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MOM with Divya Dang (Cloudanalogy, Noida) regarding the Leadership

workshop (01-02-2024)
1. Majorly interested in OAR.

2. They wanted to promote their core values within the organization hence they were
interested in our workshop because we offer Performance excellence through OAR in our

3. Their values are fundamental to them they stated ‘We want our employees to live by our

4. Four pillars of their organization were – (a) OAR, (b) L&D, (c) CCC, (d) DEI

5. They also mentioned further they will mass train their employees with the training we will
be giving to them hence our workshop would act as ‘Train the trainer’ for them.

6. They wanted the trainer to be male because of their past training experiences that did not
go well with female trainers.

7. In the future they would be interested in workshops for their leadership team, Middle
managers, and junior-level employees where base content can be the same.

8. They want the first workshop to be held in their corporate office in Noida and if they seem
satisfied with how the workshop was implemented then the next workshop will be organized
in Kurukshetra.

9. They want the program solely on OAR for their middle-level manager at first. The reason to
train middle manager managers is because the organization knows that their middle-level
managers are shouldering more responsibilities at a small age and they do have good
technical skills but somewhere they need to work on their soft skills and their thinking
patterns need to change.

10. They will have a survey within the organization as to what date the program can be

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