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S 4 3 2 1
Unders Demonstrat Demonst Demonstrate Demonstrat
tanding es a rates a s a partial es a limited
of thorough solid understandin understandi
Gramm understandi understa g of the ng of the
ar Rule ng of the nding of grammar grammar
grammar the rule. rule.
rule. grammar

Explana Provides a Provides Provides a Provides an

tion clear and a mostly somewhat unclear or
Clarity concise clear unclear or confusing
explanation explanati incomplete explanation
of the on of the explanation of the
concept. concept. of the concept.
Organiz Engages the Engages Engages the Fails to
ation audience the audience to engage the
and with audience some extent audience
Structu imaginative with but lacks with unique
re and interesti uniqueness. or
captivating ng and captivating
content. engaging content.

Langua Uses a wide Uses a Uses limited Uses basic

ge range of variety of vocabulary vocabulary
Accura vocabulary vocabula with some with
cy appropriate ry inaccuracies frequent
ly. effectivel or inaccuracies
y. repetitions. or

Research about the modes of teaching grammar. Define each mode and provide an
example for each. Write your findings on a half sheet of paper.

Show a picture to the class. Afterward, the following questions will be asked.

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