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Excessive use of computer games among children and young people has raised significant

concerns among doctors due to its potential impact on mental and physical health. The
immersive nature of these games, coupled with prolonged screen time, can lead to a range of
detrimental effects on individuals' well-being.

Mental problems that may arise from excessive gaming include:

1. Addiction: Excessive gaming can lead to gaming addiction, characterized by a compulsive

need to play games, neglecting other responsibilities and interests.

2. Poor academic performance: Spending excessive time gaming may result in poor academic
performance due to neglect of studies and decreased focus on educational activities.

3. Social isolation: Excessive gaming can lead to social withdrawal, as individuals may prefer
virtual interactions over real-life social interactions, resulting in loneliness and feelings of

4. Aggression and irritability: Some research suggests a link between excessive gaming and
increased aggression, as well as irritability, especially in competitive gaming environments.

5. Sleep disturbances: Prolonged gaming sessions, especially late at night, can disrupt sleep
patterns, leading to insomnia and fatigue, which can further exacerbate mental health issues.

Physical problems associated with excessive gaming include:

1. Sedentary lifestyle: Excessive gaming often involves prolonged periods of sitting or

reclining in front of a screen, leading to a sedentary lifestyle, which increases the risk of
obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and musculoskeletal problems.

2. Eye strain and vision problems: Prolonged exposure to screens can cause eye strain, dry
eyes, and blurred vision, potentially leading to more severe vision problems over time.

3. Repetitive strain injuries (RSI): Continuous use of gaming controllers or keyboards and
mice can lead to RSIs, such as carpal tunnel syndrome or tendonitis, due to repetitive
movements and poor ergonomic posture.
To reduce these problems associated with excessive gaming, several measures can be

1. Establishing screen time limits: Parents and caregivers can set clear guidelines and limits
on screen time for children, encouraging a balanced approach that includes outdoor activities,
social interactions, and academic pursuits.

2. Encouraging physical activity: Promoting regular physical activity and outdoor play can
help counteract the sedentary nature of gaming and reduce the risk of obesity and related
health issues.

3. Monitoring content and age-appropriate gaming: Parents should monitor the content of the
games their children play and ensure they are age-appropriate, avoiding exposure to violent or
overly stimulating content that may exacerbate mental health issues.

4. Creating tech-free zones and times: Designating certain areas of the home, such as
bedrooms, as tech-free zones, and establishing specific times for unplugged activities can help
reduce screen time and promote healthier habits.

5. Educating about healthy gaming habits: Teaching children and young people about the
importance of balanced screen time, proper ergonomics, and the signs of gaming addiction
can empower them to make informed choices and develop healthier gaming habits.

By implementing these strategies and fostering a balanced approach to gaming and other
activities, we can mitigate the mental and physical health risks associated with excessive use
of computer games among children and young people.

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