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French I Midterm Outline

The midterm will be an interpersonal Speaking on your classes scheduled midterm

It will consist of a 10 minute conversation among your classmates (groups of 4-5). Each
group will receive a topic and group members have a conversation in French about the
topic. In order to have a fair evaluation of each group every 10 minutes I will change the
topics for each group and a new conversation will start.
Topics include everything that the class has learned up to the midterm:
- Get to know each other (geeting, introducing, where you from, where do you
live/someone lives, etc…
- At the school: classes, school materials, likes/dislikes of classes, teachers,
classmates. Describing your classes, classmates, typical day at the school, after
school activities etc…
- Telling time: what time is it? At what time something starts, ends….
- Family, description of family members, friends, classmates, etc.
- Talking about eating/drinking preferences, describing food
- Numbers
- Days of the week

Grammar to use/pay attention:

- Gender of nouns,
- Conjugation of the verbs: aller, avoir, être, boire, regulare “-er” verbs, regular “-ir”
- Futur proche (near futur): aller + infinitive du verbe, ex. Je vais regarder la télé.
(I’m going to watch TV).
- Expressing age, expressions with “avoir” (age, hunger, thrust, ect…)
- Adjectives for descriptions
- Numbers
- Question words
- Locations (next to, behind, etc.)

Prepare 3-4 questions (phase 4), 5-6 (phase 5) for each topic however you will not be
allowed to use any notecards, notes, or any written down materials, etc.

The class will practice for the exam the week before the midterms.

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