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Date: March 11, 2024

Subject: Language Arts Grade: One (1)

Topic: Long Vowel ‘a’ Sound Students: 10 Boys; 8 Girls
Time: 11:00 – 11:30

Specific Objectives
Students will:
1. Engage in verbal interactions with other students.
2. Distinguish the long vowel ‘a’ sound from the short vowel ‘a’ sound.
3. Correctly and confidently write words using the short vowel ‘a’.

Materials: Plain paper, Notebook, Language Tree Workbook, Whiteboard, Dry Erase Marker.

Content: The teacher must understand the differences between long and short vowels and
be able to identify the type of vowel in one-syllable words.

Strategies & Skills: Tapping into prior knowledge, Listening, Speaking, Reading

Previous Knowledge: Students should have some knowledge of vowels.


The teacher will review vowels with students as a refresher, to say each vowel and its letter
sound. The teacher will reinforce that all vowels have two sounds, a long sound, and a short
sound, one is very short, and the other says its name.

***The teacher may play a video to explain further***


Step 1
The teacher will place some short vowel ‘a’ words on the board, say each word, and have
students repeat the word back to check for correct pronunciation.
Mat, Apple, Flat, Map, Hand, fan, can

The teacher will then place some long vowel ‘a’ words on the board.
Game, Make, Angel, Cake, Plate

The teacher will let students know we will focus on the long vowel ‘a’ sound. Students will be
reminded that the magic ‘e’ is usually found at the end of the long vowel ‘a’ words.

Step 2
For guided practice or checking for understanding, the teacher will tell the students to stand up
and spread out at least one arm’s length from one another and say: We are now going to practice
determining long and short vowels using only our bodies. When I say a word with a short vowel,
bend your knees so that you’re squatting and are “short” like the vowel. When I say a word with
a long vowel, stand up as tall as you can and make yourself “long” like the vowel. Remember,
this is a no-talking activity; just use your body to answer.

Sad (squat – S) Tap (squat – S) Fan (squat – S)

Face (stand – L) Make (stand – L) Rat (squat – S)
Plate (stand – L) Game (stand – L) Snake (stand – L)

Step 3
The teacher will let students work in triads, give each student a word with a long ‘a’ sound, and
ask the students to draw and color a picture of the word given.

Students will pick one word from the board and write a sentence. Sentence starters will be given.

Students will be given a passage to read containing long vowel ‘a’ sounds to test fluency.




Long Vowel ‘a’ Sound

Dale has to make a grape 6

cake for his friend whose name is 13
Page. He hates to bake 18
Cakes, but Page is his friend, 24
So Dale will bake Page a cake. 31
After he made the cake, he 37
Gave it to Page. Page liked 43
Her grape cake. Page and 48
Dale both ate the grape cake 54

Total Number of Words Used: __________

Number of Errors: _________
Total Number of Words Read Correctly: _________

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