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Motion, Speed, and Strength

Science Unit Lesson 3

What concrete is and what it is used for

- Cement is human
made stone
- Powder then
combines with water
- Pours out of cement
- Used for sidewalk,
steps, or buildings
The Berlin Wall
The Berlin Wall

- Left side
- Right side
- Built a wall to not let people be free
- Made from?
- East Berlin wanted people to be free so the wall
must come down
- How?
- How would you knock down a concrete wall?
Different Machines to knock down Concrete

Sledgehammer Video

Explosive Video
Wrecking Ball
Heavy iron ball that is used to
demolish (knock down) old
buildings or walls

Wrecking Ball Video

Wrecking Ball

Hit wall too hard - debris goes flying

Push wrecking ball just hard enough to
get wall/building to fall, but not too hard
where it goes flying
How do you make a wrecking ball hit
hard? Not as hard?
Explain activity
Science Journal after (drawing)

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