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Nama : Addwinar Ramdhan I. Rusdi

NIM : 230204601046
Kelas : 04 Teknik Elektro D4

1. *Zero Conditional:*
- "There has yet to be a widely adopted standard to understand ML interpretability, though
there have been works proposing frameworks for interpretability."

2. *First Conditional:*
- "An example of the difficulty with perceptive interpretability is as the following. When a
visual 'evidence' is given erroneously, the algorithm or method used to generate the 'evidence'
and the underlying mathematical structure sometimes do not offer any useful clues on how to
fix the mistakes."

3. *Second Conditional:*
- "On the other hand, a mathematical analysis of patterns may provide information in high
dimensions. They can only be easily perceived once the pattern is brought into lower
dimensions, abstracting some fine-grained information we could not yet prove is not
discriminative with measurable certainty."

4. *Third Conditional:*
- "We should note that this alone might on the other hand be considered insufficient,
because it: 1) still does not unblackbox an algorithm and 2) ignores the possibility of using
background objects for its decision."

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