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A Research Project


DIMO, Ralph Lorenz

DATO-ON, Noyen Jr.
CABESAS, Arabella
CALO, Maribel Jean



General Santos City National High School
Calumpang, General Santos City

July 2021



A Qualitative Research Submitted

To the Research Council

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement in

Practical Research 1 (Qualitative)


DIMO, Ralph Lorenz

DATO-ON, Noyen Jr.
CABESAS, Arabella
CALO, Maribel Jean


General Santos City National High School
Calumpang, General Santos City

JULY 2021


This study focuses on dealing with Water pollution, Water pollution occurs

when harmful substances degrading water quality and rendering it toxic to humans or

the environment. The widespread water pollution is jeopardizing our health. Because of

this, students can contribute to reducing the effect of water pollution. Therefore, this

study aims to determine the lived experiences of grade 11 STEM students in dealing

with water pollution. The study will use a survey-type method to interview the 10

respondents of this study coming from General Santos City National High School, grade

11 STEM strand in which they will answer several questions to fulfill the objectives of

this study. The result shows that the students acquired knowledge in dealing with water

pollution. Students utilize strategies to reduces the effect of water pollution. Data

indicated that students have the same answers in dealing with water pollution. That is

why it is important to know the experiences of the students and how they deal with such

problems. Furthermore, to further emphasize the responsibility of the students in dealing

with water pollution.



First of all, the researchers would like to thank the Almighty Father, who gave the

researchers guidance, wisdom, strength, and protection and kept them safe for the

whole duration of their research study. Thus, the researchers were indulged in bringing

back all of the glory for all of His righteousness. Sincere gratitude and literary

appreciation to the following persons who contributed to the success of the study. To

the School Administrators for permitting the researchers to conduct their study on

General Santos City National High school and letting them finish it for the whole

process. To Sir. Rowel Otero, for supervising and leading the researchers in their

research study and giving them intellectual guidance and moral support. To the

participants for allowing the researchers to interview them in order to gather the data

necessary for the study. Without them, the whole paper will be impossible to finish. The

researchers would like to thank their friends for the encouragement in during moments

of crisis. Their friendship makes their life a wonderful experience. And lastly, for their

supportive family, which is always there when the researchers need them, for their

endless love, support, and encouragement. The researchers would like to thank them

for giving the strength the researchers need to reach for the stars as they take another

step to chase their dreams.

Thank You and God Bless.

The Researchers

Table of Contents
Background of the study 1
Research question 3
Scope and delimitation 4
Beneficiaries 4
Definition of Terms 5
A. Related Literature 7
B. Related Study 10
C. Research Gaps 13
D. Theoretical Framework 14
A. Research Design 15
B. Participants 15
C. Locale of the Study 16
D. Map of the Location of the Study 17
E. Data Collection 18
F. Interview Technique 18
G. Ethical Consideration 19
H. Sampling Technique 19
I. Instrumentation 19
J. Data Analysis and Interpretation 20
References 33
Appendecis 35
A. Letter of Permission 36
B. 1 Assent 44

2. Agreement 45
C. Curriculum Vitae 46

List of Tables


1 Responses on students’ experience on Water Pollution 21

2 Responses on students strategies to avoid Water Pollution 26


List of Figures


1 Conceptual Framework 14

2 Locale of the Study 17



Background of the Study

Water is one of the renewable resources essential for sustaining all forms of life,

food production, economic development, and for general well-being. The availability of

water is a costly global challenge that affects life on both global and locale scale. Water

pollution is considered one of the most important universal challenges which occurs

when harmful substances such as chemicals or microorganisms contaminate a stream,

river, lake, ocean, aquifer, or other bodies of water, degrading water quality and

rendering it toxic to humans or the environment. Used water from major known sources

such as human settlements, agriculture, and industries, all comes together to generate

sewage or wastewater.

Some Grade 11 Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)

students experience water pollution and performed considerable efforts to treat and

clean up wastewater. According to the recent national report on water quality by EPA

(2017), 46% of rivers, 21% of lakes, 18% of coastal waters, and 32% of wetlands in the

United States are in poor biological condition or rated poor based on a water quality

index. The major pollutant sources include agriculture, atmospheric deposition,

construction, industrial production, municipal sewage, resource extraction, spills, and

urban runoff. Pollution-causing activities have caused severe changes in aquatic


environments over the last few decades. Numerous contaminants are playing a major

role in polluting the river water. It is one of the main concerns for most of the

metropolitan cities of developing nations. Rivers play a vital role in shaping up the

natural, cultural, and economic aspects of any country (Rafiq, 2016). Discharge of

chemicals and biological pollutants (from agriculture, industry, and domestic) into rivers

and development of engineering infrastructure such as dams and weirs over rivers have

modified rivers ecosystems threatening the world’s water security, water quality, and

water dependent biodiversity.

Furthermore, as stated in the United Nations World Water Development Report

(2015), 1.1 billion people in the world do not have access to safe drinking water, 90% of

whom live in continental Asia and Africa (The United Nations World Water Development

Report 2015). The WWDR 2015 demonstrates how water resources and services are

essential to achieving global sustainability. Taking account of economic growth, social

equity and environmental sustainability, the report’s forward-looking narrative describes

how major challenges and change factors in the modern world will affect – and can be

affected by – water resources, services and related benefits. The report provides a

comprehensive overview of major and emerging trends from around the world, with

examples of how some of the trend‐related challenges have been addressed, their

implications for policy‐makers, and further actions that can be taken by stakeholders

and the international community.


Water pollution causes many diseases and even deaths all over the world but

mostly in Asia and Africa. This widespread problem of water pollution is jeopardizing the

health of children, adolescents, and adults. A lack of adequate supplies of good-quality

water, together with poor sanitation, exacts a high health toll, particularly in rural areas,

hindering both social and economic development, makes the promotion of hygienic

behaviour a high priority.

Such problems can be analyzed when an individual participates to environmental

issues, as evidenced by a willingness to voluntarily contribute to environmental


In this study, the researcher sought to determine the Lived Experiences of

General Santos City National High School Grade 11 Science, Technology, Engineering,

and Mathematics (STEM) students in dealing with water pollution.

Grand Tour Question

The main focus of the study is to determine how is the experience of the G11

STEM students in dealing with water pollution in General Santos City National High

School (GSCNHS).

Specifically, it aims to answer the following questions:

1. How do the STEM students of GSCNHS experience water pollution?


Scope and Delimitation

Out of hundreds of STEM students in General Santos City National High

School, only 10 students were used as a sample in conducting the survey. This study

was concerned with the development and evaluation of management about the water

pollution experience by Grade 11 STEM students in General Santos City National High

School. This study focuses on the current Grade 11 STEM students of the present

school year 2020-2021. The main purpose of this study is to determine the lived

experience of the selected Grade 11 STEM students in dealing with water pollution and

how this pollution affects their lives as a student. This study considers every aspects of

students' information like their gender, age, and home address.

A validated questionnaires, as the main instrument of the study, are given to

each respondent to answer. A followed-up questions was also used to clarify vogue

answers to answer the specific questions raised to this study.

Benefits and Beneficiaries

The result of the study will merit the following:

Students. This is advantageous to students who experience water pollution since it

allows them to learn about and understand the effects of water pollution on students'


Students’ Parents. This is beneficial to the parents of the youngsters because they

will be aware of, comprehend, and have understanding of how students deal with

water pollution.

Teachers. Through this research, teachers will be able to benefit and discover on

how students deal with water pollution.

Researchers. Through this study, researchers will help them know on how the

students deal with water pollution.

Future researchers. The study’s findings will be useful to future researchers. This

research could be one of the foundations for a new learning theory.

Barangay Staffs. This study will give barangay staffs an information of students

dealing with water pollution.

Curriculum Planner. This is beneficial to people who plan for the curriculum in

changing through time it is examined, evaluated, and revised to deal with water


Definition of Terms and Concepts

The following terms were defined to provide clarification and understanding on

the subject being used:

Lived Experiences. This term was used as one of the variables and it  is a

representation and understanding of a researcher or research subject's

human experiences, choices, and options and how those factors influence one's

perception of knowledge (SAGE). This term is operationally defined as how students

encounter or undergo with water pollution and what knowledges do they gained from

those experiences and choices.


G11 STEM Students. This term was used as one of the variables and it is an

interdisciplinary approach to learning where rigorous academic concepts are coupled

with real-world lessons as students apply science, technology, engineering, and

mathematics in contexts that make connections between school, community, work, and

the global enterprise enabling the development of STEM literacy and with it the ability to

compete in the new economy (NSTA). Operationally, it refers as our respondents of this

study as well as the subjects who deal with water pollution.

Water Pollution. Water is typically referred to as polluted when it is impaired by

anthropogenic contaminants. Due to these contaminants it either does not support a

human use, such as drinking water, or undergoes a marked shift in its ability to support

its biotic communities, such as fish (Hamed, et. al., 2020). This terms was used as one

of the variables and it is the problemo of this study which occurs when water bodies

become contaminated as a result of human activity.



Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter includes the ideas, finished thesis, generalization or conclusion,

methodologies, and others. Those that were include in this chapter helps in familiarizing

information that are relevant and similar to the present study.

A. Related Literature

Lived Experiences

Water conservation practices through information, education and communication

should be implemented with the help of community participation. (Siddiqui, 2015) states

from the first laws drafted during British India to the revisions and additions post

independence. It talks about the provisions in the law as well as the flaws and

omissions and suggests an examination of and strengthening of the existing water laws

and policies to address the problems of environment, ecology, equity and development.

He states that it is necessary to develop an alternative socio-legal discourse and

practice where the concerned authorities use organic knowledge of water resource

management as seriously as the scientific knowledge, and work a consideration of

people’s struggles for water resource management as pursuit of human rights.

STEM Students

According to (Yamin, 2017), the integrated science learning, the theme used in

this research is water pollution. The core materials on the theme of water pollution

include changes in substance, the role of heat to the change of forms, water cycle,

mixtures, mixing and separating technology, environmental pollution and human role in

environmental management. In this research, the issue of water pollution will be

examined from the perspectives of physics, chemistry, and biology. It is envisaged that

students' mastering competence will be improved through integrated science learning

with a Project Based Learning methodology in water pollution. Based on the analysis of

the research results, it is concluded that integrated science learning using Project

Based Learning model on the theme of water pollution can improve the concept mastery

of junior high school students. This shows that in the case of increasing the concept

mastery of middle school students on integrated science of water pollution theme, the

model of Project Based Learning is better than using Problem Based Learning model.

Water Pollution

During recent years there has been increasing awareness of, and concern about,

water pollution all over the world, and new approaches towards achieving sustainable

exploitation of water resources have been developed internationally. Environmental

contamination, according to T.H. Khan (2018), is one of the greatest threats to human

survival. Water pollution has become a severe concern as a result of population

increase, extensive industry, and urbanization. He also noted that the fact that the

courts appear to be becoming more conscious of the need to address the problem of

water contamination effectively and efficiently is a positive indicator. However, he went


on to say that such a situation puts humanity's existence in jeopardy. It has also raised

awareness among boards to abandon the persuading strategy and focus on their

statutory responsibilities.

According to (Venkat, 2015), the state of India's water resources is really

alarming. The discharge of communal wastes from human settlements is the largest

source of pollution of natural water channels, according to studies from the central and

state bodies for the prevention and control of water pollution. The majority of municipal

and industrial waste water is discharged directly into waterways, rendering them

unhealthy for most users. She went on to say that the Indian judiciary had performed

admirably. It has offered not only preventive relief but also corrective justice by

providing the required and suitable direction to the relevant authorities.

In the Philippines, water pollution is a big issue. Nearly 5 million people are

relying on unsafe and unsustainable water sources, and 9 million do not have access to

improved sanitation. And because of its growing economy, the Philippines faces

significant water and sanitation access challenges. The country is constantly urbanizing,

and its expanding cities are struggling to provide enough water and sanitation facilities

to new people. (Amato, 2020). Additionally, agriculture covers 32 percent of the

Philippines' land mass, or around 96,000 square kilometers, according to the Water

Environment Partnership in Asia (WEPA). Palay (rice), corn, sugar cane, fruit, root

crops, vegetables, and trees are the main crops (for rubber). In the Philippines,

population growth, urbanization, agriculture, and industry have all lowered water quality.

B. Related Studies

Lived Experiences

The study conducted by Matsuo (2015) stated that the lived experiences in water

pollution control and environmental management in Japan is outlined. Particular

attention is paid to Minamata disease and other impacts to industrial pollution and the

consequent development of environmental legislation. Disintegrating environmental

conditions in water polluted areas not only poses immediate health concerns like

chronic illnesses, but also provoke emotional distress among people such as anxiety,

fear, and anger, which can worsen potential health risks. This research applied

conceptual study to analyze each individuals' emotional experiences in water pollution


According to Rhonda Marrone (2018), connection to water gave women and

children better health and hygiene and more time since they did not have to spend time

collecting and sanitizing water. The Greenpeace supports the Clean Production context

in which the public has a right to know which toxins they are exposed to in their daily


STEM Students

Water is an important commodity that is becoming scarce due to man-made and

natural destruction (Japitana, Palconit, Demetillo, Burce, Abundo 2017). Moreover,


showing how you care for the environment is a good step in taking care of the nature

especially the water because the more aware of the environmental problems the

students were, the more willing they were to participate in environmental education

programs (Zachariou, Tsami, Bersimis 2019).

Studies conducted to measure the effect of environmental education on

human behaviours have shown that environmentally educated students are

environmentally sensitive. Though it is generally accepted that groundwater is a safe

water source for environmental education and human consumption, it is not ubiquitously

free from chemical contaminants (Murphy et al., 2017).

Water Pollution

Water pollution is a major global problem. It requires ongoing evaluation and

revision of water resource policy at all levels (international down to individual aquifers

and wells). It has been suggested that water pollution is the leading worldwide cause of

death and diseases (Savedge, 2019). Water pollution accounted for the deaths of 1.8

million people in 2015 (Staff, 2017).

Consequently, the stress on our water environment as a result of increased

industrialization, which aids urbanization, is becoming very high thus reducing the

availability of clean water. Polluted water is of great concern to the aquatic organism,

plants, humans, and climate and indeed alters the ecosystem. The preservation of our

water environment, which is embedded in sustainable development, must be well driven

by all sectors. (Adejumoke, Babatunde, Abimbola, Tabitha, Adewumi, Toyin 2018).


In the Philippines, water quality management programs aim to attain the desired

water quality of inland freshwaters such as river basins and lakes, groundwater as well

as coastal and marine waters. The bacteriological, chemical, physical, biological, and

radiological properties of water reflect its state and suitability in relation to its intended or

current usage. Water quality indicators can be used to determine if water is suitable for

drinking or non-drinking. Cooking, bathing, irrigation, swimming, fishing, boating,

aesthetics or tourism, as well as numerous industrial purposes such as washing and

cooling, are among the latter. When contaminated or polluted, environmental or ambient

water destroys aquatic ecosystems and fisheries, discourages recreation and tourism,

decreases farming productivity and brings diseases such as severe acute respiratory

syndrome (SARS), hepatitis, diarrhea, typhoid, gastroenteritis, cholera and dysentery

(San Juan, 2015).

The water consumption profiles (source and quantity) of major industries are

described, with a focus on those with large water footprints (e.g., oils and chemicals,

food and beverages) to assess relative potential to cause water pollution. From water

generation and pollution load profiles of the industrial sector, the wastewater

characteristics of major industries are evaluated (Migo, Mendoza, Catalino, Juan Pulhin


C. Research Gap

This study filled the gap of Yolanda Pico and Damia Barcelo (2019) with their

study entitled “Analysis and Prevention of Microplastics Pollution in Water: Current

Perspectives and Future Directions”. The authors emphasized that one of the main

concerns about water pollution is whether it poses a threat to ecosystems and human

health. Data on exposure and effect levels of microplastics in water were required to

assess the danger of microplastics to the environment and human health. They also

stated that the negative impacts of water pollution on organisms can be divided into two

categories: physical effects and chemical effects. Despite the fact that data on water

pollution exposure levels in habitats and organisms has quickly increased, they failed to

discuss the experiences of students in this kind of environmental problem.

Moreover, Endah Setia Rini (2020) conducted a study entitled “The Effect of

Problem Based Learning on Cognitive Outcome in Science Subject in Junior High

School : Topic Water Pollution”, the author emphasizes that learning outcomes of

cognitive aspects of students who when learning science by using problem based

learning is higher than the learning outcomes of students' cognitive aspects in

learning science without using problem based learning with the theme of water pollution.

It shows that there are differences in participants' cognitive learning outcomes in

learning science with the topic of water pollution using problem-based learning

with students who in learning do not use problem-based learning, however,

some of the students using problem-based learning in science learning have great

orientation skills but it failed to discuss how they deal with water pollution according to

their experiences.

Theoretical Framework

This study was based on the study of Inyinbor Adejumoke et. al. (2018), "Water

Pollution: Effects, Prevention, and Climatic Impact" where they stated that, "the purpose

of this paper is to examine the antecedents and consequences of water use and public

health." On the other hand, Inyinbor Adejumoke et. al. (2018) believed that this task

often represents a formidable challenge not only from a technical but also from

economic, societal, political, and environmental standpoints. He stated that All

organisms, including man need water for their survival. Water resource managers had

strongly depended on wastewater treatment in ensuring that the quality of water is

sustained, preserved, and maintained for optimal use. 

Figure 1 adapted from World Health Organization Geneva Report, revealed that

all the major activities of global climatic changes eventually bore its consequence on

human in general and on human health in particular.

Figure 1. Inter-relationship between various kinds of environmental change.

Chapter III


This chapter presents the methods and procedure for conducting the study. It

also describes the following: research design, respondents of the study, locale of the

study, research instrument, data collection, sampling technique, data analysis and

interpretation and operationalization of variables.

A. Research Design

In order to see the general picture of the live experiences of Grade 11 STEM

students in dealing with water pollution, the descriptive correlation survey method was

used. This study employed descriptive – correlational method to describe and study the

relationship since water pollution can be associated to the lived experiences of G11

STEM students. A descriptive – correlational design describe the variables and the

relationships that occur between and among them (Creswell, 2012).

Descriptive method was used to describe the characteristic of the students with

regards to water pollution and lived experiences . While, correlational method will be

used to understand and assess the statistical relationship between water pollution and

the lived experiences of G11 STEM students.


The target participants is made up of 10 out of less than 200 STEM

students in Grade 11 senior high school. The respondents are from any of the 5

sections in STEM curriculum who will be interviewed and requested to answer a

questionnaire about the study.


Locale of the Study

This study was conducted in senior highschool Grade 11 Stem students in

General Santos City National High School which is located at Brgy. Calumpang, Rizal

Street in General Santos City.

This study was conducted at General Santos City National High School,

Calumpang, General Santos City. The school currently implements K-12 basic

education program for senior high school. The said school has the largest number of

students in entire Region XII. The continuous growth of population of the said school

paved its way to gain reputation as a Division Leader school. In grade 11 senior high

school, there are four main tracks namely: Academic Track, Arts and Design Track, TVL

Track and Sports Track, it has approximately 2 500 student enrolled whereas Academic

Track, STEM Strand consists of 164 students. This was also the place where

respondents will be taken


Figure 2. Map of the Location of the Study


Data Collection

The respondents of the study were the senior highschool Grade 11 Stem

students. A briefing will be given before the questionnaires are distributed. The content

of the briefing consist of objective of the case study and type of the questions in

questionnaires. Data collections were conducted during the normal class hour or any

suitable time. The researcher also used mailed questionnaires data collection in which

the researcher emailed the questionnaire to members of the sample. The total

administration of the questionnaire lasted between fifteen to twenty minutes. The

questionnaires were then collected upon completion.

To gather data, the researchers will follow the following procedures:

1. The researchers prepared a letter of permission and approval to conduct the


2. The questionnaires were distributed to the student-respondents;

3. The questionnaires were retrieved; and

4. The data were tabulated and analyzed for interpretation.

Interview techniques

The researchers were unable to conduct an interview in person due to the

pandemic, and it is also against government protocol to leave the house unless

absolutely necessary; however, the researchers were able to interview the target

interviewees in the grade 11 STEM strand at GSCNHS using a technology-based

technique such as Google form. Google Forms is a survey administration program that

comes as part of Google's free, web-based Google Docs Editors package. Google

Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides, Google Drawings, Google Sites, and Google

Keep are all part of the service.

Ethical considerations

This study requires ethical considerations. To distinguish between the

participants' points of view, norms and standards are required. As can be seen, the

research project requires ethical consideration depending on the participant's desires.

The participants were provided informed permission before the researchers interviewed

them. The purpose of informed consent was to provide information about the study.

Before interviewing participants, the researchers make sure they understand what the

study is about.


The sampling technique that will be utilized in this study is purposive sampling.

This research will be focusing on the lived experiences of grade 11 STEM student on

dealing with water pollution and the purposive sampling technique will be used to try to

understand and pick details based on the lived experiences of students on water

pollution. The target sample size is 10 students.


This study will make use of questionnaires as interview guide. All the questions in

the interview guide should be answered and if it is necessary, follow up questions will

occur. Moreover, the questions in the interview guide are all open ended questions.

Data Analysis and Interpretation

To analyze and interpret the data, this study will utilize thematic analysis.

Thematic analysis is a flexible data analysis plan that qualitative researchers use to

generate themes from interview data. It is a sort of table consisting of responses,

essential answers, themes, principles and relevant literature that came from research

questions that will be answered by the participants. This can help to organize the

answers of the participants in this study. Among the different version of thematic

analysis, the researchers will use the 'code book approaches' type of thematic analysis

proposed by the famous psychologists (Virginia Braun and Victoria Clarke on 2006).

Chapter IV

Results and Discussions

This chapter provides the discussion and results establish by the researchers. It

provides the analysis and interpretation of the data about the lived experiences of

Grade 11 STEM students in dealing with water pollution.

Table 1. Experiences on water pollution



We rarely experience Experiences on water

water pollution in our pollution: Cause and Effect

community because Cause 1. Improper of Water Pollution Shared

we lacked water but waste disposal experiences on

sometime we Cause 2. Diarrhea Water Pollution

experience water

pollution in the form of

improper dispose of

our wastes. I was

diagnosed with


I experience water Experiences on water

pollution when the pollution:

water is contaminated. Cause 1.

I have encountered the Contaminated water


diseases like fever. Cause 2. Fever

I experienced water Experiences on water

pollution when i was pollution:

still in balut island Cause 1. Dirty Water

because the water in Cause 2. Diarrhea

there is not clean Cause 3. Hepatitis

anymore because of

dirts and water

pollution. I

encountered diseases

like Diarrhea, hepatitis


Contaminated water Experiences on water

from soil and sewage. pollution:

I experienced Cause1.Contaminate

stomachache because d water

of the polluted water Cause 2. Sewage

I can clearly sea the Experiences on water

ocean is full of waste pollution:

and it’s not good for Cause 1.Improper

swimming. I haven’t waste disposal

experienced diseases


I experienced water Experiences on water

pollution because pollution:

there are toxic Cause 1. Toxic

substances in the substances

water supply. As a Cause 2. Diarrhea

result, the water Cause 3.Cholera

delivered to our house Cause 4. Dysentery

is filthy. Diarrhea, Cause 5. Typhoid

cholera, dysentery, Cause 6. Polio

typhoid, and polio are

the diseases I have

encountered while

experiencing water


When the rain from Experiences on water

uphill (coming from pollution:

Uhaw), comes down Cause 1. Improper

flowing here to Prk. wastes disposal

Bayanihan, it basically Cause 2. Dengue

brings trash with it. I Cause 3. Diarrhea

was diagnosed with

Dengue (though my

family haven't

experienced it though),

and diarrhea.

I experienced water Experiences on water

pollution because pollution:

there are lot of people Cause 1.

who are irresponsible Inconvenient

with their trashes and Cause 2. Diarrhea

also there are lot of Performing Proper

illegal miners in this Waste Segregation:

country that probably Cause 1.Improper

affect the water wastes disposal

resources. I Cause 2. Illegal

experienced Diarrhea. mining

Cause 3. Diarrhea

Experiencing water Experiences on water

pollution is so hard pollution:

because it causes too Cause 1.

much trouble to the Inconvenient

community. I Cause 2. Diarrhea

encountered diarrhea

to the people who


drinks the water that is


I experienced water Experiences on water

pollution through live pollution:

observation of my Cause 1. Stomach

surroundings, for it is ache

very prominent Cause 2.Amoeba

especially here in Cause 3. Flu

gensan. I have Cause 4.

witnessed children Leptospirosis

getting sick by bathing

in contaminated

waters or in seas with

tons of floating wastes.


diseases/illnesses are

as follow: stomach

ache, amoeba, flu,

leptospirosis, and etc.


Concerning the increasing population and their consumption patterns, people

here in the Philippines rely on unsafe and unsustainable water sources and lack access

to improved sanitation. Despite its growing economy, Water pollution is cited as the

main cause. This guide surveys the multiple problems and challenges presented by this

form of pollution and cost-effective solutions for dealing with them. Water Quality:

Prevention, Identification, and Management of Water Pollution covers aspects of water

pollution ranging from sources and sites to health and legal consequences

(Amato,2020) Researchers used the questions to gain information on how they acquire

the strategies in dealing water pollution.

Table 2: Strategies to avoid Water Pollution

Discipline ourselves Strategies in Water Ways on how to Shared tricks

in throwing trash Pollution: avoid water pollution upon facing

and wastes, always Trick 1: Disciplining water pollution

clean waterways ourselves.

and water storages, Trick 2:Clean

and maintain surroundings

cleanliness in

handling water.

To avoid water Strategies in Water Shared tricks

pollution, we Pollution: upon facing

properly dispose of

our waste. Trick 1: Proper water pollution

waste disposal

We could impose Strategies in Water Shared tricks

actions like clean-up Pollution: upon facing

drive in sea or any Trick 1: Clean up water pollution

bodies of water in drive

order to protect our

nature especially to

our water resources.

One major strategy Strategies in Water Shared tricks

to fight against this Pollution: upon facing

problem is to Trick 1: Educate water pollution

educate people of people

the catastrophic

effects of water

pollution so that it

may serve as an eye

opener for them to

take action against


Avoid dumping trash Strategies in Water Shared tricks

and waste in the upon facing


waters like rivers Pollution: water pollution

and oceans. Trick 1: Avoid

dumping trash

DO NOT pour fat Strategies in Water Shared tricks

from cooking or any Pollution: upon facing

other type of fat, oil, Trick 1: Do not water pollution

or grease down the grease down the

sink. sink

DO NOT dispose of Strategies in Water Shared tricks

household Pollution: upon facing

chemicals or Trick 1: Do not water pollution

cleaning agents dispose anything

down the sink or down the sink or

toilet. toilet

DO NOT flush pills, Strategies in Water Shared tricks

liquid or powder Pollution: upon facing

medications or Trick 1: Do not water pollution

drugs down the flush pills


I am suggesting Strategies in Water Shared tricks

Waste water upon facing


treatment in order to Pollution water pollution

make your water Trick 1: Waste

clean. water treatment

It's better to limit the Strategies in Water Shared tricks

usage of water and Pollution upon facing

also the chemical Trick 1:Limit the water pollution

waste that comes usage of water

from different


begins upon

everyone's action.

Although water pollution is one of the major problem in the Philippines, we can

still avoid the big effect of it. The best way to protect streams from water pollution is to

prevent it at the source. This means to keep trash out of yards and streets. Each

pollutant have its own health risk profile, which makes summarizing all relevant

information into a short chapter difficult(Kjellstrom, 2006). Nevertheless, public health

practitioners and decision makers in developing countries need to be aware of the

potential health risk cause by water pollution and to know where to find the more

detailed information required to handle specific situation. Some of them that the ways to

avoid water pollution is to discipline their selves, be responsible, limit the usage of

water, and to avoid dumping trash.


Chapter V

Reflections and Recommendations

This chapter shows the reflections and conclusions that he researchers have

resolved according to the analysis made on the results. The chapter will also show the

recommendations for further studies.


After doing this research, we far understood that water pollution is a serious

problem and impacts negatively on the sustainability of water resources. We learnt

more about the reasons for water pollution and the effects that comes with it. We have

learnt the importance of water and how it is needed for life to go on. We have also learnt

about how much effort would have to be put in to clear up water pollution like, oil spills.

We have also learnt that people have to react quickly to water pollution quickly and not

let it worsen,as it will be , much harder to clear up the next time. We have also learnt

that prevention is better than cure, as it would be easier to prevent different types of

water contamination than clear them up. Also, we learned that water pollution is one of

the fearful enemy that humans encountered because it affects the community as well as

the students and the researchers. Water pollution can cause great harm to humans and

other living organisms living in different water bodies. Hence, we should protect our

water bodies and not pollute them even further. Also, we have learnt more about how

much effort is taken up to clear the rubbish and pollutants in the river after it has been

polluted just because we knew that all pollutants continuously flow through rivers. I think

we should not take water and water bodies for granted as water is essential for life and

we should not allow water to become "unusable" just for the sake of our convenience.


After the conduct of this phenomenology study, the researchers would kindly

recommend the following:

1. The government should extend and strengthen water pollution prevention and control

in the Philippines, according to this research. The Clean Water Program should be

promoted in schools to teach students about the importance of water quality and to

assist them in sharing their knowledge about water pollution.

2. Schools in the Philippines, particularly General Santos City National High School,

should develop a program in which students participate in improving water quality

through appropriate waste separation.

3. Parents must be more open about giving their children with appropriate knowledge to

assist them in better understanding their environmental responsibilities.

4. Teachers must teach students about the country's water contamination and provide

appropriate guidance on how to improve water quality.

5. More research on water contamination should be published by the scientific

community so that society can obtain more information.

6. To learn more about this, future researchers should focus on a much broader context

of lived experience with water contamination and expand the scope of this study.

7. The researcher should communicate what they've discovered with others so that

more people are aware of the consequences of ignorance in water pollution and can

help reduce the burden of polluted water.



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Appendix A

July 15, 2021

Principal II, General Santos City National High School,
J.P. Rizal ST. Calumpang, General Santos City

Magandang Gensan! The researchers enrolled at General Santos City National
High School will be conducting a research study entitled THE LIVED
POLLUTION. This research will require data in the form of interview from the
students in General Santos City National High School.
Thus, the researchers respectfully request for your authorization in conducting
this research. The data acquired will be protected with secrecy and will be used
for academic purposes only. Thank you very much.

Respectfully Yours,
Norjana B. Cosingan
Researcher Representative

Noted By:
Mrs. Dulce Amor Payot

Appendix B1
Guide Questions of Interview

1.) How do you experience water pollution?

2.) What diseases/illnesses have you encountered while experiencing water pollution?
3.) What are the strategies or tricks that you will suggest upon facing this problem?

Appendix B²
Table 1. Experiences on Water Pollution
We rarely Experiences on water
experience water pollution:
pollution in our
Cause 1. Improper
community because
waste disposal
we lacked water but
sometime we Cause 2. Diarrhea
experience water
pollution in the form
of improper dispose
of our wastes. I was
diagnosed with
I experience water Experiences on water
pollution when the pollution:
water is
Cause 1.
contaminated. I
Contaminated water
have encountered
the diseases like Cause 2. Fever

I experienced water Experiences on water

pollution when i was pollution:
still in balut island
Cause 1. Dirty Water

because the water Cause 2. Diarrhea

in there is not clean
Cause 3. Hepatitis
anymore because
of dirts and water
pollution. I
diseases like Cause and Effect Shared
Diarrhea, hepatitis of Water Pollution experiences on
etc. Water Pollution
Contaminated water Experiences on water
from soil and pollution:
sewage. I
d water
because of the Cause 2. Sewage
polluted water
I can clearly see the Experiences on water
ocean is full of pollution:
waste and it’s not
Cause 1.Improper
good for swimming.
waste disposal
I haven’t
diseases yet.
I experienced water Experiences on water
pollution because pollution:
there are toxic
Cause 1. Toxic
substances in the
water supply. As a
result, the water Cause 2. Diarrhea
delivered to our
house is filthy. Cause 3.Cholera
Diarrhea, cholera, Cause 4. Dysentery
dysentery, typhoid,
and polio are the Cause 5. Typhoid
diseases I have Cause 6. Polio
encountered while
experiencing water
When the rain from Experiences on water
uphill (coming from pollution:
Uhaw), comes

down flowing here Cause 1. Improper

to Prk. Bayanihan, it wastes disposal
basically brings
Cause 2. Dengue
trash with it. I was
diagnosed with Cause 3. Diarrhea
Dengue (though my
family haven't
experienced it
though), and
I experienced water Experiences on water
pollution because pollution:
there are lot of
Cause 1.
people who are
irresponsible with
their trashes and Cause 2. Diarrhea
also there are lot of
illegal miners in this Performing Proper
country that Waste Segregation:
probably affect the Cause 1.Improper
water resources. I wastes disposal
Diarrhea. Cause 2. Illegal
Cause 3. Diarrhea

Experiencing water Experiences on water

pollution is so hard pollution:
because it causes
Cause 1.
too much trouble to
the community. I
encountered Cause 2. Diarrhea
diarrhea to the
people who drinks
the water that is
I experienced water Experiences on water
pollution through pollution:
live observation of
Cause 1. Stomach
my surroundings,
for it is very

especially here in Cause 2.Amoeba

gensan. I have
Cause 3. Flu
witnessed children
getting sick by Cause 4.
bathing in Leptospirosis
waters or in seas
with tons of floating
wastes. These
are as follow:
stomach ache,
amoeba, flu,
leptospirosis, and

Table 2: Strategies to avoid Water Pollution

Discipline ourselves Strategies in Water Ways on how to Shared tricks

in throwing trash Pollution: avoid water pollution upon facing

and wastes, always Trick 1: Disciplining water pollution

clean waterways ourselves.

and water storages, Trick 2:Clean

and maintain surroundings

cleanliness in

handling water.

To avoid water Strategies in Water Shared tricks

pollution, we Pollution: upon facing

properly dispose of Trick 1: Proper water pollution


our waste. waste disposal

We could impose Strategies in Water Shared tricks

actions like clean-up Pollution: upon facing

drive in sea or any Trick 1: Clean up water pollution

bodies of water in drive

order to protect our

nature especially to

our water resources.

One major strategy Strategies in Water Shared tricks

to fight against this Pollution: upon facing

problem is to Trick 1: Educate water pollution

educate people of people

the catastrophic

effects of water

pollution so that it

may serve as an eye

opener for them to

take action against


Avoid dumping trash Strategies in Water Shared tricks

and waste in the upon facing


waters like rivers Pollution: water pollution

and oceans. Trick 1: Avoid

dumping trash

DO NOT pour fat Strategies in Water Shared tricks

from cooking or any Pollution: upon facing

other type of fat, oil, Trick 1: Do not water pollution

or grease down the grease down the

sink. sink

DO NOT dispose of Strategies in Water Shared tricks

household Pollution: upon facing

chemicals or Trick 1: Do not water pollution

cleaning agents dispose anything

down the sink or down the sink or

toilet. toilet

DO NOT flush pills, Strategies in Water Shared tricks

liquid or powder Pollution: upon facing

medications or Trick 1: Do not water pollution

drugs down the flush pills


I am suggesting Strategies in Water Shared tricks

Waste water upon facing


treatment in order to Pollution water pollution

make your water Trick 1: Waste

clean. water treatment

It's better to limit the Strategies in Water Shared tricks

usage of water and Pollution upon facing

also the chemical Trick 1:Limit the water pollution

waste that comes usage of water

from different


begins upon

everyone's action.

Appendix C¹

The Lived experience of Grade 11 STEM students in dealing with water pollution

I understand that I have been asked to participate in a study about the lived
experience of Grade 11 STEM students in dealing with water pollution.
I will be asked to________________________________________ which will take
about ____________ minutes I understand that I do not have to participate. If I do
participate I can quit any time I also understand that I do not have to answer any
questions I don't want to answer or do anything I don't want to answer or do
anything I don't want to do.
My Parents, teachers or anyone else will not know what I have said or done in the
study. No one but the researchers will know.
This study is being done________________________________________
Norjana B. Cosingan at General Santos City National High School. The phone
number is +639366967831 and the email address is
If I have any questions or concerns about the study, I can call and ask them.
When I sign my name, this means that I agree to be on the study and that all of
my questions have been answered I have also been given copy of this form.
Name _____________________________ Date _______________________
Signature _____________________________

Appendix C²

Known All Men of this Present


We, _____________________and ___________________ agreed
(Name of the interviewee) (Name of the interviewer)
To do the following in conducting the study:
1. To held the interviewing session on ____________________,
Mainly because it is an ideal place to obtain and conduct necessary information
regarding their experiences.
2. To be true in conveying their responses and experiences.
3. To utilize audio recording for the efficacy of conducting information.

(Name of the interviewee)

We affix our signature to signify our agreement.
(Signature of interviewee)
(Signature of interviewer)

Curriculum Vitae





Contact Number: 09514628392
Mother’s Name: Lydia S. Cabesas
Mother’s Occupation: Housekeeper
Father’s Name: Ronnie T. Cabesas
Father’s Occupation: Aluminum Fabricator


Pre-School: Nazarene Christian Learning Center

Elementary: Upper Tambler Elementary School II
Junior High School: General Santos City National High School
Senior High School: General Santos City National High School


Math Club Member, English Club Volunteer

Learning this time of pandemic is not a piece of cake, especially in the subject,
research 1. However, I cope up with the difficulty with the help of my friends and
classmates who were willing to help and encouraged me to continue learning.




Contact Number: 09366967831

Mother’s Occupation: Housekeeper
Father’s Occupation: BUSINESSMAN



Junior High School: General Santos City National High School
Senior High School: General Santos City National High School







Name: Ralph Lorenz R. Dimo

Gender: Male
Age: 17
Address: Prk. New Bohol Calumpang, General Santos City
Date of Birth: April 17, 2004
Place of Birth: General Santos City
Contact Number: 09486469424

Email Address:

Mother’s Name: Rosell R. Dimo
Mother’s Occupation: Housewife
Father’s Name: Lorenzo Z. Dimo
Father’s Occupation: Fisherman


Elementary: Romana C. Acharon Central Elementary School

Junior High School: General Santos City National High School
2019 – 2020
Senior High School: General Santos City National High School
2020 – 2021


Yes-O Member & Math Club Member


Learning Insights:
It was a difficult journey to learn everything amidst pandemic especially in Research 1
but because of determination and persistence, I was able to overcome the challenge. I
learned new things and it gives me more insights in my daily life.


Name:Maribel Jean A. Calo


Address:Prk.Greenville, Brgy. Calumpang, GSC.

Date of birth:March 31, 2002
Place of birth:Balabagan Lanao Del Sur
Contact number:09858384385
Mother’s Name: Lucia Calo
Father’s Name:Juancho Calo
Mother’s Occupation:Housekeeper
Father’s Occupation:None


Elementary: Kusiong Elem. School(2015-2016)

Junior High School: Bai Hanina National High School (2017-2018)
General Santos City National High School(2019-2021)
Senior High School: General Santos City National High School(2020-2021)


Name : Noyen S. Dato-on Jr.

Gender : Male
Age: 17
Address: Zone 10B Fatima Uhaw, GSC
Date of Birth: May 2, 2004
Place of Birth: General Santos City
Contact Number: 09156517754
E-mail Address:
Mothers Name: Arlene S. Dato-on
Mothers Occupation: Secretary

Fathers Name: Noyen C. Dato-on Sr.

Fathers Occupation: Tuna Classifier


Elementary: Upper Tambler Elementary School II

Junior High School: General Santos City National High School
Senior High School: General Santos City National High School


Math Club Member

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