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ALL: Good afternoon classmates!, we are the group 2

(Iam Keisha Lorenzo, Cailey De jesus, Luini Henson, & Claude Viray)

Keisha: Hello everyone, today we will be discussing an important environmental issue called

ALL: Soil Erosion

Keisha: It is a serious problem that affects many areas around the world. So, let's brainstorm
some ways on how we can prevent it.

Luini: The first way to prevent soil erosion is by planting trees. Trees have deep roots that hold
the soil in place and prevent it from being washed away by rain or wind.

Cailey: That's a great point, Luini. We should also consider using mulch in our gardens and
farms. Organic mulches are made from dead plant material such as compost, leaves, bark or
grass clippings. It acts as a protective cover, preventing the soil from being exposed to the

Keisha: Another effective method is contour farming. Contour farming is the practice of tilling
sloped land along lines of consistent elevation in order to conserve rainwater and to reduce soil
losses from surface erosion. Examples of contour farming is growing crops like corn,
wheat, grass, and soybeans

Claude: Those are all great solutions, but let's not forget about building terraces. Like the rice
terraces in the Philippines, terracing involves creating level platforms on steep hillsides, which
help to slow down the flow of water and reduce erosion.

Cailey: Another way to prevent soil erosion is by rotating crops. Planting the same crop
repeatedly can deplete the soil, making it more susceptible to erosion. By rotating crops, we
can maintain the health of the soil and prevent erosion.

Luini: That's true, and let's not overlook the importance of using compost and organic
fertilizers. Chemical fertilizers can damage the soil and make it more vulnerable to erosion.
Compost fertilizers on the other hand, enriches the soil and helps to retain moisture.
Claude: We should also be mindful of our land use practices. Overgrazing and deforestation can
contribute to soil erosion. So, it's important to manage our land sustainably and avoid activities
that can harm the soil.

Keisha: These are all great ways to prevent soil erosion, but it's important to educate others
about this issue as well. We can spread awareness by talking to our friends and family, or by
organizing workshops and events in our community. Let's all make a commitment to take action
and prevent soil erosion in our own little ways.

ALL: Thank you for the insightful discussion, everyone. I believe we have come up with some
effective ways to prevent soil erosion. Let's start implementing them and do our part in
protecting the environment. Once again, we are the group 2 *bows*

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