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CSUK Lesson Retrieval Practice – Answer Sheet

Wide Area Networks (OCR)
1. What is a WAN? [3]

A: A WAN stands for Wide Area Network [1] is a network that covers a large geographical area [1],
which ustalises third party infrastructure provided by telecommunication companies [1].

2. What is the Internet? [1]

A: The Internet is the biggest WAN in the world [1], and it is a massive network of networks [1].

3. Is the Internet and the World Wide Web the same? Explain your answer. [3]

A: No, they are different [1]. The World Wide Web is just one application/use of the Internet, which
provides the sharing of information [1]. The internet is physical global network of computers [1].

4. What is web hosting? [1]

A: Web hosting is a service provided by various companies that 'host' websites on their servers so that
people around the world can access them 24/7 [1].

5. What is DNS? [2]

A: DNS stands for Domain Name System/Server [1], which is the system used to find the IP address of
the computer that hosts the website you are looking for via its URL [1].

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6. What is a client? [1]

A: A client is a user or user's device that connects to a server in order to be served by it [1].

7. What is cloud computing? [1]

A: Cloud computing relates to online services provided by numerous companies, which client machines
can access via the internet [1].

8. Why would a company use a service such as Office 365? Give two different reasons. [2]

A: A company would use Office 365 because they do not need to buy and install the software [1], any
internet connected computer can access the service [1], there is no need to upgrade the software [1],
collaboration can occur with multiple people working

9. What is a virtual network? [1]

A: A virtual network is one that uses software to subdivide a physical network (LAN or WAN) into
smaller ones [1].

10. What is a VPN? [2]

A: A VPN is a virtual private network [1], which is a software that re-divides a WAN into a series of
smaller networks [1] so that groups of workers spread across the country/world can communicate and
share information separately from other members of a

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