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1.1 Background 1
1.2 Research Question 3
1.3 Objective of the Research 3
1.4 Significance of the Research 3
1.5 Scope of the Research 3
1.6 Operational definition of Key Term 4
2.1 Previous Studies 5
2.2 Review of Related Literature 6
2.2.1 Strategy 6 Principle of Strategy 7 Application of Strategy 10
2.2.2 Vocabulary 12 Classification of Vocabulary 13 Importance of Vocabulary 21
2.2.3 Strategies in Teaching Vocabulary 22 Advantages and Disadvantages of Strategies in 26
Teaching Vocabulary Impacts of Vocabulary Teaching Strategy 27
2.3 Theoretical Framework 28


3.1 Design of the Research 30

3.2 Setting and Time of the Research 30
3.3 Subjects of the Research 30
3.4 Instruments of the Research 30
3.5 Procedures of Data Collection 31
3.6 Technique of Data Analysis 32



1.1 Background

A language is a communication tool. Language is also important for

everyone to communicate with others. Humans are essentially social beings by

each other communicating, therefore we must understand and study a language.

One of international language that use is English. English is taught to make it easy

for students to obtain information from other countries in Indonesia. In other

words, they are expected to be able to absorb and keep up with the developments

of science, technology, and art.

Vocabulary is one of the language components that should be taught to

support the language. Richards and Renandya (2002) said that the main

component of language proficiency is vocabulary, which provides much of the

foundation for how well learners speak, listen, read, and write. Teaching

vocabulary is one of foundation to the students build their language acquisition

before they develop their language skills.

According to Wilkins (1972) little can be expressed without grammar,

nothing can be conveyed without vocabulary. It means that vocabulary is very

important to be learned because people cannot convey something in

communication if they do not master vocabulary.

Mastering English is not as easy as taking something for granted. Students

have to go trought many steps and parts in learning. One of those parts is learning

and mastering vocabulary in English. Vocabulary is the key to the teaching of the


English language. Students can not understand others or express their own ideas

without knowing enough vocabulary. Unfortunately, mastering vocabulary is not

easy for students, especially for students in Indonesia where English is learned as

a foreign language because English is not easy is not used in daily

communication. Thus, it is more difficult to master English vocabulary.

In presenting English, especially vocabulary, the teacher should be

creative in choosing materials and able to stimulate the students interest. The

teacher needs to manipulate some strategies to support the teaching and learning

process. Ragin and Santoso (2020) state that the learning strategy is a special

method or approach used by the teacher to organize students, materials, methods,

media, equipment and time so that the learning process may be carried out

effectively. Choosing a learning strategy that suits the needs of students is very

beneficial. Teacher should apply interesting and effective strategies in the

classroom so that the students can understand well and faster about what they are


Strategy is the plan or steps to be taken by the teacher to make learning

easier to understand, more enjoyable, and more transferable to new situation so

that learning is not boring. Based on that case, the researcher conducted research

to find out the teachers’ strategies in by English teachers and the impact of the

strategies used by the teachers in improving students’ vocabulary.


1.2 Research Question

Based on the background of the study above, the research problems are

formulated as follows:

1. What are the strategies used by the teacher in teaching Vocabulary at SMA

Negeri 1 Parigi?

2. What are the impacts of the strategies used by teachers in teaching English


1.3 Objective of the Research

Based on the background of the study above, the purpose of this study is:

1. To find out the strategies used by the teacher in teaching Vocabulary at

SMA Negeri 1 Parigi.

2. To find out the impacts of the used by teache rs strategies in teaching

English vocabulary.

1.4 Significance of the Research

The results of this study is expected to contribute some benefits to the

researcher, students, and English teachers. For the researcher, the research can

enrich her experience, insight and knowledge in English language teaching,

especially in teaching vocabulary. For the students, it is expected that the result of

the research can be useful to improve students’ vocabulary mastery. For the

English teachers, they get additional strategies in teaching their students English

especially vocabulary.

1.5 Scope of the Research

The researcher would like to make limitation in order that research

problems are clear, understandable, and specific. This research focuses on

teachers’ strategies in teaching English vocabulary at SMAN 1 Parigi. To describe

what strategies are used and the impacts of the strategies used by the teacher in

improving students’ vocabulary.

1.6 Operational definition of Key Term

The key terms of the study are as follows:

1. Teacher: is people who educate, organize, provide evaluation and conduct

the periodic evaluation with one or more knowledge to all students.

2. Strategy: something related to the execution of planning and execution of

an activity within a certain period of time.

3. Teaching: engagement with learners to enable their understanding and

application of knowledge, concepts and process.

4. Vocabulary: is one of English components or sub skills that must be

taught to the learners, beacuse the vocabulary has the primary role for all




2.1 Previous Studies

In the study, the researchers takes several reviews of related literature from

the other research. The first study was written by Andini (2022) which has title

"An Analysis of Teachers Strategies in Teaching English Vocabulary at SMPN 15

Palu”. This study aimed to describing the strategies used by the teacher and the

impacts of the strategies used by the teachers in teaching English vocabulary. The

researcher used a qualitative research. The subject of the research was 3 English

teachers in SMPN 15 Palu. The result of the research shows 6 strategies used by

teachers to teaching students vocabulary at SMPN 15 Palu. The strategies are

translation, using picture, memorization, playing games, singing a song, and

taking notes.

The second study was done by Munawwarah (2021) which has title

“Teachers’ Strategies in Teaching English Vocabulary To Young Learners”. This

study was carried out to investigating teachers’ strategies in teaching English

vocabulary to young learners and to figure out the teachers perception in applying

the strategy in teaching vocabulary. This researcher used qualitative research to

answer the research question. The subject of this research were English teachers

who graduated from English education and who have been teaching English to

young learners for more than one year. The result presented that the teachers

applied game, picture, memorization, translation, realia, action/mime/gesture, and



The third research was done by Rahman (2022) which has title “An

Analysis of Teachers’ Strategy in Teaching English Vocabulary During Covid-

19”. This study aimed to explores and describes the styrategies used by the

teacher, problem faced by the teacher, and problem solved by the teacher in

teaching vocabulary. The researcher used a descriptive qualitative research. The

subject of this research were the Enlish teachers of SMP IT IMISc Labuapi. This

research shows that there are some strategies conducted by the teachers. The

strategies are memorization, synonym/antonym, translating, and fill in the blank.

2.2 Review of Related Literature

2.2.1 Strategy

Sanjaya (2006) states in education world that the strategy is as a plan,

method, or series of activities designed to achieves, a particular educational goal,

thus a strategy of learning can be interpreted as a planning containing in the

design to reach a certain education. The selection is done with consider the

situation and condition, the source of learning, need and the characteristics of

learners faces in order to reach the learning objectives are effctive and efficient.

Djamarah (2006) suggests that the general strategy is an outline of the bow

to act in an effort to achieve a predetermined goal. According to Hamalik (2001)

the definition of teaching strategy ia overall methods and procedures that focus on

the activities of students in learning process to achieve a particular educational

7 Principle of Strategy

The general principle of using learning strategies is that not all learning

strategies are suitable to be used to achieve all goals and all circumstances. Each

strategy has its peculiarities. This is as stated by Killen (1998), no teaching

strategy is better than others in all circumstances, so you have to be able to use a

variety of teaching strategies and make routine decisions about when each of the

teaching strategies is likely to most effective. What Killen stated was clear that the

teacher must be able to choose a strategy that is considered suitable for the

situation. Therefore, teachers need to understand the general principles of using

learning strategies as fo llows:

1. Goal-Oriented

In the learning system objectives is the main component. All activities of

teachers and students should be pursued to achieve the goals that have been

determined. This is very important because teaching is a purposeful process.

therefore, the success of a learning strategy can be determined from tyhe success

of students in achieving learning objectives.

By setting clear goals, everyone will be able to determine the direction and

also the stages of learning that must be passed in acheving these learning goals. In

addition, Hakim (2005) said, with a clear learning goal, a person’s learning

success can be seen from the extent to which he can achieve his learning goals.

Learning objectives can determine a strategy that must be used by the

teacher. This is often forgotten by teachers. Teachers who like to lecture, almost

every purpose uses a strategy during delivery as if he was that all kinds of goals

can be achieved with such a strategy.

2. Activities

Learning is not memorizing several facts or information. Learning is

doing, gain certain experience following the objectives ecxpected amount and

learning strategies must be able to encourage student activity. Activity is not

intended to be limited to physical activity, but also includes activities of a

psychological nature such as mental activity. Teachers often forget this. Many

teachers are fooled by the attitude of students who pretend to be active when in

fact they are not.

3. Individuality

Teaching is an effort to develop ev ery two students. In essence, the

learning process is to achieve a change in the behavior of aech students. Just like a

doctor, a professional and successful teacher is a teacher or educator who can

make his students successful, not only limited to having sufficient knowledge and

understanding but also being able to deliver their students to achieve their goals.

4. Integrity

Integrity comes from the Latin, integral which means comprehensive,

complete. A person who has integrity can maintain the values, beliefs, or ideology

that he believes in with what he says and does. Integrity occurs when thought

equal words, words equal actions. Thoughts, words, and deeds are a link that

cannot be broken. If one link is missing, it can be said that the person is out of

intgrity. If the cycle runs in dynamic and consistent loop, the person is integrity.

Devlin and Samarawckrema (2010) proposed ten principles of effective

teaching strategy. They are :

1. Focusing on meeting students’ future needs, implying the development of

generic capabilities in students such as critical thinking, tamwork, and

communicative skills.

2. Supporting a student’s trought understanding of fundamental concepts even if

less content is covered.

3. Linking what is taught to real-life, and relating theory to practice.

4. Challenging stduents’ beliefs and dealing with misconceptions.

5. Using a variety of meanimgful learning tasks that engage students, including

student discussion.

6. Emphasizing the interaction that must take place among individual students.

7. Motivating students, increasing thier own enthuasiasm, encouraging them, and

providing them with interesting, enjoyable, and active tasks.

8. Supporting the consistency among curriculum design, aims, concepts, learning

activities, assessment, and future sudent needs.

9. Supporting a flexible lesson plan so that necessary adaptations may be made

based on feedback during the class.

10. Including authentic tasks and

assessments related to the desired learning outcomes.

10 Application of Strategy

1. Visualization

Visualization is a useful technique to process the knowledge that has been

instructed in class. When students receive the information through visual means,

they are more able to retain both the previous learning and new information for a

longer time. Visualization is also a helpful learning process for lower attaining

learners to receive the information in a simpler, clear and systematic way.

To apply this approach into the classroom management strategy, teachers

can apply the following in the classroom learning environment:

a. Use a wide range of visual aids such as pictures, charts, graphs, and


b. Include handsout and outlines for teaching various academic concepts.

c. Show pictures and explain.

d. Remove potential distractions.

e. Leave some space in handouts where students can write notes.

f. Show clear screens while using multimedia.

g. Use colorful illustrations and presentations.

2. Teamwork

Dividing the class into groups to complete a task is a teaching strategy that

does wonders. It is recommended to encourage learners of mixed abilities to work

one another. By doing so, those who have more knowledge of the subject can

share their knowledge and help their peers understand the topic better. Studies of

classroom instruction show that the teachers can promote cooperative learning by

splitting the class into small groups and dividing different tasks amongst students.

For example, in science class one students can experiment, another would read the

instructions and someone else will write notes about the learning process.

previous studies reveal that group assignments improve teamwork and help

students to succeed. For some educators, this is not a preference for teaching

strategies. Group work needs to be well-managed and requires a level of


3. Inquiry-Based Teaching

Encouraging learners to ask a lot of questions is an effective teaching

strategy that does not only motivate students to think more practically but also

helps them to become independent learners. Inquiry-Based learning motivates

students to ask questions and work with one another to solve any problem.

Through this strategy, students tend to show more interest in the learning process

such as formative assessment. Inquiry-based learning provides student experience

of working with one another as a class and also allows students to revise previous

learning and retain new learning in a better way.

4. Student-Ied Classroom

Studies of classroom instruction revea that giving more power to students

allows them to become self-aware of their strengths. To facilitate student-ied

instructions, teachers encourage learners to ask many questions and provide more

frequent feedback. In a student-ied classroom, teachers encourage students to

perform their research online and bring their learning outcomes to the cassroom.

A student-ied teaching strategy is widely used to build greater confidence in


5. Implementing Technology in the Classroom

The productive use of technological tools as active learning strategies in

educational institutions may develop a vibrant learning community, help

educators prepare and improve their lesson plans. Using technology in the

classroom is a valuable tool that prepares students learn 21st century skills. Use of

powerpoint presentations, videos, virtual classrooms, robots and augmented

reality does not only add liveliness to the classroom but may also lead to a more

inclusive and effective learning environment that improves inquisitiveness and

collaboration between the students and allow educators to compile data on student

performance. When classrooms around the world were forced to participate in

online learning, school had to re-examine their institutional teaching methods.

An effective teacher applies the most innovative and creative teaching

methods to teach academic concepts and meet the individual needs of students.

However, the demands of ever-expanding curricular means that educators often

stick to their favoured teaching methodology. We all have our preferred teaching

methodology but it is important to explore evidence-informed pedagogical ideas

that hae the potential to expand our repertoire in the classroom.

2.2.2 Vocabulary

The collection of words we need to know in order to communicate

successfully is referred to as our vocabulary. Linse (2005) states that vocabulary

is one of the critical components of all language instruction, and students must

continuously learn new words as they pick up structure and sound system

practice. It might be challenging to identify words that students use in their

vocabulary in terms of their meanings, spoken and written forms, collocations,

connotations, grammatical behavior, etc.

According to Carpenter & Olson (2011), vocabulary development is

crucial to learning a second or foreign language because it is necessary to express

meaning and convey ideas through receptive and productive skills. According to

Wikipedia, a vocabulary often develops with age and is an essential tool for

communication and requiring knowledge. One of the most challenging aspects of

learning a second language is expanding one's vocabulary.

Mofareh (2015) suggests that vocabulary is the set of words required to

communicate ideas and express the speaker's meaning. The vocabulary is the

words that comprise the language (along with the rules for combining them).

Based on the definition above, vocabulary includes all words of language used by

a person to communicate with others. Therefore, the writer can conclude that

vocabulary is the number of words in a language that students must know in order

to develop all English skills; without vocabulary, students cannot master English

as a foreign language. Classification of Vocabulary

Classification is the systematic arrangement of categories into groups

based on established criteria. For example, some experts distinguish between

active and passive vocabulary. Harmer (1991) differentiates between the two

types of vocabulary. The first type of vocabulary is the one that students have

been taught or learned and are expected to be able to use. Meanwhile, the second

term refers to words students will recognize when encountering but most likely

cannot pronounce. Haycraft, as cited by Hatch and Brown (1995), distinguishes

between two types of vocabulary: receptive vocabulary (passive) and productive

vocabulary (active).

1. Active Vocabulary

Active vocabulary consist of those words over which one can use in his

speech and writing. He knows the meaning of those words accurately. Active

vocabulary refers to the productive side of language. It consists of the words one

uses confidently because he understands their meanings and usage.

In order to give the proficiency in spoken and written language, words

must continously be added to the active vocabulary of the students. Active

vocabulary of a language calls for :

a. The use of right word in rght place.

b. The spontaneous recall of words.

c. Grammatical accuracy i.e., use of correct tenses, inflections and word order.

d. In speech, fluency and ability to reproduce correct sounds, pronunciation,

intonation, rhythm etc.

2. Passive Vocabulary

The passive vocabulary consists of those words, meaning of whic can be

understood when that appear in speech or writing of others but which we cannot

use in our own speech and writing ecause we are not fully conversant with them.

In passive vocabulary, the person does not know the precise meaning of a

particular word and he does not make use of those words in communication.

Sometinmes he can understand the meaning of that word only to a certain extent

depending on the contest. Passive vocabulary refers to the rreceptive side of

language. Passive vocabulary calls for:

a. A recognition of vocabulary in speech or writing.

b. An acquaintance with major grammatical items or forms.

c. The skill of srimulating rapidly the sense of large word groups.

It observed that an undergraduate students has 3000 to 5000 active

vocabulary whereas the same student has 5000 to 10,000 passive vocabulary.

A good communicator tries to turn passive vocabulary into active

vocabulary. it is obvious that words from passive vocabulary shift to active

vocabulary after some years. There is no hard and fast rule of acquiring active

vocabulary. The one and only requirement is the student’s enthusiasm and effort

with some proper directions.

In learning vocabulary, there are some vocabulary aspects that teacher

should convey to students. Mardianawati (2012) said that the vocabulary aspects

consists of meaning, spelling, pronounciation, and word use.

1. Meaning

A word may have more than one meaning when it is used in different

contexts. In order to discover the meaning, the teacher use ways such as guided

discover, contextual guesswork and using dictionaries.

2. Spelling

In learning vocabulary, spelling is important because it aids in reading.

Spelling there maybe different acceptable written form for the same words within

the same variety of English or most commonly, due to the fact that they belong

different varieties as happen with many British or American English terms.

3. Pronounciation

Pronounciation is how words are pronounced. Pronounciation of word is

not related to the spelling so it is difficult to be learnt. Good pronounciation help

receiver easier to communicate.

4. Use

Word use is how a word, phrase or concept is used in a language. Word

use may also involve grammar and thus be the subject of profound analysis.

Thornburry (2002) defines that there are six kinds of vocabulary :

a) Word classes

Word classes can be divided into Lexical categories and functional

categories based on the meaning of their words (Rijkhoff, 2007). Lexical

categories include "content words," which refer to things, events, or properties in

the world (Haspelmath, 2001). Functional categories, on the other hand, contain

words that indicate grammatical relationships or specify features about content

words. These are known as "function words," and usually have abstract meanings

(Haspelmath, 2001).

Sulaiman (1999) divided the words into eight classifications, those are:

1). Noun

The noun is a word used to give the name of an object, a person, a place,

or abstract quality, e.g., school, pencil, Gunawan, honesty, and so on. There are

five kinds of nouns, such as:

a) .Common nouns are the names of familiar objects which denote no

particular person or thing, e.g., girl, boy, chair, book, city, man, woman.

b). Proper nouns are names of particular persons and places, e.g., Mohammad,

James, Sutoyo, New York, Indonesia, Palu, etc.

c). Material nouns are the names of the matter or substance of which things are

made, e.g., mutton, beef, fish, etc. For example, the word "mutton" denotes

the atter of which the bodies of sheep are made.

d). Collective nouns are the names that denote a collection of similar

individuals, thought of as one complete whole. A collective noun points out

some individual whole; therefore, the verb following is singular, as, "The

jury consists of twelve people."

e). Abstract nouns are the names of qualities, states, or actions. It means that

abstract nouns do not relate to things with material existence, such as;

beauty, speed, honesty, courage, truth, etc.

Example : a. Her beauty is incomparable.

b. The motorcar runs at its high speed.

2). Pronouns

Pronuns stand for things but are not the names of things. Pronouns are

words that replace a person or things, for example, I, you, we, they, she, he, and it.

Pronouns are divided into four classes, such as:


a). Personal pronouns, which stand for either animate or inanimate objects, are

those used for persons as well as for things and animals.

Examples : a. I write a letter.

b. You have read the letters.

c. He sells all kinds of toys.

b). Demonstrative pronouns are pronouns that point out the nouns, some

phrases or clauses going before, and are used instead of them.

Examples: a. This is what they bought.

b. The telegram which I received yesterday was an urgent one.

c). Interrogative pronouns who, whom, which, and what are used in asking a

question either directly or indirectly, and they are the same form as the

relative pronouns.

Examples: a. Who has sent the telegram?

b. To whom did he send the telegram?

3). Verb

The verb is a word that says something about what a person or thing does,

did, or has done. The best examples of verbs are actions, events, and processes.

Some examples of the verb are looking, doing, help, and others.

4). Adjective

The adjective is a word used to describe or qualify a noun or pronoun.

Examples: a. The book is new

b. This is a beautiful flower.

5). Adverb

An adverb is a word used to modify any part of speech except a noun or a

pronoun. An adverb can qualify a verb, adjective, other adverbs, preposition, and


Examples: a. You have paid dearly for this.

b. He is very kind.

6). Preposition

A preposition is one of the classes of words or parts of speech. A

preposition is a word placed before or after a noun, pronoun, or noun equivalent

that connects it with the rest of the sentence—examples; at, on, in, into, from, of,


7). Conjunction

A conjuction is a word that connects words, phrases, clauses, sentences, or

paragraphs—examples; and, or, too, as well as, etc.

8). Interjection

Interjection or exclamation expression has no complex grammatical

relation with any other word or words in the sentence. They are only used to

express feelings or emotions, for example, Astaga!, Ah!, Wow!, etc.

b) Word Families.

It comprises the base word plus its inflections and its most common

derivatives. Infectious and derivatives are both formed by the process of

affixation. At the end of the words are called suffixes (-er, -full), while the

beginning of words called prefixes (pre-, de-).

c) Word Formation.

Affixation is one of the ways new words are formed from the old ones.

The other is compounding, combining two or more independent words such as in

used cases, word processing, and paperback. Two words can be stopped to form a

new one: breakfast + lunch: brunch, information + entertainment: infotainment.

Alternatively, the word can be controlled from one section of the greeting and

used in another, called a conversion. Usually, converted nouns become verbs.

Finally, new words can be created by shortening or cutting longer words: flue

from influenza and email from electronic mail.

d) Multi-words units.

Even when words do not join in forming compounds, we have seen that

more than one word, such as bits and pieces, do up, look for, can function as a

meanngful unit with a fixed or semi-fixed form. Technically these as known as

multi-word units, but they are often called simply lexical chunks.

e) Collocation.

Two words or more than two words are collocates if they occur together

with more chance frequency is called collocations, for example, this week, one

more, as well, etc.

f) Homonyms.

Words that have the same form but have unrelated meanings are called

homonyms. For example: how to like and like can be two entirely different words:

I like looking, look like. English is rich in homonyms: well, bat, shed, left, fair,

21 Importance of Vocabulary

Vocabulary as a component of language which is needed by the students in

order to master the four language skills which are reading, listening, speaking, and

writing in learning English especially students of Senior High School. This is

because students listening comprehension, writing, and reading abilities are by

their vocabulary.

How well people speak, listen, read and write depend on the vocabulary

they have. Gough (2002) argues that vocabulary is very important because

without words, people cannot carry the meaning of what they want to say. Ur

(2012) also argues that learning vocabulary of a language is important because

vocabulary means how a word carries meanings.

Harmer (2012) states, in vocabulary learning, students will be constantly

tested to find out their level of improvement in vocabulary knowledge. If the

students do not have sufficient vocabulary knowlegde, they will have difficulties

in recognizing the content thereby failing the vocabulary learning test and lose

interest in English as a foreign language language because McCarten (2007)

states, in foreign language learning, it is impossible to recognize a passage

without being familiar with vocabulary words.

To sum up, te more vocabulary words the learners have the better they are

in communication because vocabulary is an important aspect in constructing


2.2.3 Strategies in Teaching Vocabulary

There are some strategies of teacher strategies in teaching English

vocabulary, from the research finding by Andini (2022), Munawwarah (2021) and

Rahman (2022), also a book which has written by Harmer (1991).

a. Translation

In this strategy, the teacher gave the texts to the students based on the

students’ interesting. The students are asked to translate the text and words based

on the materials that they learned.

b. Using picture

In this strategy, the teacher used picture in taeching vocabulary in learning

materials. This strategy helped students to grab students attention.

c. Memorization

They also often asked the students to memorize a lot of vocabulary. if the

students have a lot of vocabulary. The teacher use memorization in teaching. The

teacher asked the sudents to memorize the words that she have wrote on the

whiteboard but the students must close the book.

d. Playing games

This activity that support the students’ vocabulary were games activities.

The students would be interest and also not feel bored with the lesson. In word

games, the teacher taught by presenting pictures such as picture, clothes, thing in

the bedroom or time. Here, the teacher gave the picture to the students, then ask

them to describe the picture.

e. Singing a song

The other technique that used by the teacher is sing a song. The students

will be active and enjoy the lesson. The teacher teach the students by singing and

ask them to memorize the words in rhyming then students will follow the rhyme

of a song and fill in the blank. Students and interested in learning vocabulary

besides that is if to avoid the boredom.

f. PVN (Personal Vocabulary Notes)

Personal vocabulary notes is a way of developing student vocabulary in a

personalized way while encouraging them to become autonomous learners.

According to Walters (2009), vocabulary notebooks are frequently suggested as

effective tools for students to use to take charge of, organize and manage their

vocabulary learning. In this strategy the students asked find new voabulary words

by themselves that related to the keyword or target word and then put them to the


g. Realia

One way of presenting words is to bring the things into the classroom or

bringing into room. Words like postcard, ruler, pen, and etc. Can obviously

present in his way. The teacher hold up the object or point to it, says the word and

then gets students to repeat it.

h. Action, Mime, and Gesture

It is often possible to explain the meaning of word and grammar either

through the use of realia or in picture. Actions in particular are probably better

explain by mime. Concept like “running” and “smoking” are easy to present in

this way, Harmer (1991). Gesture is useful for explaining words like form, to act

or indicate that the past is being talked about (the teacher gesture backword over

his shoulder).

i. Synonym/Antonym

Synonym and antonym help to enrich student’s vocabulary and provide

alternative words instantly. These can be effective since they build on words and

phrases that students already recognize. The teacher can ask students to bring five

new words then ask the students to spelling, its meaning and the synonym. For

antonym, the students were asked to make lists of opposite words.

Synonym and antonym strategy used by the teacher when there was

students asked about difficult vocabulary, the teacher did not directly give the

meaning of the word but the teacher gave students the familiar synonym or

antonym of that words.

j. Fill in te blank

Teacher used fill in the blank to improve student’s vocabulary. The teacher

provide the students with an incomplete text and asked the students to complete

the text by selecting the words that have been provided. After the students

finished the exercise, the teacher discussed the students’ answer.

k. Explanation

Explanation the meaning vocabulary item can be very difficult the teacher

grammatical explanation can be, especially at beginner midle level, so the teacher

could ask the students to memorize the word and teacher give such explanation

includes information when the items can be used. An explanation is a statement

which point to context and consequences of some object, process, state of affairs,

etc. Together with rules or laws that link these to the object. Some of these of the

explanation may be implicit. When the teacher verbal explanation, he can employ

many of the technique use to introduce interest when teaching the form of the

word. For example, he can write the meaning (synonym opposite, synonym

mother tounge, description) in code or with scrambled letter.

l. Enumeration

Other sense relation is that of general and specific words. The teacher can

use the general words to make the students find the specific words and after that

the teacher can use this to present meaning of words it self. We can say “clothes”

and explain this by enumerating or listing various items. The same is true of

“vegetables” or “furniture”.

m. Contrast

Teachers saw how relations exist because of their sense and thus can be

used to teach meaning. Teachers can present the meaning “empty” by contrasting

it will “full”, “cold” by contrasting with “hot”, “big” by contrasting it with

“small”. We may present these concept with pictures or meaning we ensure our

students understanding. This strategy gives solution to make easy to get the

meaning of the word. Contrast it the same with antonym word.

n. Presentation

Not all vocabulary can be learning through interaction and discovery

techniques are possible, however, they are not always the most cost effective.

There are many occasion when some from of presentation and explanation is the

best way to bring new word into the classroom.

26 Advantages and Disadvantages of Strategies in Teaching Vocabulary

The use of strategies in teaching English vocabulary has several

advantages :

1. The use of memorization strategies can make motivate students to more

enthusiastic in learning English. This strategy is particularly effective for

students with minimal interest in learning English.

2. The use of translation strategies can aid the understanding and retention of

vocabulary. It provides an additional method fo students to grasp the meaning

of words and phrases.

3. the use of vocabulary game can make learning more engaging and enjoyable for

students. Games provide clear goals, challenges and feedback mechanisms that

enhance the learning experience.

Overall, these strategies are effective in supporting the improvement of

students’ vocabulary and can be mutually supportive and complementary to one

another. They facilitate the achievmement of learning goals and can lead to

improved learning outcomes.

There are some potential disadvantages of using strategies in teaching

English vocabulary.

1. Relying too heavily on memorization strategies can lead to surface level

learning and limited understanding of vocabulary. Students may simply

memorize words without fully grasping their meanings or how to use them in


2. The use of translation strategies can sometimes hinder students’ ability to think

and and communicate directly in English. Constantly relying on hinder their

fluency in English.

3. some vocabulary game strategies may not effectively target specific vocabulary

learning goals. While games can be engaging, they may not always provide

focused and targeted practice on specific vocabulary items concepts.

Overall, while strategies can be effective in teaching English vocabulary, it is

important for teachers to consider the potential limitations and adapt their

approach to meet the diverse needs of their students.

4. The use of strategy may require additional time and resources for planning and

implementation. Teachers may need to invest time in researching and selecting

appropriate strategies, creating materials and adapting them to suit the specific

needs of their students. This can be challenging, especially in classroom with

limited time and resources. The Impacts of Vocabulary Learning Strategy

According research findings by Novalia, Azhar, and Syarfi (2019) they

found the impacts of learning vocabulary strategy of words wall media. The

students are excited using words wall media because it is easier to them remember

the word with the picture and large also interesting word. After use this strategy

the students are more creative in make craetion suc as words wall and it makes

them easy to remember the word with practice. This strategy also increase

students reading skill and writing skill.


According to research findings by Dzulfahmi and Hikmah (2020) they

found the impacts of learning vocabulary strategy in using movie in improving

vocabulary and motivation to learn among students across different age groups.

After applying this strategy the vocabulary addition of the all participants is not so

many but all of them agrees this strategy is enjoyable.

Not all participants find that watching movie motivates them to learn

English. One person stated that he thinks that it would be nice if he can

understand what th caracters are saying, but it does not necessarily makes him

want to learn English more. With the subtitle, he thinks that he can enjoy the

movie and understand the story well enough. They found no relation between the

different in age groups and the increase of vocabulary or motivation. The relation

is more apparent with students’ preferrence and personal oppinion about the


2.3 Theoretical Framework

Vocabulary has an important role in learning the English language cannot

be overstated, students can’t communicate effectively and or articulate their ideas

in both oral or written form if they don’t have enough vocabulary. Students who

have a small vocabulary would find it difficult to learn English. They would be

confused and difficult to understand in the learning process if they do not know

how to expand their vocabulary.

Vocabulary mastery plays important role in communication activity.

However, learning vocabulary is not easy for young learners. There are some

strategies to help students in Senior High School to improve their vocabulary


mastery. First is translation, using picture, sing a song, playing games, take notes,

memorization, synonym/antonym. The researcher collected the data about strategy

in teaching English vocabulary and its impact from the English teacher through


Several experts have described the teaching technique. The researcher will

explain the teaching vocabulary used and the result of each strategies for students

in SMAN 1 Parigi, as well as draw conclusions about which method or strategy is

most successful in teaching the students.

English Teachers’ Strategies In

Teaching Vocabulary

Using Picture Memorization Playing Games

Translation This activity that support the
In this strategy, the The teacher asked the sudents
In this strategy, the students’ vocabulary were
teacher used picture in to memorize the words that
teacher gave the texts to games activities. The students
taeching vocabulary in she have wrote on the
the students based on the would be interest and also not
learning materials. whiteboard but the students
students’ interesting. feel bored with the lesson.
must close the book.

The impacts of teachers strategies in teaching English

vocabulary at SMAN 1 Parigi, which included:
Avoids students from being bored.
Helps them to interact easily with their friend and their teacher.
Helps to increase their vocabulary.


3.1 Design of the Research

In this research, the researcher uses qualitative research design because the

data will be processed as a descriptive research. Qualitative research is an

approach for exploring and understanding the meaning individuals or groups

describe to social or human problems states by Creswell (2014). The process of

research involved emerging questions and procedures. Data are tipically collected

in the participant’s setting.

3.2 Setting and Time of the Research

The setting of this research will be conducted at SMA Negeri 1 Parigi.

This school is located on Pramuka Street, Bantaya, Parigi. This study will be

conducted in the academic year 2022/2023.

3.3 Subjects of the Research

In this research, the subject will be taken is someone related to English.

The subject of this research consist of six English teachers at SMA Negeri 1


3.4 Instruments of the Research

Research instrument is a tool or facility which is used by the researcher to

collect the data. In this research, the instrument used for gathering the data were;

interview, observation, and documentation.


3.5 Procedures of Data Collection

1) Interview

In social science, intrviews are data collecting method which involves two

or more people exchanging information through a series of questions and answer.

There are 3 types of interview, those are strctured interview, unstructured

interview, and semi-structured interview. In this research, the researcher used

semi-structured interview. This semi-structured interview is an interview that

refers to a series of open-ended questions. This semi-structured interview can

raise new questions or other questions outside the predetermined list so that

during the session, information meaning can be carried out more intensly. About

the research, the interview had been conducted to gained information from the

English teachers of SMA Negeri 1 Parigi and how they im

2) Observation

According to (Creswell, 2011), observation is the process of gathering

open-ended, firsthand information on by observing people and places at a research

site. Moreover there are many kinds of observation, but in this research, the

researcher use participation observation which means the researcher presents at

the scene of action but does not interact or participate. When doing the classroom

observation, researchers comes to the class but does not join the activities in class.

It is with the reason that the researcher can be able to focus more in observing the

teacher strategies in class. The observation is throught field notes and

observational of teacher strategies.


3) Documentation

Document refers to materials such as photographs, videos, films, memos,

letters, diares, clinical case records and memorabilia of all short that can be used

as supplement information as part of study whose main data source is participant

observation or interviewing (Bogdan & Biklen, 1998). Therefore, documentation

method is a technique of collecting data that is indirectly given to research

subject. The document are syllabus, lesson plan, and pictures.

The research used this technique to support the data collection from

observation and interview. In this case, by using instrument that was document

where could be seen in the teacher’s material to teach vocabulary, the researcher

collected the data about teacher’s strategies in teaching vocabulary.

3.6 Technique of Data Analysis

Data analysis is an essential part of the research process, which is poured

either in writing or not. The qualitative approach focuses on the research problem

demands researcher to conduct the research systematically, in-depth and

meaningful assessment. Data analysis in qualitative research is often carried out

simultaneously or together with data collection. To analyze qualitative data, the

researcher used the data analysis model by Miles, Huberman and Saldana (2014),

who stated that the qualitative data analysis could be done interactively and

continuously. The analysis includes; data reduction, data display, and conclusion

drawing/verification. More clearly as follows,


1. Data Reduction

Data reduction can be assisted by equipment, such as computers,

notebooks, and so on. In reduction data, the researcher will be guided by the

goals to be achieved.

In conducting research, researcher will get many data. Therefore,

researcher must choose data that will provide valuable information in research.

Reduce data will give researcher a more transparent and more accessable look to

carry out further data collection and look for it if necessary.

2. Data Display

Data display is a way of presenting data. It can be done in the forms of

table, graphs, so that it is easy to understand and connect. According to Miles and

Huberman (1994), the display of data presents a set of organized information that

allow the possibility to draw conclusions and take action. In displaying the data,

the researcher describes the data that has been reduced into sentences. Therefore,

3. Drawing/Conclusion

The last step to analyze the data in this research is concluding. In research,

concluding in the final stage to obtain results. Researcher will write conclusions

based on the data, direct observation, interviews, and documentation. Conclusions

will be written based on the data and what has been collected by the researcherd,

then all of them are analyzed to be used as conclusions.



4.1 General History Of SMA Negeri 1 Parigi

The establishment of an educational institution in one place is of course motivated

by various very basic things. In general, the development of an educational

institution is closely related to the demands of modern progress which always

change from time to time, especially the desires society to improve the quality of


SMA Negeri 1 Parigi was founded in 1964 and is the oldest school at the high

school level. Parigi 1 Public High School was founded in 1964 and is located in

the city of Parigi, who was the principal at that time was named Soedarmojo yang

His term of office was 10 years from 1964-1974. This school is located at Jl.

Scout no. 179 RT 09 RW 05 Subdistrict Bantaya, Parigi District, Parigi Moutong

Regency with postal code 94471 led by a school principal named Abdul Muis,

S.PD M.Sc.

The names of those who have served as principals in high schools Negeri 1 Parigi


a. Soedarmojo since 1964-1974

b. H. Hasim Marasobu in 1974

c. Andi Wahha Laudju from 1974-1995

d. Drs. Hairun Labatjo from 1995-1999

e. Drs. Abidin DG. Pasau since 1999-2001

f. Drs. Umar Danial from 2001-2006


g. Wate Irawan S.Pd since 2006-2008

h. Ahmad Saiful from 2008-2012

i. Drs. H. Riyadin since 2012-2018

j. Abdul Muis, S.PD M.Si since 2018 until now

4.1.1 Vision and Mission Of SMAN 1 Parigi

Every work program on the agenda is of course based on one goal to be

achieved so that there is a common perception and makes it easier to carry out

implementing the program. In connection with this, the vision and mission of

SMA Negeri 1 Parigi

a. Vision

To create quality graduates who have noble character and care about the


b. Mission

1) Organizing learning activities referring to achievement competency

attitudes, knowledge and skills.

2) Providing education that provides broad opportunities towards students to

develop talent abilities, and his interest.

3) Organizing education that is oriented towards empowerment a clean,

healthy and comfortable living environment.

4) Foster a clean and responsible spirit and culture in managing the


5) Coordinate and communicate with related parties efforts to successfully

implement environmental care programs and character building.


4.1.2 Student Situation

The teacher's responsibility does not only lie with the child, however in quite

large quantities. quite a large number of children of course from different

backgrounds in the social life of families and communities. Therefore, children

who gather at school have certain characteristics they have different personalities.

The situation of students at SMA Negeri 1 Parigi comes from various

sourcesdifferent regions, religions. That is not a barrier to continue to study at the

school. As for the situation of students in high school Negeri 1 Parigi as in the

following table:

Table 1 The situation of students based on gender at SMA Negeri 1 Parigi

2023 Academic Year

Mans Girls Total

356 561 917

Data Source: SMA Negeri 1 Parigi Office, 2023

Table 4 Condition of students based on education level at

SMA Negeri 1 Parigi

Grade Level L P Total

Grade 10 125 16 291

Grade 11 110 196 306

Grade 12 121 199 320

Total 356 561 917

Data Source: SMA Negeri 1 Parigi Office, 2023


One of the important factors in student learning activities. A learning activity

cannot be carried out without students. Therefore, it cannot be ignored that

students are teachers' partners who cannot be separated from them, students are

also an important component in making the educational implementation process

run smoothly. From the number of students as described by the author in the table

above, it can be seen that the number of students at SMA Negeri 1 Parigi is

sufficient, so that the author can easily carry out learning well.

4.2 Respondent Characteristics

Respondent characteristics are the criteria given to research subjects, so that

the source of information in the research is targeted appropriately. The following

are the characteristics of the respondents in this study, as follows

a. Ibu Aminah

Mrs. Aminah is an English teacher at SMA Negeri 1 Parigi. Mrs. Aminah is 43

years old. Mrs. Aminah has been teaching at SMA Negeri 1 Parigi since 2015

b. Ibu Vinni

Mrs. Vinni is an English teacher at SMA Negeri 1 Parigi. Vinni's mother is 31

years old. Mrs. Vinni has been teaching at SMA Negeri 1 Parigi since 2015. Mrs.

Vinni teaches in grades 11 and 12 English language and literature

c. Ibu Nikma Pakaya

Mrs. Nikma is an English teacher at SMA Negeri 1 Parigi. Mrs. Nikma is 54 years

old. Mrs. Nikma has been teaching at SMA Negeri 1 Parigi since 2005 until now.

Mrs. Nikma teaches in grades 10 and 11


d. Ibu Nadhilah

Mrs. Nadhilah is an English teacher at SMA Negeri 1 Parigi. Mrs. Nadhilah is 24

years old. Mrs. Nadhilah has been teaching at SMA Negeri 1 Parigi since 2 years

ago. Mrs. Nadhilah teaches in grades 10 and 11

4.3 Strategies Used By The Teacher In Teaching Vocabulary At SMA Negeri

1 Parigi

Strategy is planning, or the approach used by the teacher to facilitate the

achievement of a goal in learning. The teacher must think of a strategy in the

learning process, in this case, the teacher can attract students' attention, student

interest, and student motivation, to achieve the expected learning objectives.

Learning will feel very easy to do if using strategy and very helpful for every

student to learn.

Learning strategies or teaching and learning strategies contain a set of actions

that will be carried out in teaching and learning activities. As a plan, the learning

strategy must be able to meet all students learning needs. So, whatever is possible

to make learning objectives achieved by students must be carefully planned.

The strategies used by teachers to increase students' vocabulary according to

their respective methods. Like the strategy used by English teachers at SMA

Negeri 1 Parigi. Based on the results of observations and interviews conducted by

the author, the author discovered the fact that teachers have their own strategies

according to students' needs. As explained by Mrs. Aminah, in the following


"There are 2 strategies that I use here, namely learning models and learning
media. I usually use learning media in the form of videos. Then the learning
model that I use also depends on the material. For example, I usually use the
PBL learning model or Project Based Learning" (Interview on December 17,
Based on the explanation above, Mrs. Aminah uses several strategies to

increase students' vocabulary in English. Mrs. Aminah usually uses a video

learning model and also a PBL learning model.

Project Based Learning is a learning method that uses projects/activities as

media. This method requires students to be able to carry out exploration,

assessment, interpretation, synthesis and information to produce various forms of

learning outcomes. Project based learning is a student-centered learning model for

conducting an in-depth investigation of a topic. Students will constructively

deepen their learning with a research-based approach to problems and questions

that are meaningful, real and relevant (Dewi, 2021).

Ms. Nadhilah also explained the same thing in the following interview:

"Yes, I use several strategies to improve students' knowledge. The strategies I

use are reading text, and the strategy of describing pictures. I usually do this
text reading strategy during lessons using LKS books. Usually I ask students

to read the book first. first. If there is something they don't understand, they
can ask and I can explain. That way, indirectly, if students want to understand
material, they automatically have to know what it means or what the material
contains. In my opinion, this is very helpful students in improving students'
vocabulary" (Interview on December 17 2023)
LKS is a sheet that contains guidelines for students to carry out programmed

work or assignments. Apart from being used as a medium in the teaching process,

LKS It also functions as an evaluation tool for every subject taught based on the

teaching program curriculum, including Social Sciences subjects (Kusnayaian,


The existence of LKS books plays a very important role in directing students

in studying and discovering concepts through their own activities or in groups

because with the increasingly rapid development and progress of science it is

impossible for a teacher to convey all his knowledge to students. However, many

students have difficulty understanding the contents of the LKS, because the

content is incomplete. Students also feel that the LKS book is not in accordance

with the school curriculum. In other words, students are worried that apart from

the incomplete contents of the LKS book, student learning achievement will

decrease. Therefore, the LKS books used must be in accordance with the

curriculum so that the teaching and learning process can run optimally and

learning achievement can increase.

Different from the opinion of Mrs. Aminah, Mrs. Vinni actually explained that

Mrs. Vinni did not have a special strategy for improving students' vocabulary.

This was explained by Mrs. Vinni in the following interview:

"I don't specialize in strategies for teaching or increasing students' vocabulary.

Because in each meeting there is several different materials, right? It's not just
about vocabulary" (Interview on 17 December 2023).

Mrs. Nikma also explained the same thing in the following interview:

"I don't have a particular strategy for vocabulary dek. Sometimes I just ask
students to use a dictionary when they want to do an assignment on
vocabulary or when they want to find out the meaning of a word they don't
know. At the beginning of the learning meeting, I asked students to bring
dictionary, or Google Translator as media and tools to help them" (Interview
on December 17 2023)
Technological developments in this millennial era are really needed by some

people, especially in the world of education, in this case, namely students who

must increase their level of ability in speaking English which can be made easier

by the presence of Google Translate machine in learning.

Google translate is one of the most well-known online language translators

and in its system it uses artificial intelligence, there are many benefits from

Google Translate services for translate languages into other languages, especially

into English, easily without having to open a dictionary or anything else.

Based on the results of interviews with resource persons, it can be seen that

each teacher has their own strategy in helping students increase vocabulary in

English lessons. The strategies they use are also in accordance with the needs of

students and the material. There are also those who do not use specific or special

strategies to increase students' vocabulary.

Based on the results of interviews conducted by the author, it was found that

there were 4 strategies used by English teachers at SMA Negeri 1 Parigi, namely

Dictionary Strategy, Video Strategy, Text Strategy and Image Strategy.

4.3.1 Dictionary Strategy

In implementing the English language learning process, based on the results

of observations, researchers found that the English teachers at SMA Negeri 1


Parigi used the strategy of using an English dictionary to help students who had

difficulty pronouncing or interpreting a word or sentence. Students at SMA

Negeri 1 Parigi experience difficulties in achieving a learning indicator due to

students' inadequate mastery of English vocabulary and students' low interest in

learning English itself.

During the learning process the teacher gives them a shortcut by asking

students to look for the meaning of the word in a dictionary or even telling them

directly the meaning of the word. As explained by Mrs. Aminah in the following


"Yes, it is highly recommended for students to use a dictionary when

learning English, because a dictionary is a tool to help or make it easier for
students to improve their vocabulary. I myself require them to bring a
dictionary or use the dictionary they have during class." (Interview on
December 17, 2023)
Mrs. Nikma also explained the same thing. Mrs. Nikma that:

"Yes, I always ask and remind students to bring or use a dictionary and I
require them to do that. If they don't have one, they can borrow one from
the school library or they can download the Google Translate application
on their cellphone" (Interview on 17 December 2023)
One medium that can support understanding the meaning of words,

especially lexical meaning and grammatical meaning, is using a dictionary. The

use of dictionary media is expected to make it easier for students to learn to

understand the meaning of words. A dictionary is a book that contains words

arranged alphabetically along with their meaning, usage, or translation. A

dictionary usually contains pronunciation methods, syllable patterns, and usage

examples. Dictionary can provides information regarding word derivation, word

meaning, spelling, and pronunciation.


The strategy of using a dictionary was also carried out by Mrs. Vinni and

Mrs. Nadhilah to increase students' vocabulary. Mrs. Vini and Mrs. Nadhilah

explained that:

"Yes, because in learning English, we really need a dictionary. Because if

students don't understand or there are words that they don't know the
meaning of, they can look up the meaning of the word in the dictionary"
(Interview on 17 December 2023)
"Going back to my previous statement, I don't have a specific way to teach
vocabulary. For example, reading, speaking, writing, I use more strategies.
Because usually in vocabulary, in certain classes, I don't focus on just one
material. However , I allow them to use google translate and the dictionary.
I don't apply or assign students to memorize vocab either. I teach more
using body movements or gestures. Like for example Stand up Please. I do
Movements by Standing. Or like Silent Please, then I "asking students to
pay attention to me by clapping their hands 1 or 2x so that students
understand. I encourage them to use a dictionary or Google Translate to
help improve their vocab or to find out a vocab that they don't know"
(Interview on 17 December 2023)
Based on the results of interviews with resource persons, the author can

conclude that the use of dictionaries in the learning process to increase students'

vocabulary is very helpful and useful.

Using Google Translate helps speed up vocabulary mastery because it can

be used directly and practically, without the need to use a thick English dictionary

which makes students lazy to carry. This is indicated by The more students'

vocabulary mastery can be seen from the English learning process. With these

results, the use of Google Translate helps the process English learning and

students can understand study material well.

The use of gestures helps make vocabulary and learning concepts easier for

students to understand by making the abstract more concrete. Through simple

movements that imitate the concept of content or meaning of words, students find

it easier to understand and internalize content and vocabulary (Toninel, 2023).


For example, if the student is not in a conducive situation, the teacher will

make a signal by quieting the student and then slapping the table slightly. By

adding synonyms or short phrases when performing movements, the

understanding or concept of the content comes to life and the meaning becomes

clearer for students.

Gestures can be developed in various ways. What can be done is, with what

movements will help students understand words or concepts. The movements

created don't have to be complicated, just hand or body movements are enough.

In a learning process, there are several difficulties experienced by teachers

in using strategies. In the strategy of using dictionaries, teachers also experience

difficulties such as, some students do not bring dictionaries or some do not want

to share them with each other. This difficulty was also experienced by English

teachers at SMA Negeri 1 Parigi. As explained by Mrs. Aminah in the following


"I can ensure and condition that all students use a dictionary. By being able
to borrow a dictionary in the school library. The difficulty I feel, when
students don't use a dictionary, is when the children don't understand how
to translate something without a dictionary. If there is vocabulary that they
don't understand understand, then I will find it a little difficult. If they use a
dictionary it will be easier for them" (Interview on 17 December 2023)
Mrs. Vinni also explained the same thing. Mrs. Vinni explained that:

"So far, the difficulties I have felt when they don't bring a dictionary,
sometimes I'm overwhelmed to answer their questions. Sometimes I also
tell them to share or share with friends who don't bring a dictionary. But
sometimes, when using the dictionary at the same time, they don't focus
and just playing around. Especially when it's an exam, it will be difficult for
them to answer the questions because some of them still don't understand
and memorize the vocabulary. However, I can still overcome this. If it's not
an exam, I also allow them to use Google Translator on their respective
cellphones. But only when they want to translate. Because, sometimes they
forget to bring a dictionary. But if it's a cellphone, they always bring it. But

they can only use it during breaks. However, there is a dispensation from
me "If you can use a cellphone while studying, but only for translating"
(Interview on 17 December 2023)
The difficulties experienced by teachers are not easy to overcome,

especially those related to the learning process. Based on the results of research

conducted, the fact is that there are still many students at SMA Negeri 1 Parigi

who do not bring dictionaries to school. However, having Google Translator that

they can use using their cellphones can make it easier for them to translate. This is

also supported by research conducted by Ramadhani (2021). In his findings, with

the existence of artificial intelligence, there is now a Google Translate engine or

online-based dictionary that can be used by students so that can make it easier for

students to translate English in learning. This discovery leads to the conclusion

that using Google Translate is very useful in help and support students' abilities in

learning which is very effective and more efficient in its use.

Mrs. Nikma also explained the same difficulty. Mrs. Nikma explained that:

"Usually the difficulty is students who don't have cellphones. Sometimes all
the dictionaries in the library have been borrowed and some students don't
get any. Another alternative is to use Google Translator on cellphones.
Meanwhile, there are still some students who don't have cellphones. So it's
difficult to interpret the words they don't know. The solution is, I ask them
to use them together with their classmates or others" (Interview on 17
December 2023)
In contrast to the opinions of other teachers, Mrs. Nadhilah explained that

she did not experience any difficulties. Ms. Nadhilah explained that:

"So far, there haven't been any difficulties that are too difficult. Because,
especially nowadays, some students already have cellphones. So nowadays,
students don't use dictionaries in book form. They tend to use digital
dictionaries that are on their cellphones. "I also require students to bring or
use a dictionary when learning English" (Interview on 17 December 2023)
Based on the results of interviews with all sources, it can be concluded that

the difficulties experienced by English teachers at SMA Negeri 1 Parigi when


students do not bring dictionaries vary. Some people find it difficult to translate

one by one. There are those who find it difficult to make the class more conducive

and there are also those who feel they don't experience difficulties when students

don't bring dictionaries. because, according to some teachers, nowadays, almost

all students have cellphones, if there are students who are too lazy to carry a

dictionary, then students can download the Google Translator application on their


4.3.2 Video Strategy

The level of vocabulary mastery of today's students is relatively low,

especially since English is considered a difficult subject because they have to

understand grammar, pronunciation and the correct meaning of words according

to the topic being discussed. The most prominent thing is when students are faced

with new vocabulary which they have to pronounce and interpret according to the

context of the material being studied. Besides that, learning will become more

difficult if they learn to pronounce themselves without knowing whether the

pronunciation is right or wrong. Therefore, in accordance with government

recommendations to develop the learning process with the concept of character

education, learning to master English vocabulary based on short videos can be in

the form of YouTube, short films, animated videos and so on. In this case,

learning is integrated, primarily increasing mastery of new vocabulary in English

using the concept of character education based on short videos either via YouTube

or other visual media.


Without exception, the English teachers who teach at SMA Negeri 1 Parigi.

Based on the results of observations and interviews, English teachers at SMA

Negeri 1 Parigi also use video strategies to help students improve vocabulary. As

Mrs. Aminah said in the following interview:

"As a teacher, we have to have lots of strategies in teaching, especially in

improving students' vocabulary. I usually use innovative learning media. As
usual, to improve improving speaking skills I usually display learning media
in the form of animation, so that students’ feel more happy when learning
and curiosity also increases. The reason I use this strategy is that it suits the
model of today's children, so teachers must also have innovation in teaching.
I also apply the video strategy so that children are more enthusiastic about
learning, motivated and further improve students' vocab." (Interview on
December 17, 2023)
Agreeing with Mrs. Aminah, Mrs. Nikma also applies the same strategy to

the learning process. As explained by Mrs. Nikma in the following interview:

"Yes, I also use the video strategy. At school you are allowed to bring
cellphones, but students are not allowed to use them while studying.
However, I allow it on condition that it is only for learning purposes. Like
watching videos that I have provided together. But not often, according to
the material. However, there are drawbacks to using cellphones themselves,
sometimes there are students who have cellphones but don't have internet
data. Things like that make it a bit difficult for me. Sometimes there are also
classmates who have data, but don't want to share. I use this strategy because
it follows current learning developments. Because now everything is digital.
So we teachers also have to be more innovative in using learning strategies
so that students don't get bored easily" (Interview on December 17, 2023)
In contrast to the two teachers above, Mrs. Vinni explained that the

strategies she used were erratic. according to the material and does not depend on

vocabulary alone. As Mrs. Vinni explains in the following interview:

"My strategy sometimes changes, according to the material I am going to

teach. I don't specialize in using videos just for vocab. I use a strategy by
showing videos according to the material, only in the reading and listening
sections. But in that material, "It also includes increasing students'
vocabulary. Actually, I don't always apply the application of showing
videos. Only on difficult material. Sometimes there are some students who
don't understand the material if they only go through books, so by showing

videos these students understand more and understand the material more
easily." (Interview on December 17, 2023)
In the interview, Mrs. Nadhila also explained something different:

"When it comes to videos, actually I rarely do or show videos. But I always

give tips to students to improve their vocab by watching videos in English or
films in English. Because in my opinion, if students watch films in English
"English, l can improve their vocab. And it is an easy and not boring
strategy. Because with this, students tend to be happier and don't feel bored"
(Interview on 17 December 2023)
Based on the results of the interview above, it can be concluded that the use

of video strategies is carried out by teachers at SMA Negeri 1 Parigi on the basis

of ability and curriculum. This video strategy is used so that students do not feel

bored while studying. Apart from providing video shows, there are also teachers

who provide tips on improving vocabulary through recommended videos.

Teachers at SMA Negeri 1 Parigi use video strategies because students are

more interested in audio visuals than other methods. Students feel entertained by

this strategy. The strategies used by teachers follow the current lesson

development model. Nowadays, students are more likely to like things they see

directly compared to just reading books.

However, with this video strategy, the teachers also experienced difficulties.

The difficulties they experience are also different. As explained by Mrs. Nadhilah

in the following interview:

"I rarely show students videos because at this school, we don't have a
projector. So, if you want to use a projector, you have to take turns. So, I
only give tips and recommendations to students on what shows they can
watch when they want to improve their vocabulary" (Interview with
December 17, 2023)
Mrs. Vinni also felt the same difficulty. Mrs. Vinni explained that:

"The difficulty I feel when using this strategy is due to the lack of school
facilities. Instead of delaying lessons just because I'm waiting for the
projector, it's better for me to just change the method. For example, by

playing games and/or other things that students like" (Interview on 17

December 2023)
The results of this research indicate that there are several obstacles What

teachers face in using audio-visual media is the lack of facilities provided by the

school and there are also some teachers who are comfortable with other methods.

Efforts that can be made to overcome the obstacles that occur to teachers when

using audio-visual media are the first to start with learning independently or by

providing recommended tips.

4.3.3 Text Strategy

English is studied by many intellectuals in various parts of the world

because many scientific books and important documents are written in English.

There is some expertise in English that a teacher must master. One of these skills

is the skill of reading texts well and true (Holidaziah, 2020) Reading is a great

thing important to master in the digital era because All information is contained in

digital written form.

The reading stage requires there are many processes in it such as movement

eye mechanics, grammar, vocabulary, phonetics, spelling, and lexicon. All this

process is a bridge to knowing the meaning and impressions through the reading

presented. Reading is also an introductory process visible symbol so that it sends

signals to the brain to understand what the meaning is which is presented. Reading

becomes a way of seeing the world more widely so that you know all written and

printed information.

In the language learning process in SMA Negeri 1 Parigi found many

students have difficulty understanding the meaning and the purpose of a written

text, especially in learning English. For this reason, teachers at SMA Negeri 1

Parigi use strategies for reading interesting texts such as story books, fairy tales or

novels. As stated by Mrs. Aminah in the following interview:

"For reading skills, in English you have to use text reading strategies. To
increase students' vocabulary. The strategy I use in reading skills is also
that I tell children to find vocabulary that is difficult or difficult"
(Interview on 17 December 2023)
It is the same as what Mrs. Vinni explained in using text reading

strategies. Mrs. Vinni explained that:

"Yes. I also use this strategy. Because usually, the material in 1 semester is
different. So the strategies used are also different. For example, in reading
material, I will use text reading strategies to improve students' reading
skills. In In this activity, students also ask more questions about the
meaning of some words that they don't understand. So if this happens, then
I will ask them to look in the dictionary or on Google Translator. With this
activity, it can also improve students' vocab. " (Interview December 17,
The same strategies and methods were also used by Mrs. Nikma and

Nadhilah to improve students' vocabulary. Mrs. Nikma and Nadhilah explained


"Yes. Sometimes I ask them to read fragments of text. For example, there
is a text. I ask them not to read the whole thing, only some of which
contain vocabulary that they rarely know or don't know. I tell them to read
in turns or "take turns. If there are mistakes in pronunciation of
vocabulary, then I will correct them" (Interview on December 17 2023)
"Yes, I often use the strategy of reading texts in learning. In my opinion,
reading texts is an easy strategy to do. Because when learning, students
read books and the books are in English, so usually the strategy I use, I ask
students to read the book and try to understand the contents of the
material. I also usually give a story to students, so when they read the text,
I usually ask what they think about the story or what moral we can take
from the story" (Interview on December 17, 2023)
Based on the results of the interview above, it can be concluded that the

teachers use text reading strategies in various and innovative ways. The teacher

chooses stories based on what the students like. So that these activities can attract

students' interest in the learning process.

In the teaching process, every teacher has his own challenges or problems

which are sometimes difficult to face. Each of these challenges can be caused by

internal factors or within the teacher himself and external factors, namely from

students or the school environment. Even so, teachers must be able to overcome

these problems so that learning continues to run effectively. The difficulties

experienced by English teachers in implementing text reading strategies also vary.

As Mrs. Aminah said in the following interview:

"The difficulty I face in using this strategy is that there are children who
have difficulty reading. For example, what about pronouncements or
pronouncing the words or sentences they find" (Interview on 17 December
Mrs. Vinni also explained the same thing, that there are still many students

who have difficulty pronouncing vocabulary they don't understand. Mrs. Vinni

explained that:

"The difficulty is, sometimes there are still many students who don't know
how to pronounce a word. So I will teach and repeat the vocabulary they
ask about" (Interview on 17 December 2023)
From the results of the interview, Mrs. Nadhilah also felt the same

difficulties. Ms. Nadhilah explained that:

"The difficulty is, there are still many students who don't understand how
to pronounce difficult words. They are easy to read but difficult to
pronounce" (Interview on December 17 2023)
Students often experience difficulties in pronunciation when reading text.

Indonesian students have difficulty speaking English for several reasons, one of

which is due to pronunciation problems, which can cause misunderstandings with

native speakers and make it difficult to communicate with them.


In the beginning, there are several reasons why it is difficult to pronounce

English words correctly. First, some sounds in English may not exist in

Indonesian, or Indonesians may be confused in their pronunciation. For example,

the sounds [f] and [v], Indonesians might pronounce [v] when pronouncing [f], as

in the word "Van" would become "Fan", which would create a big mess in speech.

This may lead to differences in letter pronunciation between the two languages, as

well as the exclusion of letters and sounds. Second, the vowel and consonant

system in English contains many different sounds, as there are 44 phonemes that

are considered by 24 consonants, 12 vowels, and 8 diphthongs. Moreover, English

does not apply phonemic spelling rules, as is the case in Indonesian, for example

the word 'simple' in English, according to the alphabet should be pronounced

/si:mple/, but in reality, it is pronounced /sImpl/ (Saridevita, 2022)

This learning process requires extra patience from teachers and continuous

practice to ensure that students can overcome these difficulties.

4.3.4 Image Strategy`

In its application, image media can shorten a long description, information

explained in words may require a long description. The description can be shown

in pictures, through pictures students can express the meaning of the picture, with

words, students do not need to read long descriptions which take a long time. So

that in this way, students can master vocabulary better and more practically,

because through pictures students can remember it more easily, and students'

vocabulary will be greater because students can remember it more easily.


Teachers at SMA Negeri 1 Parigi apply drawing strategies to improve

students' vocabulary because students tend to like things they see directly. As

explained by Mrs. Aminah in the following interview:

"For reading skills that have been used so far, I present interesting readings
that have pictures. For example, I give readings about legends that contain
pictures that attract students' interest in reading" (Interview on December 17
Mrs. Vinni also explained the same thing in using the strategy of providing

pictures that attract students' attention. Mrs. Vinni explained that:

"I also use this strategy. I make the material as interesting as possible and
that the students like. For example, most female students like Korean
dramas. So I will look for actors in Korean dramas that they like and I
include them in the assignment. Like asking How Do you think about
him/her? And other questions that make students more enthusiastic"
(Interview on 17 December 2023)
Still using the same strategy, Mrs. Nikma also explained that:

"There are materials that require us to display pictures or photos. Because

actually students only focus on the pictures in the book. Not on the text.
That's why I often use this strategy. (Interview 17 December 2023)
Mrs. Nadhilah also uses the strategy of showing pictures to improve

students' vocabulary. Ms. Nadhilah explained that:

"for me showing pictures, it will make students pay more attention to the
lesson and be more interested. Because usually I give pictures, then I ask
them to explain or write down the situation in the picture. So, that way, they
can improve their vocab" (Interview on December 17, 2023)
Based on the results of the interview above, it can be concluded that the

strategy carried out by the English teacher at SMA Negeri 1 Parigi by showing

pictures is very appropriate used to teach vocabulary to students because pictures

can attract attention, ideas, understanding, illustrations or provide variations to

students about something. This can direct students to something real and this

image is very cheap and easy to apply in learning, especially in learning English.

The difficulty experienced by teachers at SMA Negeri 1 Parigi in

implementing this strategy is the lack of school facilities such as projectors to

display larger images so that all students in the class can see the images. As

explained by Mrs. Vinni in the following interview:

"The difficulty is, there are 34 students. Usually when I show the picture I
use a projector, but if the projector is being used by another class then I just show
the picture on my cellphone. Well, there are a lot of students, so some of the
students can't see the picture let alone who sits at the back and sometimes I also
find it difficult to create a conducive classroom atmosphere" (Interview on
December 17 2023)
Another difficulty felt by teachers at SMA Negeri 1 is the difficulty of

explaining to some students who are a bit late in understanding the material. As

explained by Mrs. Nadhilah in my news interview:

"There are difficulties that I experience, such as not all students understand
how to understand writing and speaking in English. So my difficulty lies in
helping them to write and express their opinions" (Interview on 17 December
Based on the results of the interview above, it can be concluded that the

difficulty that English teachers at SMA Negeri 1 Parigi have in implementing the

strategy of using pictures is in the school facilities. The limited number of

projectors that schools have makes it difficult for some teachers to carry out

learning processes that require projectors. such as to display videos, animations

and others.

To get maximum learning results, a conducive situation for students and the

class is needed so that teachers can deliver lessons well and students can learn

with focus. However, not every day the class is conducive. There are times when

the class is not conducive and the teacher finds it difficult to carry out the teaching

process. The method used by teachers at SMA Negeri 1 Parigi to ensure that the

class remains conducive is by conducting intermezzo and reflection. As explained

by Mrs. Aminah in the following interview:

"Every time I explain, I will give students time to ask questions. If there are
children who ask about their lack of understanding of the material, then I
will explain again the material that they do not understand" (Interview on
December 17 2023)
Mrs. Vinni also explained the same thing, that:

"Overall, at the end of every lesson I always ask them about today's lesson.
What obstacles they felt, or what they didn't like about finding me teaching.
That way, I understand the students better and correct the way I teach again.
I don't know "My CSR is boring or what. Sometimes I also ask them, what
kind of method do they want tomorrow. Or what method do you like"
(Interview on December 17 2023)
One way to create a pleasant atmosphere inside The learning process is to

create intermezzo in learning. The intermezzo used is in the form of educational

humor. Television shows with a humorous theme has a high rating. This proves

the humor is the most popular thing. The presence of humor can dilute stiff

situations, break boredom, create familiarity, creating a more conducive

atmosphere, as well as things that can be done soothe the soul. Humor circulating

in society has various forms and function. In terms of form, there is humor in oral,

written and eve forms images commonly called caricatures. Creating a pleasant

classroom atmosphere can be done in various ways, for example by giving a

friendly greeting when starting out lesson. Humor in the classroom conveyed by

the teacher can be a thing which is effective in creating a pleasant atmosphere in


How to create a class that remains conducive is also explained by Mrs.

NIkma in the following interview:


"I approach the students. I ask them one by one what the obstacles are. If
they don't understand, then I will explain it again to the students" (Interview
17 December 2023)
Mrs. Nadhilahm also explained the same thing that:

"Usually at the end of the lesson, I always ask the students whether they
understand or not. But now the students are asked more questions. So as
teachers we are also confused about whether they understand or not. To
overcome this, I usually ask "To each student what they already understand.
If someone doesn't understand, I will explain again. I also approach students
who are a little slow in understanding the material" (Interview 17 December
Reflection on learning is an effort to make students aware of their own

thought processes so they can be open to others. By reflecting, students can assess

"how" and "why" learning takes place and understand what to do after learning is


Reflection activities in a lesson have several essential goals, namely to

assess how students respond in learning, to find out students' interest in a lesson,

the teacher can understand what are the weaknesses and shortcomings of a lesson

that has been presented in class, the teacher can understand the accuracy of a

model. , approaches, strategies, tactics and learning methods that have been

implemented, teachers can understand the needs and desires of students in detail.

This functions so that teachers can make learning more effective on the next


4.4 What Are The Impacts Of The Strategies Used By Teachers In Teaching

English Vocabulary?

Based on the results of direct observations and interviews with English

teachers at SMA Negeri 1 Parigi, the author found that there were 4 strategies

used by English teachers at SMA Negeri 1 Parigi to improve students' vocabulary.

are as follows:

a. The Impact Of The Strategy Dictionary

The impact of the strategy of using an English dictionary implemented by

teachers at SMA Negeri 1 Parigi is that students can increase their vocabulary by

looking for words they don't understand or words they don't know in the

dictionary. Nowadays there are also many digital dictionaries that students can

take wherever they go. Namely by downloading it via their cellphone. The

existence of digital dictionaries makes learning easier for students, because there

are still many students who don't want to bring dictionaries to school because they

are heavy and take up space. It is easier for them to use digital dictionaries. As

explained by Mrs. Aminah in the following interview:

"In using the strategy of using a dictionary, students become more

independent in finding out words they don't know" (Interview on December
17 2023)
Mrs. Vinny also explained the same thing:

"Alhamdulillah, I require students to use a dictionary. If you don't have the

book, you can use a digital dictionary. And if you don't have both, then I will
ask students to share with each other. The impact of using the dictionary itself
is that students become more independent. Student creativity also increases
when using a dictionary" (Interview on December 17, 2023)
Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that using a dictionary,

whether in book or digital form, can make students more independent by finding

out the meaning of words they don't know. Using this strategy can also make

students creative and more patient. The impact on the use of these strategies is

also felt by teachers. Teachers no longer need to explain the words in the material

one by one

b. The Impact Of The Strategy Video

Teaching vocabulary is an obligation for preparing teachers authentic and

appropriate material for students. As is known, there are various variations very

extensive resources for learning vocabulary (Heilman, 2008). By Therefore, the

material selected must be based on the specifics of a topic. That matter intended to

deal with several new words in a range of contexts certain. So that the material

can be accepted by students. In making students understand students, teachers at

SMA Negeri 1 use the strategy of showing students videos to increase students'

vocabulary. By utilizing the internet, students and teachers can access videos that

have been provided by the teacher. The internet provides a lot of information that

can be accessed by the public the whole world. The Internet contains a variety of

media such as text, audio, graphics, animation, video, and downloadable software.

The internet can be used to exchange ideas and communicate between many

people in different locations. The impact of using this video strategy was

conveyed by English teachers at SMA Negeri 1 Parigi, in the following interview:

Mrs. Aminah

"By implementing this strategy, students are more motivated to learn, students'
curiosity also increases, especially in students' speaking skills" (Interview on
December 17 2023)
Mrs Vinni

"By using or showing interesting videos, students become more enthusiastic

about learning. And from there their vocab also improves. Not only in their
vocab too, but in speaking and reading they also improve and become better"
(Interview on 17 December 2023)
Mrs. Nikma and Nadhilah also explained the same thing, that the impact of

using video strategies was very good in increasing students' vocabulary. Mrs.

Nikma explained that:


"They have more knowledge about the vocab they have just heard. For some
students who are interested in learning English, it also really helps them in
developing their knowledge. There are also those who are just indifferent
because they are not interested, right? That's what students' interest is.
different" (Interview on December 17, 2023)
Ms. Nadhilah explained that:

"Because by watching films, they discover new words that they have never
heard before. And from there they start to find out what the meaning of these
words are" (Interview on 17 December 2023)
Based on the interview results above, it can be concluded that the video

strategies used by teachers really help students in increasing their vocabulary.

With this strategy, students also become more active and enthusiastic in carrying

out the learning process

c. The Impact Of The Strategy Text

The use of text strategies has a good impact on students' covabulary. As explained

by Mrs. Aminah in the following interview:

"By using text strategies not only does students' vocabulary increase, but
students' reading and speaking skills also increase" (Interview 17 December
Ms. Nadhilah also explained the same thing in the following interview:

"Students are interested in lessons that don't just rely on material. Therefore, I
use the strategy of reading texts in the form of cheerful stories such as youth
novels. By doing this, students can carry out the learning process actively.
Students are also more curious about the meaning from the words in the story"
Based on the results of the interview above, it can be concluded that the

impact of using text strategies is to help students improve their vocabulary, as

well as improve their reading skills and speaking skills. With innovative stories,

students don't feel bored with the lessons they are learning.

d. The Impact Of The Strategy Picture

The teacher mentioned that the impact of this strategy is the students easily

remember the vocabulary because she showed an interesting picture which is


those pictures were familiar with them and they see it everyday. As explained by

Mrs. Aminah in the following interview:

"There is an impact on the use of strategies by showing students pictures. Because

students ask more questions about vocabulary they don't know. So automatically,
that way their vocabulary increases and improves" (Interview on December 17
Similar to Mrs. Aminah, Mrs. Vinni also expressed the positive impact of

implementing an image strategy. Mrs. Vinni explained that:

"Yes, very much so, especially in reading text material. Showing pictures can
make them more enthusiastic and interested in learning the material"
(Interview on 17 December 2023)In contrast to the opinions of the two
teachers above, Mrs. Nikma and Nabilah actually explained that:
"Yes, for some children there is an improvement. For students who pay
attention, yes" (Interview on 17 December 2023)
"Not all students have improvements after this method. For students who are
not interested in English lessons, they will be indifferent to covabulary, this
is different from students who like English lessons. Of course, their
vocabulary increases with the picture strategy that I do" (Interview on
December 17, 2023)
Based on the results of the interview above, it can be concluded that the

picture strategy can increase students' vocabulary. especially for students who

really like and are interested in English lessons. An image is a certain form Has

striking colors to attract attention child's attention and interest. To optimize

students' exploration power, then by using image medi can present detailed

pictures. For example, students observe leaves A quick glance will only see the

leaves based on shape, color and segments in leaves. However, by using student

pictures can see the leaf fibers clearly thanks to the help of a microscope the

results printed in image form.




5.1 Conclusion

The conclusions obtained by the author are as follows:

1. According to the findings of the research, there were the conclusions of the

research findings: the first is about the teaching English vocabulary and the

impacts that can influence teaching strategies. The strategies used by the

teacher are: strategy dictionary, strategy video, strategy text, and strategy


2. The second conclusion is the impacts of the strategies used by teachers. Those

strategies have positive impacts to improve students’ vocabulary mastery. It

avoids students from being bored, helps them to interact easily with their

friend and their teachers, helps to increase their vocabulary

5.2 Suggestion

The author's suggestions need to be implemented by both teachers and parties

school are:

1. School facilities should be improved and equipped so that they can support

student learning and the teacher's teaching process

2. There should be an increase in knowledge of how to do it use of other media

to help students increase vocabulary

3. Good cooperation between teachers and students is needed to create a

conducive class


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Interview questions for teacher

Name : Mrs. Aminah

Age : 43

Gender : Woman

1. What are strategies do you use to teach vocabulary?

Strategi yang saya gunakan disni ada dua. Yaitu model pembelajaran dan

medie pembelajaran. Kalau media pembelajaran itu biasa nya saya gunakan,

dalam bentuk video. Kemudian model pembelajaran yang saya gunakan juga

tergantung dari mteri. Seperti contohnya, bisa menggunakan model

pembelajaran PBL atau Project Based Learning

2. Do you encourage students to use an English dictionary when studying? Why?

Iya, sangat dianjurkan bagi siswa untuk menggunakan kamus saat

pembelajaran Bahasa inggris, karena kamus salah satu alat untuk membantu

atau mempemudah siswa untuk dapat meningkatkan vocabulary pada siswa

3. Is there any difficulty that you find/feel when teaching students who do not

have dictionary? And can you ensure that everyone in the class has dictionary?

Saya bisa memastikan dan mengkondisikan bahwa semua siswa menggunakan

kamus. Dengan cara bisa meminjam kamus di perpustakaan sekolah . Adapun

kesulitan yang saya rasakan, ketika siswa tidak menggunakan kamus adalah

ketika anak2 kurang paham untuk menterjemah sesuatu tanpa kamus. Apabila

ada kosakata yang mereka tidak pahami, maka saya akan sedikit merasa

kesulitan. Kalau menggunakan kamus kan lebih mudah untuk mereka.

4. Did you apply another strategy, for example, using video in the class?

Sebagai seorang guru, kita harus banyak banyak memiliki strategi dalam

mengajar khususna dalam meningkatkan vocab siswa. Saya biasana

menggunakan media pembelajaran inovatif. Seperti biasanya, untuk

meningkatkan improving speaking skill saya biasanya menampilkan media

pembelajaran berupa animasi, agar anak-anak lebih merasa senang saat belajar

dan rasa ingin tahunya juga meningkat.

5. Is there any impact/effect of increasing vocabulary for students after applying

this strategy?

Iya ada. Dengan saya menerapkan strategi tersebut, siswa lebih termotivasi

untuk belajar, rasa ingin tahu siswa juga semakin meningkat, khususnya juga

dlam speaking skills siswa.

6. Why did you choose video as your teaching strategy?

Sesuai dengan model anak-anak zaman sekarang itu kan, jadi guru-guru juga

harus punya inovasi dalam mengajar. Saya juga menerapkan strategi video

tersebt agar anak-anak lebih antusias lagi dalam belajar, termotivasi dan lebih

meningkatkan vocab siswa.


7. Did you also use text reading strategy in the class?

Kalau untuk reading skills, dalam bahsa inggris harus menggunakan strategi

membaca teks. Untuk meningkatkan vocab siswa. Strategi yang saya lakukan

dalam reading skill juga adalah saya menyuruh anak-anak utuk menemukan

kosakata yang sulit atau susah.

8. Is there any impact/effect of increasing vocabulary for students after applying

this strategy?

Iya, ada. Karena siswa akan lebih terangsang untuk mencari tahu kosakata apa

saja yang terasa sulit untuk diterjemahkan. Jadi, kalau mereka sudah tahu,

jelas hal itu akan menambahkan kosakata mereka dalam Bahasa inggris

9. Is there any difficulty that you find when applying text reading strategy in the


Ada. Kesulitan yang saya hadapi dalam menggunakan strategi ini, ada anak-

anak yang kesulitan untuk membca. Contohnya itu bagaimana tentang

pronounce atau mengucap kata atau kalimat yang mereka temukan tersebut.

10. Did you apply the strategy of showing picture/photo in the class?

Kalau untuk reading skill yang selama ini digunakan, saya menampilkan

bacaan yang menarik yang memiliki gambar. Seperti contohnya, saya

memberikan bacaan tentang legenda yang berisikan gambar-gambar yang

menarik minat siswa untuk membaca. Untuk mencari tahu covabnya


11. Why did you choose showing pictures/photos as your teaching strategy in the


Iya, tetap ada. Seperti yang saya katakana sebelumnya, kesulitan mereka itu

ada pada pronounce nya yaitu pengucapan. Kemudian pemahaman siswa juga

agak sulit.

12. Did you find difficulties when applying this strategy in the class?

Sejauh ini tidak ada kesulitan yang saya alami dalam menerapkan strategi ini

pada saat mengajar

13. Is there any impact/effect of increasing vocabulary for students after applying

this strategy?

Ya ada. Karena siswa lebih banyak bertanya tentang kosakata yang mereka

tidak ketahui. Jadi otomatis, dengan begitu koskata mereka jadi lebih

bertambah dan meningkat

14. How did you overcome the students’ difficulties in the class to ensure they

comprehend the learning topic/material?

Yang pertama adalah manajemen kelas yang bagus, karena kalau ketika saat

mengajar, jika tidak menggunakan manajemen yang bagus, maka siswa

dalam mengikuti pembelajaran itu, siswa tidak akan kondusif. Kemudian,


sebagai guru, kita juga harus menggunakan model-model pembelajaran yang

inovatif, contohnya model pembelajaran PBL

15. Overall, how did you provide understanding to the students who do not

comprehend the learning topic/material that has been explained?

Setiap kalau saya menjelaskan, saya akan memberikan waktu kepada siswa

untuk bertanya. Jika ada anak yang bertanya tentang ketidakpahaman mereka

tentang materi, maka saya akan menjelaskan kembali materi yang mereka

tidak pahami.

Interview questions for teacher

Name : Mrs. Nadhilah

Age : 24

Gender : Woman

1. What are strategies do you use to teach vocabulary?

Iya, saya menggunakan beberapa strategi untuk meningkatkan kostata pada

siswa. Strategi yang saya gunakan yaitu membaca teks, dan strategi

mendeskripsikan gmbar. Kalau strategi membaca teks itu biasnaya saya

lakukan pada saat pembelajaran yang menggunakan Buku LKS. Biasanya saya

memint siswa untuk membaca bukunya terlebh dahulu. Apabila ada yang

mereka kurang mengerti, mereka bisa bertanya dan saya bisa menjelaskan.

Dengan begitu, secara tidak langsung apabila siswa ingin memahami suatu

materi, otomatis mereka harus mengetahui ap aarti nya atau apa isi materi

tersebut. Menurut saya, hal tersebut sangat embantu siswa dalam

meningkatkan vocabulary siswa

2. Do you encourage students to use an English

dictionary when studying? Why?

Iya, karena dalam pembelajaran Bahasa inggriskan, kita sangat membutuhkan

kamus ya. Karena kalau siswa kurang memahami atau ada kata-kata yang

mereka tidak tahuartinya, mereka dapat mencari arti kata tersebt di kamus.

3. Is there any difficulty that you find/feel when

teaching students who do not have dictionary? And can you ensure that

everyone in the class has dictionary?

Sejauh ini, tidak ada kesulitan yang terlalu menyulitkan ya. Karena, apalagi di

zaman sekarang, sebagian siswa itu sudah memiliki handphone. Jadi kalau

sekarang, siswa itu kurang menggunakan kamus dalam bentuk buku. Mereka

cenderung menggunakan kamus digital yang ada di handphone mereka. Saya

juga mewajibkan siswa untuk membawa atau menggunakan kamus pada saat

pembelajaran Bahasa inggris.

4. Did you apply another strategy, for example, using

video in the class?

Kalau untuk video, sebenarnya saya jarang melakukan atau menampilkan

video. Tetapi saya sellau memberikan tips-tips kepada siswa untuk

meningkatkan vocab mereka dengan cara menonton video yang berbahasa

inggris atau fil-film yang berbahasa inggris. Karena menurut saya, apabila

siswa menonton film Bahasa inggris,l itu dapat meningkatkan vocab mereka.

Dan itu merupakan strategi yang mudah dan tidak membosankan. Karena

dengan hal tersebt, siswa cenderung lebih senang dan ridak merasa bosan.

5. Is there any impact/effect of increasing vocabulary

for students after applying this strategy?


Ya, ada karena dengan menonon film kan, mreka menemukan kata-kata baru

yang belum pernah mereka dengan sebelumnya. Dan dari situ mereka mulai

mencari tahu ap aarti dari kata tersebut. Dalam strategi tersebut saya

mengalami kesulitan, karena disekolah kami kan kekurngan infocus. Dan

kami memakai nya secara bergantian. Maka dari itu saya jarang menampilkan


6. Why did you choose video as your teaching strategy?

Karena siswa menyukkai hal tersebut. Dengan menonton video yang

berbahasa ingngris, minat dan motivasi siswa dalam mbelajar juga


7. Did you also use text reading strategy in the class?

Iya, saya sering menggunakan strategi membaca teks dalam peembelajaran.

Menurut saya, dengan membaca teks itu, salah satu strategi yang mudah

untuk dilakukan. Karena ketika pembelajaran kan, siswa membaca buku dan

bukunya itu berbahasa inggris, jadi biasanya strategi yang saya gunakan, saya

meminta siswa membaca bukunya dan mencoba memahami isi dari materi

tersebut. Saya juga biasanya memberikan suatu cerita kepada siswa, jadik

ketika mereka mmebaca teks tersebut, saya biasanya meminta pendapat

mereka bagaimana tentang cerita tersebut atau moral apa yang dapat kita

ambil pada cerita tersebut


8. Is there any impact/effect of increasing vocabulary for students after applying

this strategy?

Iya, sangat ada. Karena, ketika siswa membaca cerita dan ada kata yang

mereka tidak tahu artinya, mereka akan meencari tahu arti kata tersebut atau

bertanya kepada saya. Dengan begitu, akan menambah kosakata siswa

9. Is there any difficulty that you find when applying text reading strategy in

the class?

Kesulitannya, masih banyak siswa yang kurang memahami cara pengucapan

kaa-kata yang sulit. Mereka mudah untuk membaca namun sulit dalam


10. Did you apply the strategy of showing picture/photo in the class?

Iya, saya biasanya menggunakan gambar saat mengajar

11. Why did you choose showing pictures/photos as your teaching strategy in

the class?

Dengan saya menunjukkan gambar, maka akan dapat membuat siswa lebih

memperhatikan pelajaran dan lebih tertarik. Karena biasanya saya

memberikan gambar, kemudian saya meminta mereka untuk menjelaskan

atau menuliskan, situasi yang ada pada gambar tersebut. Nah, dengan begitu,

dapat meningkatkan vocab mereka.


12. Did you find difficulties when applying this strategy in the class?

Ada kesulitan yang saya alami, seperti tidak semua siswa memahami cara

memahami menulis dan berbicara dalam Bahasa inggris. Jadi kesulitan saya

distu, membantu mereka untuk menulis dan mengeluarkan opini mereka

13. Is there any impact/effect of increasing vocabulary for students after

applying this strategy?

Tidak semua siswa memiliki peningkatan setelah metode tersebut. bagi siswa

yang memang tidak ada minat pada pelajaran bhaasa inggris, mereka akan

acuh tak acuh pada covabulary, lain hal dengan siswa yang menyukai

pelajaran bahasa inggris. tentu, kosakata mereka meningkat dengan adanya

strategi gambar yang saya lakukan

14. How did you overcome the students’ difficulties in the class to ensure

they comprehend the learning topic/material?

Biasanya, saat saya mengajar. Kalau sudah masuk ke bagian pertengahan

pembelajaran, biasanya focus siswa itu sudah mulai pecah. Kadang mereka

jadi lebih rebut dan tidak kondusif. Cara untuk membuat kondisi lbih

kondusif saya biasanya memberikan mereka pertanyaan dengan begitu focus

mereka jadi kembali. Setelah itu saya meminta siswa memahami kembali

matmeri yang sudah di baca


15. Overall, how did you provide understanding to the students who do not

comprehend the learning topic/material that has been explained?

Biasanya di akhir pembejalaran, saya selalu bertanya kepada siswa apakah

mereka sudah paham ata belum. Cuman kan sekrang itu siswa kalau di tanya

lebih banyak diamna. Jadi sebgai guru kita juga bingung merek sudah paham

ata belum. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut, saya biasanya bertanya kepada

masing-masing siswa apa yang sudah mereka paham. Apabila ada yang belum

paham, saya akan menjelaskan kembali. Saya juga melakukan pendekatan

kepada siswa yang sedikit lambat dalam pemahaman materi.


Interview questions for teacher

Name : Mrs. Nikma

Age : 54

Gender : Woman

1. What are strategies do you use to teach vocabulary?

Saya tidak mempunya strategi tertentu dek. Terkadang saya hanya meminta

siswa untuk menggunakan kamus apabila mau mengerjakan tugas tentang

vocab atau ketika mereka ingin mencari tahu arti kata dari yang mereka tidak

ketahui. Pada awal pertemuan pembelajaran, saya memang sudah meminta

siswa untuk membawa kamus, atau google translator sebagai media dan alat

untuk membantu mereka

2. Do you encourage students to use an English

dictionary when studying? Why?

Iya, saya selalu meminta dan mengingatkan siswa untuk membawa atau

menggunakan kamus dan saya mewajibkan mreka untuk hal itu. Kalau mereka

tidak punya, mereka bisa meminjam pada perpustakaan sekolah, atau mereka

bisa mengunduh aplikasi google translate di hp mereka

3. Is there any difficulty that you find/feel when

teaching students who do not have dictionary? And can you ensure that

everyone in the class has dictionary?


Biasanya yang menjadi kesulitan itu, siswa yang tidak memiliki hp. Kadang

kamus di perpustakaan sudah di pinjam semua dan beberapa siswa tidak

kebagian. Alternative lain yaitu menggunakan google translator pada hp.

Sedangkan, masih ada beberapa siswa yang tidak memiliki hp. Jadi kesulitan

untuk mengartikan kata-kata mereka tidak ketahui. Solusinya yaitu , saya

meminta mereka sama-sama menggunakannya dengan teman sebangku atau

yang lain.

4. Did you apply another strategy, for example, using

video in the class?

Iya, saya juga menggunakan strategi video. Disekolah kan boleh membwa hp

tapi tidak boleh digunakan saat belajar. Namun saya mengizinkan dengan

syarat hanya untuk keperluan pembelajaran saja. Seperti menonton video yang

telah saya berikan secara Bersama-sama. Tapi tidak sering ya, sesuai dengan

materi saja. Namun ada kekurangan dari penggunaan handphone itu sendiri,

kadang ada siswa yang memiliki hp tapi tidak memiliki data internet. Hal-hal

semacam itu yang membuat saya agak sedikit kesulitan. Kadang ada juga

teman sebangku yang memiliki data, tapi tidak mau berbagi.

5. Is there any impact/effect of increasing vocabulary

for students after applying this strategy?

Iya, ada. Mereka jadi lebih banyak memiliki pengetahuan tentang vocab yang

baru saja mereka dengar. Bagi beberapa siswa yang memiliki minat pada

pelajaran Bahasa inggris, juga sangat membantu mereka dalam

mengembangkan pengetahuan. Ada juga yang cuek-cuek saja karena kurang

tertarik ya. Kan minat siswa itu berbeda Why did you choose video as your

teaching strategy?

Saya menggunakan strategi tersebut karena mengikuti perkembangan

pembelajaran saat ini ya. Karena sekarang kan serba digital. Jadi kami para

guru juga harus lebih inovatif dalam menggunakan strategi pembelajaran agar

siswa tidak gampng bosan

6. Why did you choose video as your teaching


Saya menggunakan strategi tersebut karena mengikuti perkembangan

pembelajaran saat ini ya. Karena sekarang kan serba digital. Jadi kami para

guru juga harus lebih inovatif dalam menggunakan strategi pembelajaran agar

siswa tidak gampng bosan

7. Did you also use text reading strategy in the class?

Iya, Kadang-kadang saya menyuruh mereka untuk membaca penggalan-

penggalan teks. Misalnya ada sebuah teks. Saya memintah mereka membaca

itu tidak keseluruhan hanya beberapa saja yang terdapat kosakata yang jarang

mereka dengan atau tidak mereka ketahui. Saya menyuruh mereka membaca

secara bergilir atau secara bergantian. Apabila ada kesalahan terhadap

pengucapan kosakata, maka saya akan memperbaikinya


8. Is there any impact/effect of increasing vocabulary

for students after applying this strategy?

Iya ada. Setelah mereka berulang-ulang membaca pada kesalahan

pengucapaan kosakata, maka otomatis mereka akan terus ingat kosakata

tersebut. Dan ketika diminta di baca kembali, mereka sudah mampu

mengucapkan dengan benar

9. Is there any difficulty that you find when applying

text reading strategy in the class?

Alhamdulillah, selama ini tidak ada kesulitan bagi saya dalam menggunakan

strategi itu dek

10. Did you apply the strategy of showing picture/photo

in the class?

Iya, ada materi yang mewajibkan kita untuk menampilkan gambar atau foto.

Karena sebenanrya siswa itu hanya focus terhadap gambar yang ada di buku

saja. Tidak pada teksnya. Untuk saya sering menggunakan strategi tersebt.

saya menampilkan gambar yang ada pada buku teks saja. Karena

keterbatasan in focus di sekolah, jadi jarang menampilkan yang lain.

11. Why did you choose showing pictures/photos as

your teaching strategy in the class?


Karena dengan menampilkan gambar, siswa menjadi lebih tertarik untuk

belajar dan juga siswa lebh mudah memahami pembbelajaran

12. Did you find difficulties when applying this strategy

in the class?

Alhamdulillah, tidak ada dek

13. Is there any impact/effect of increasing vocabulary

for students after applying this strategy?

Ya, bagi sebagian anak ada peningkatan. Bagi siswa vyang perhatian saja ya.

14. How did you overcome the students’ difficulties in

the class to ensure they comprehend the learning topic/material?

Kadang-kkadang saat pembelajaran saya selingi dengan suasana yang santai.

Kadang juga saya selingi dengan game dan juga jokes. Aagar mereka tidak

terlalu tegang dalam belajar

15. Overall, how did you provide understanding to the

students who do not comprehend the learning topic/material that has been


Saya melakukan pendekatan dengan siswa. Saya tanya mereka satu persatu,

apa yang menjadi kendala. Apabila mereka kurang paham, maka saya akan

menjelasskan kembali pada siswa


Interview questions for teacher

Name : Mrs. Vinni

Age : 31

Gender : Woman

1. What are strategies do you

use to teach vocabulary?

Saya tidak mengkhususkan strategi dalam mengajar vocab. Karena dalam

setiap peremuan kan ada beberapa materi yang berbeda ya. bukan hanya

tentang vocabulary saja

2. Do you encourage students to

use an English dictionary when studying? Why?

Kembali lagi pada pernyataan saya sebelumnya, saya tidak ada spesifik

bagaimana cara mengajarkan vocab. Misalnya, Reading, speaking,writing,

saya lebih menggunakan strategi. Karena bisanya dalam vocab, jika dikelas2

tertentu, saya tidak focus terhadap 1 materi saja. Akan tetapi, saya

mengizinkan mereka untuk menggunakan google translate dan kamus. Saya

tidak menerapkan atau menugaskan siswa untuk menghfalkan vocab juga.

Saya lebih mengajar menggunakan geraka. Seperti misalnya Stand up Please.

Saya melakukan Gerakan dengan Berdiri. Atau seperti Silent Please, maka

saya meminta siswa untuk memperhatikan saya dengan menunjukkan

menepuk tangan 1 atau 2x agar siswa paham. Saya lebih menganjurkan

mereka untuk menggunakan kamus atau google translate untuk membantu


meningkatkan vocab mereka atau untuk mengetahui suatu vocab yang mereka

tidak ketahui

3. Is there any difficulty that

you find/feel when teaching students who do not have dictionary? And can

you ensure that everyone in the class has dictionary?

Sejauh ini, kesulitan yang saya rasakan ketika mereka tdk membawa kamus,

terkadang saya kewalahan untuk menjawab pertanyaan mereka. Kadang jug

saya menyuruh mereka untuk sharing atau berbagi dengan teman yang tidak

membawa kamus. Namun terkadang, ketika menggunakan kamus secara

bersamaan, mereka tidak focus dan hanya bermain-main saja. Apalagi kalau

sedang ujian, mereka akan kesulitan untuk menjawab soal karena sebagian

dari mereka masih banyak yang kurang memahami dan menghafal kosakata.

Namun hal tersebut, masih dapat saya atasi. Kalau tidak sedang ujian, saya

juga mengizinkan mereka untuk menggunakan google translator

menggunakan Hp dek. Tpi hanya pada saat ini melakukan translate saja ya.

Soalnya, kalau kamus kan kadang mereka lupa bawa. Tpi kalau hape, mereka

selalu bawa. Tpi boleh digunakan saat istirahat saja. Namun, ada dispensasi

dari saya, boleh menggunakan hp saat pembelajaran tetapi untuk melakukan


4. Did you apply another

strategy, for example, using video in the class?


Strategi saya kadang berubah-ubah dek, sesuai dengan materi yang akan saya

ajar. Saya tidak mengkhususkan penggunaan video hanya untuk vocab saja.

Saya menggunakan strategi dengan menamplkan video sesuai dengan materi,

pada bagian reading dan listening saja. Tpi kan dalam materi tersebut, juga

termasuk dalam meningkatkan kosakata siswa ya.

5. Is there any impact/effect of increasing vocabulary for students after applying

this strategy?

Iya dek ada. Dengan menggunakan atau menampilkan video yang

menarik,siswa itu jadi lebih semangat belaajr. Dan dari situ kan vocab

mereka juga semakin meningkat. Bukan hanya pada vocab mereka juga, tapi

pada speaking dan reading mereka juga semakin meningkat menjadi lbih


6. Why did you choose video as

your teaching strategy?

Sebenarnya, penerapan menampilkan video itu tidak sellau saya terapkan

dek. Hanya pada materi yang sulit saja. Kadang ada beberapa siswa yang

kurang memahami materi kalau hanya melalui buku, maka dengan

menampilkan videom siswa tersebut jadi lebih paham dan mudah memahami

materi. Saya memilih untuk menampilkan video yang menarik itu, untuk

dapat menarik minat siswa dek. Supaya siswa itu tidak bosan juga dalam


7. Did you also use text reading

strategy in the class?

Iya, Saya juga menggunakan strategi tersebut. Karena biasanya, materi dalam

1 semester itu berbeda-beda. Maka strategi yang digunakan juga berbeda-

beda. Seperti misalnya pada materi reading, nah saya akan menggunakan

strategi membaca teks untuk meningkatkan kemampuan membaca siswa.

Dalam kegiatan tersebut, siswa kan juga lebih banyak bertanya mengenai arti

dari beberapa kata yang mereka kurang pahami. Nah jika hal tersebut terjadi,

maka saya akan meminta mereka untuk mencari di kamus atau di google

translator. Dengan adnya kegiatan tersebut kan juga dapat meningkatkan

vocab siswa ya

8. Is there any impact/effect of

increasing vocabulary for students after applying this strategy?

Jelas ada ya. Kan mereka banyak bertanya mengenai kata-kata yang belum

pernah mereka dengar. Dengan hal itu, maka mereka juga akan mencari tahu,

apa sih artinya ini, ini dan ini.

9. Is there any difficulty that

you find when applying text reading strategy in the class?

Kesulitannya yaitu, kadang masih banyak siswa yang tidak tahu bagaimana

cara pengucapan suatu kata. Maka saya akan mengajarkan dan mengulang

kembali kosa kata yang mereka tanyakan tersebut.


10. Did you apply the strategy of

showing picture/photo in the class?

Iya, saya menggunakan strategi tersebut. Saya membuat materi semenarik

mungkin dan disukai oleh siswa. Seperti misalnya, siswa perempuan kan

kebanyakan suka nih sama drama korea. Maka saya akan mencari actor-aktor

pemeran drama korea yang mereka sukai dan saya masukkan pada tugas.

Seperti menanyakan How Do you think about him/her? Dan lain-lain.

11. Why did you choose showing

pictures/photos as your teaching strategy in the class?

Saya menggunakan strategi tersebut agar siswa tidak mudah jenuh pada saat

belajar. Agar siswa juga lebih menyukai pelajaran dan termotivasi untuk

meningkatkan keingintahuan mereka

12. Did you find difficulties

when applying this strategy in the class?

Kesulitanya itu, siswanya kan 34. Biasanya ketika saya memperlihatkan

gambarnya kan menggunakan in focus, tpi kalau in focus sedang di gunakan

oleh kelas lain maka sya menunjukkan gambarnya melalui hp saya saja.

Nah, siswa kan banyak ya, jadi sebagian siswa itu tidak dapat melihat

gambarnya apalagi yang duduk dibagian belakang dan kadang juga sya

merasa kesulitan untuk mengkondusifkan suasana kelas.


13. Is there any impact/effect of

increasing vocabulary for students after applying this strategy?

Ya, sangat ada, apalgi dalam materi teks reading ya. Menampilkan gambar

dapat membuat mereka semakin semangat dan tertarik pada pembelajaran


14. How did you overcome the

students’ difficulties in the class to ensure they comprehend the learning


Awal memulai pembelajaran itu siswa masih kondusif, tpi kalau sudah

menuju akhir pembelajaran siswa mulai tidak kondusif. Cara saya agar siswa

kondusif itu, saya melihat siswa tanpa berkata-kata atau menegur tpi

menunjukkan mimik wajah yang agak sedikit cemberut. Dengan begitu,

biasanya siswa akan sadar, bahwa mereka berbuat salah atau saya sedang

marah kepada mereka karena tidak kondusif. Namun hal-hal itu dapat saya

maklumi, Namanya juga remaja ya

15. Overall, how did you provide

understanding to the students who do not comprehend the learning

topic/material that has been explained?

Secara keseluruhan, setiap akhir pembelajaran saya selalu bertanya kepada

mereka tentang pembelajaran hari ini. Apa kendala yang mereka rasakan,

atau apa yang mereka tidak suka dari cari saya mengajar. Dengan begitu,

saya jadi lebih memahami siswa dan mengkoreksi cara mengajar saya lagi.

Entah csra saya yang membosankan atau apa. Kadang saya jga bertanya

kepada mereka, besok ingin metode yang seperti apa. Atau metode yang

bagaimana yang kalian suka.

Interview With Mrs. Vinni

Interview With Mrs. Nadhilah


Interview With Mrs. Aminah


Interview With Mrs. Nikma



Research Schedule

November Desember Januari Februari

No Activity
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

1 Proposal Writing

2 Seminar Proposal

3 Collecting Data

4 Interpreting Data

5 Finding Seminar

6 Journal Writing

Manuscript Exam

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