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QUESTION BANK [Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning]

Module 1
1. Explain AI taking into consideration all four approaches to AI
2. Discuss all the disciplines that contributed ideas, viewpoints, and techniques to the
foundation of AI.
3. Elaborate on milestones in the history of AI which defines the journey from AI
generation to the present.
4. Define Problem Solving Agent. What are the steps used by problem solving Agent?
5. How Problem-solving performance is measured? Write general tree Search Algorithm.
6. Illustrate problem solving approach through the following examples:
a. Toy problem
b. 8-Queens Problem
c. Some Real world examples
7. How do you differentiate between Informed and Uninformed Search strategies.
8. Demonstrate BFS and DFS with an Example.

Module 2
1. Describe Greedy Best First Search with an example.
2. Describe A* Search algorithm with an example.
3. Explain how Greedy Best First Search would proceed in finding the shortest path from city A
to H using this table. Discuss the nodes that would be expanded, their costs, and how the
algorithm combines heuristic values and actual path costs.
4. Explain how the A* search algorithm would proceed in finding the shortest path from city A to
H using this table. Discuss the nodes that would be expanded, their costs, and how the
algorithm combines heuristic values and actual path costs.

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