastes, odors, and other impurities. Filters should be
mottled. Some waters have adequate or even excessive
backwashed and disinfected before being placed back
fluoride in their natural state.
in service. Parallel filtration prevents interruption of
the supply water during backwash and/or cleaning. Disinfection
Disinfection should be the last step in the water treat-
ment process. Chlorination has been shown to prevent
The two methods of reducing any dissolved calcium
epidemics of waterborne disease, and it also destroys
and magnesium that are suitable for large water ammonia. It is an inexpensive method compared to
supplies are the zeolite process and the lime soda ultraviolet radiation and ozone treatment. Gaseous
method. The zeolite process replaces the calcium and chlorine is used in large installations, while calcium
magnesium chlorides, and all residues (backwash) and sodium hypochlorite are satisfactory for small
must be disposed of in locations where the groundwa- systems. Water from a properly constructed modern
ter will not be contaminated. Zeolite systems may be well seldom needs to be disinfected once the well and
automated or manual. When iron is removed by this pumping equipment are initially disinfected.
process, the oxides may clog the filter beds. Cleaning
the beds requires high-velocity washing. Radon Contamination
The lime soda method removes calcium, magne- In areas where radon (a radioactive gas) is present
sium, manganese, iron, and carbon dioxide. The pH is in low quantities in the ground, the water might be
raised, and most units effectively destroy any harm- contaminated. Treatment may be necessary to elimi-
ful organisms. This method produces considerable nate radon from the water, and water softening often
quantities of sludge, which require proper disposal. is used to accomplish this.
The lime soda method involves a large installation
and skilled operation. Equipment is needed to mix and SYSTEM ELEMENTS
feed chemicals and for flocculation and settling, recar- Pumps
bonating and filtering. When iron is not removed, it The three most common well pump systems are vertical
may be held in solution in cool water up to 72 hours turbine pumps, jet pumps, and submersible pumps.
by the addition of hexametaphosphate. This chemical The vertical turbine pump is a centrifugal pump
may prevent incrustation in water with a high pH. with the motor on the ground surface over the bore
Scale and Corrosion Control hole and the shaft and impeller suspended in the
Elimination of any excessive scale and corrosion of the aquifer. It is well suited for large flow rates, deep
piping system is important. This may be accomplished wells, and high discharge heads.
by the proper choice of piping materials or by chemical The jet pump is a centrifugal pump with the motor
treatment of the water. Specifying a plastic distribu- and the impeller on the ground surface. It uses a jet of
tion system will not protect the metallic piping and water flowing down the bore hole to create a partial
equipment in buildings. The control of hardness, vacuum at the bottom that, with a special fitting, draws
dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide, and acidity may an additional amount of water into the discharge pipe.
be necessary. Sodium hexametaphosphate commonly This pump is used for small flow rates.
is used for corrosion control, scale prevention, and A submerged pump is a centrifugal pump that
removal of hardness. is entirely self-contained in a housing. It contains
an electrical motor close-coupled with an impeller
Taste and Odor Control and an attached discharge pipe to the surface. This
Potassium permanganate oxidizes iron and man- pump is well suited for a wide variety of flow rates
ganese, forming a precipitate. This compound also and pressures.
acts as an algaecide. Oxygenation is another way to The design of a pumping system should take into
treat the water, which may (in some cases) be more consideration maintenance and the possible failure of
effective than treating it with potassium permangan- one pump in the system. It is sometimes necessary to
ate. Activated carbon has been found to be effective have a backup (second) pump, which can be expensive.
Chapter 9 — Private Water Wells 161

However, if the system serves fire hydrants or fire

protection equipment within a building without the
use of a storage tank, it may be essential.
Pumps for residential or light commercial ap-
plications may be readily in stock at local supply
companies in areas where many private water wells
are prevalent. On the other hand, it is common to
have large well drilling companies keep and maintain
a large-diameter submersible well pump for large ap-
plications within their inventories for your emergency
use at a cost.
A cross-section of a vertical turbine pump is illus-
trated in Figure 9-3. You should give more attention
to the pump base (or foundation) than is shown in
this figure. If the pump is in an unheated building,
the foundation must be below the frost line to avoid
any movement, and there must be sufficient mass to
eliminate any vibration. Also, extreme care must be
taken in setting the anchor bolts and aligning the
pump and the shaft to prevent any misalignment.
The vertical turbine pump shown in Figure 9-3 is
very practical for large-capacity, relatively straight
and plumb shallow wells. Where deep wells or
misaligned wells are encountered, it may be more
practical to use a submersible pump. These units can
be fitted with almost any number of stages (sections)
and, depending upon the size of the well, can exceed
the capacity and efficiency of the surface-mounted
vertical turbine pump.
Submersible Well Pumps
Well pumps produce flow by transforming mechanical
energy to hydraulic energy. Manufacturers produce a
wide variety of pumps. The selection of a particular
size and type of pump depends on several factors:
• Required pumping capacity
• Well diameter and depth
• Depth and variability of pumping level
• Straightness of the well
• Sand pumping
• Total pumping head
• Duration of pumping
• Type of power available
• Costs
The total pumping head, or total dynamic head, of
a pump represents the total vertical lift and pumped
distance of the water from the well. The total head
consists of three components:
1. Drawdown inside the well (including aquifer
and well losses)
2. Static head, or the difference between the
static groundwater level and the static dis-
charge elevation
3. Friction losses due to flow through the intake Figure 9-3 Typical Gravel Filter Well with a Vertical Turbine Pump
and discharge pipes. The total pumping head (Note the concrete seal adjacent to the outer well casing)
increases with the discharge rate.
162 ASPE Plumbing Engineering Design Handbook — Volume 2

For shallow wells where only small discharges a steel tank is field-erected, after its construction it
are needed, submersible pumps, vertical turbine must be coated on the inside with an FDA-approved
pumps (Figure 9-2), or gear pumps may be installed. epoxy-base paint, and it is suggested that the same
Discharges range up to approximately 18,000 cubic coating be applied on the outside for weather pro-
feet per day (510 cubic meters per day). Suction lifts tection. Underground tanks require coatings and
should not exceed approximately 23 feet (7 meters) cathodic protection. There are several different sup-
for efficient and continuous service. (Available net pliers of this type of material, finish, and protection.
positive suction head, or NPSH, for lift for the selected It is recommended that you consult an expert before
pump is critical in this determination.) specifying the coating.
Where a large discharge is required from a shallow
In flatland areas where the terrain does not allow
well, a centrifugal pump commonly is employed. The
for a ground-mounted storage tank, it is necessary to
assembly may be mounted with a horizontal or verti-
install an elevated tank on legs or to use a standpipe.
cal shaft. The horizontal design is efficient, easy to
The foundation in such installations is just as critical
install and maintain, and usually connected directly
to an electric motor. Because of the low suction head, as it is with ground-mounted tanks. The installation
the pump often is placed a short distance above the of ground-level or aboveground storage tanks raises
water level in a large-diameter well. (The NPSH must the question of ice forming in the storage tank itself.
meet the design requirements.) If the water level within the storage tank is allowed
to fluctuate over a broad range, the changes in the
Storage Tanks water level will break up the ice so it is not necessary
Storage tanks are useful as emergency sources and to to heat the unit.
prevent overtaxing the water supply system in firefight- For a small residential system or light commercial
ing situations. Elevated storage tanks provide uniform
system (e.g., a remotely located school), the use of a
pressures and reduce energy and pump costs.
hydropneumatic storage tank is recommended because
Storage tanks should be constructed of materials
it is relatively inexpensive compared to an elevated
that are nontoxic and corrosion resistant. The detailed
construction requirements for water storage tanks storage tank. In sizing such a unit, you should assume
intended for firefighting purposes are outlined in Na- that only one-third of the tank’s capacity will be avail-
tional Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard able as usable water, excluding the capacity of the well
22: Water Tanks for Fire Protection. Storage tank pump. Also, a compressed air supply with air-to-water
supports usually are designed to resist seismic move- balance controls to the top of the storage tank should
ment. The tanks must have provisions for cleaning. be provided to recharge the unit, since the large water
Rainwater cisterns also can be used for an emergency surface can gradually absorb the air and reduce the
supply of drinking water if the water is appropriately volume of the air cushion. Precharged hydropneumatic
filtered and treated prior to use. tanks eliminate the requirement for an air compres-
Storage tank capacity and the size of the pump sor for recharging. Unfortunately, the available sizes
system are related. Without storage, the pumps must preclude their use to residential and light commercial
be large enough to supply instantaneous demand. applications. Generally, hydropneumatic tank systems
This is impractical since instantaneous water de- do not provide sufficient storage for fire protection or
mands are unpredictable, thus causing short-cycling for extended outages of the well pump.
of pump motors and reducing pump life expectancy. The minimum size of storage, regardless of the
As the size of the storage tank increases, the fill rate type of tank, may be determined graphically (see
of a gravity tank can decrease with the reduction, or Figure 9-4). The first diagram denotes the hourly
elimination, of peak loads to reduce costs and equip-
water demand throughout a typical peak day. Also
ment size. This also allows continuous operation of
shown, as line A-B, is the average pumping rate, which
the pumps at maximum efficiency.
is exceeded during the morning period from 5:00 to
Ground-mounted storage tanks located on the side
l0:00 a.m. and again in the afternoon from 2:00 to
of a hill must be installed on a concrete foundation
with the footing below the frost line and adequate 3:00 p.m. During these periods, water is drawn from
support under the entire bottom of the storage tank. the storage tank. The second diagram denotes the
Taking soil-bearing tests prior to designing the cumulative water consumption for the day. Again,
foundation is extremely important. It is better to the pumping volume (a constant rate) is shown as
over-design than for a portion of the foundation to line A-B. The quantity S represents the total storage
settle and allow the storage tank to become warped volume required with the supply rate A-B. Alternate
or possibly leak. supply rates can be drawn to determine the corre-
Prefabricated storage tanks are available in sec- sponding storage volume requirement.
tions and constructed of steel with a glass lining. If
Chapter 9 — Private Water Wells 163

storage tank to avoid drawing any sediment into the

suction pipe. Gravity storage tanks must be screened
and adequately vented. Anti-vortex plates also can be
utilized at suction connections to storage vessels to
prevent the pump from drawing air and cavitating.
Pressure Regulators
Pressures in excess of 80 psi (55l.6 kilopascals) in
private water well systems should be avoided when-
ever possible; in some cases, this is required by local
codes. If this is so, pressure-regulating devices must
be installed. Pressure regulators, as most devices, are
subject to wear and may create noisy conditions, and
relief valves are required to be used in conjunction
with them, in the event of regulator failure.
This condition determines the height of the el-
evated storage tank from the lowest point of use.
The fluctuation of the water level from the top of the
storage tank to the bottom is not critical. If a well
pump’s starting and stopping is controlled by the
storage tank level, the reduced-pressure condition of
80 psi (55l.6 kilopascals) can be achieved by one of a
number of acceptable means. You should consult with
the local administrative authority to determine the
approved methods.
Unfortunately, in northern latitudes, a float-type
level control in the storage tank frequently is af-
Figure 9-4 Graph Indicating Minimum Storage Tank Size fected by icing and, therefore, is not a very reliable
device. One of the more common ways of eliminat-
Storage Tank Suction Piping ing the problem is the use of an altitude valve,
The minimum distance below the water level that a which is installed in the supply line to an elevated
suction inlet must be to avoid drawing any air into storage tank, basin, or reservoir for the purpose of
the suction pipe is illustrated in Figure 9-5. Minimum preventing overflow. The altitude valve closes at the
submergence is highly desirable to develop a full predetermined high-water level and opens for refilling
pump output. In addition, the suction pipe should be when the water level recedes. A single-acting altitude
a few inches (centimeters) above the bottom of the valve is employed for filling purposes only. The dis-

(A) (B)
Figure 9-5 Storage Tank Suction Piping Detail: (A) Sump Suction Alternate,
(B) Anti-vortex Alternate
164 ASPE Plumbing Engineering Design Handbook — Volume 2

charge from the storage tank is handled by a swing Proper water treatment and pipe linings can minimize
check valve in a bypass around the altitude valve. A interior attack; exterior attack may be reduced by coat-
double-acting altitude valve is designed for two-way ings, cathodic protection, and careful selection of the
flows and eliminates the need for a bypass. Without backfill. Coatings must remain intact, and protection
additional controls, the well pump or system pump must be inspected and maintained periodically.
will run continuously. Require a one-year warranty and a follow-up
Another type of system currently available controls one-year inspection of all cathodic protection devices
the well pump and the storage tank level by sensing the (anodes) and protective coatings by the installing
system’s pressure at the point of pump discharge. contractor for additional quality control.


The design and specification of private water wells is MAINTENANCE
not an exact science. You can consult with all of the After the well has been dug, it must be developed.
regulatory agencies and review previous well drilling Every type of drilling causes some disturbance to the
logs within the region to find no place where X marks aquifer by clogging the pores of the formation where
the spot. On the other hand, you may shift your drill it exists. After the bore hole has been completed, the
hole 10 feet north and 30 feet west to find a sand and casing is inserted, the intake attached, and the gravel
gravel vein that can be test-pumped at 200 gpm (757 packing installed.
liters per minute) for 24 hours and barely impact the Development is the process of removing loose ma-
elevation of the aquifer. On large-diameter wells, it terial from the natural formation around the intake
may be prudent to drill an inexpensive, small-diam- and enlarging it. This is the last stage of construction
eter (2-inch [5-centimeter]) test hole to determine and is regarded as an art rather than a science.
if water is available at the proposed location. Test Following development of a well, the next proce-
pumping on a small-diameter well will determine the dure is testing for yield by measuring the flow rate
availability of large volumes of water, as required for of pumping and observing the lowering of the water
large-diameter wells, utilizing the equations listed level. This is called drawdown and is the quantity of
within this chapter. water that can be withdrawn on a continuing basis
It is recommended to write your specifications on without depletion of the aquifer.
performance-based conditions. List estimated drilling All private water wells and potable water piping
depths through the various anticipated geographical must be disinfected prior to being placed in service.
formations, and require the installing well contractor This process may be accomplished by introducing a
to give a plus or minus unit cost basis for penetrating solution of chlorine followed by a thorough flushing
through these anticipated formations. In the event they of the system with clear water. Well-kept records of
penetrate through in a lesser depth, a legitimate credit the piping and connections will facilitate good opera-
can be received; if it is a greater depth, a prenegotiated tion and maintenance. Periodic flushing, particularly
cost already is established. It also is recommended of dead ends and low-velocity branches, will prevent
to establish a unit cost basis for well test pumping sedimentation and fouling. Regularly scheduled valve
(per-hour basis), installed casing pipe material (per- exercising will ready the system for shutdown during
diameter and per-foot basis), installed grout or sealing an emergency. Leakage may be controlled by inspec-
material (per pound or bag), and hourly rates for tion. Installation of approved backflow prevention
well development and clearing using shots similar to devices will protect the private water supply from
nitroglycerine blasts. Bid-form unit pricing will keep nonpotable sources. Inspections during and after
all parties on a level playing field when unexpected construction will guard against cross-connections.
circumstances arise, a periodic occurrence when dig-
ging or drilling private water wells. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
For additional information on groundwater protec-
CORROSION PROTECTION tion, contact the National Ground Water Association
Metallic piping generally is chosen because of the high at For additional information on safe drink-
pressure requirements. Plastic pipes, when used, usu- ing water standards, contact the Association of State
ally are not subject to corrosion. The occurrence of Drinking Water Administrators at
corrosion depends on the soil and water conditions.

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