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Subject: AABS
Lecturer: MA. Tran Doan Hai Yen
Movie: Family

Group: Ten gi

Trần Hồ Gia Bảo 46.01.701.012 John – UK Father

Lê Tuấn Kiệt 46.01.701.061 Oliver – Elder son
Tống Hiểu Nghi 46.01.701.089 Sarah – US Mother
Nguyễn Ngọc Bảo Trâm 46.01.701.139 Emily – UK Grandma
Lê Trường Phi 46.01.751. 148 Mark – US Grandpa
Lê Trần Thanh Minh Tâm 46.01.751.168 Brown – A friend of Grandpa

The purpose of our film is to explore the core values of family in both the UK and the US,
with a focus on the similarities and differences in caring for elderly family members. In the
UK, the role play highlights the strong emphasis placed on providing comprehensive care
and support for elderly parents, encompassing their physical, emotional, and mental well-
being. Intergenerational support is highly valued, as demonstrated by Oliver's desire to care
for her grandparents and the family's shared responsibilities in supporting new parents. On
the other hand, the US role play showcases the family's respect for Grandpa's decision to
live in a retirement community, emphasizing the importance of care, support, and a sense of
community. The value of sibling support is exemplified through Oliver's willingness to care
for the baby. At the same time, the notion of individuality is reflected in the practice of
having the child sleep in a separate room at night. By exploring these family core values, the
film aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the cultural nuances and beliefs
surrounding the care of elderly family members in both the UK and the US.

Detailed explanation:
- Both the UK and US role plays emphasize the importance of respecting and caring for
grandparents. In both scenarios, the families express their love and concern for their
elders and prioritize their well-being.
- Both families demonstrate a strong sense of family support and responsibility. They
express their willingness to take care of their elders and provide assistance when
needed, whether it's accompanying them to the hospital or visiting them in a
retirement community.
- Love and affection for family members, including grandparents and siblings, are
evident in both role plays. The families express their love and appreciation for each
other, emphasizing the importance of emotional connections within the family unit.

- In the US, Grandpa lives in a retirement community, reflecting a more individualistic
approach where the family supports the older adult's decision. The retirement
community is depicted as a place that provides care, support, and a sense of
community for older adults.
- In the UK, Grandma lives with the family, reflecting a stronger cultural emphasis on
the family's direct responsibility for the care and support of elders. The involvement
and active caregiving of family members are expected.
- The US role play portrays the practice of having the newborn baby sleep in a
separate room at night, emphasizing independence and individuality. This practice
aims to prepare the child for future independence and self-reliance.
- In the UK, parents often hold the newborn baby, symbolizing the nurturing nature
and sense of responsibility valued in the culture. There is a strong emphasis on
family members' involvement in childcare, and parents actively participate in raising
their children.

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